Nagato came to Kanon in a few steps and hugged her body.

"Kane, are you okay?"

"Brother..." Kanon's Sharingan changed again, this is Tsukuyomi.

Nagato seemed to understand and stopped resisting Tsukuyomi.

In Tsukuyomi, Kanon controlled Nagato's body.

"Since you have made your choice, let me do what you want to see as your sister for the last time..."

"The cancellation of the Impure World Reincarnation, just consider it as my last gift to you as a family..." Kanon said lightly.

The Impure World Reincarnation has been basically sealed, and the remaining ones, except for Madara and Nagato, have little impact on the battlefield. Kanon doesn't believe that Madara will have no means to get rid of the Impure World Reincarnation.

So fewer strange guys may be more beneficial to the main battlefield, and there is no need for the Impure World Reincarnation at this time.

It would be good if there is no one to interfere in the main battlefield. Kanon doesn't like this technique very much. After the cancellation, she and Kabuto will be more relaxed.

Seeing Sasuke and Itachi in the distance both showing distressed expressions, Kanon just laughed.


"Don't make that expression, you two brothers, after this technique is released, I will have no contact with you..."

Nagato waved his hands.

"Impure World Reincarnation Technique, Release!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi and Nagato's bodies emitted light, but Kanon made another seal.

"Impure World Reincarnation, Release!"

Nagato's Impure World Reincarnation began to stop dissipating, and others began to release the Impure World Reincarnation, but Nagato, under Kanon's control, actually got rid of the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Little Kanon... you!"

"Go back to see Sister Xiaonan... Senior Brother, and then go to the main battlefield to help my main body..."

Nagato looked at the dying Kanon with a somewhat painful expression.

"I'm just a shadow clone. It's almost time. Thank you, brother... Let's go to the main battlefield."

"I understand." Nagato nodded slightly. This was Kanon's instruction. He just needed to help. He glared at Sasuke fiercely and left immediately. Kanon's real body was the most important.

Sasuke didn't pay attention to Nagato's eyes. He just looked at Itachi and Kanon who was coughing up blood and tears on the other side.

"It seems that everything I do is in vain..."

"When I came out earlier, it was Kanon's shadow clone that let me out, and then I found you."

"The reason why I followed you all the way here was to confirm whether what Afei and Danzo said was true..."

"But I confirmed more than that..."

"When you, Kanon and I confronted each other on this battlefield, it reminded me of the past."

"When I was a child, I admired my brother and wanted to protect my sister."

"But that's why I don't want to see it like this now."

Sasuke couldn't bear to look at Kanon lying on the ground with all her limbs broken, and Itachi who was slowly glowing because of the release of the Impure World Reincarnation.

"The closer we are to each other, the more I understand you, but this will only make Hanako more and more painful."

"I hate Konoha more and more for causing all the tragedies."

"This hatred is stronger than before, and it's all caused by Konoha..."

"I understand what you want me to do."

"Perhaps it's because you are my brother that you deny me."

"But it's also because I am your brother, so no matter what you say, I won't stop."

"Even if it's Konoha Village that you want to protect, I will definitely destroy it."

"Because he has brought countless pain to me, you, and Hanako!"

Listening to Sasuke's words, Uchiha Itachi's body began to tremble, and he staggered towards Sasuke.

"I can feel my consciousness gradually blurring."

"Before we say goodbye forever, I'll tell you the answer you want to know."

"There's no need for me to lie anymore."

Sasuke widened his eyes, and even Hanako raised her head and looked at Itachi.

"What I did was just like what Afei and Danzo said, to show you the truth of everything."

Itachi's right eye activated the Tsukuyomi, instantly changing the eyes of Kanon and Sasuke. Sasuke and Kanon saw all of Itachi's experiences.

The six-year-old Kanon and the seven-year-old Sasuke were in sharp contrast to their grown-up appearance now.

Sasuke was standing, basically uninjured, but Kanon was seriously injured and was dying, but at this moment, she couldn't say a word.

Because he saw that it was Uchiha Itachi who asked the masked man to kill Sister Izumi and himself.

A feeling of heartbreak surged from Kanon's chest, causing her to cough constantly, and countless blood was shed by Kanon.Kanon coughed out, and the shadow clone finally took its last breath, glared at Uchiha Itachi furiously, and disappeared in white smoke.

Neither Sasuke nor Itachi cared about Kanon's disappearance. Sasuke looked at Itachi like this, and his heart was turbulent, because he had already forgiven Uchiha Itachi.

"I told all the truth, and I didn't hide it anymore..."

"I always lied to you, let you and Kanon forgive me, and always used these hands to push you and her away."

Itachi raised his hand and walked towards Sasuke.

"I don't want to involve you, but now I think about it, maybe you and Kanon once had the power to change my parents and Uchiha..."

"If I could face the existence of you and Kanon from the beginning..."

"Discuss the truth with you on an equal footing..."

"At this point, no matter how much I, a loser, say to you, you won't listen."

"So, this time I want to at least let you and Kanon know more about the truth..."

Itachi touched the back of Sasuke's head and bumped his head with Sasuke's.

"As your brother, I am very happy..."

"It doesn't matter if you and Kanon never forgive me."

"No matter what you and she become in the future, I will always love you deeply."

"Sasuke, I'll leave my little sister to you..."

As he said, Itachi's soul flew to the sky, looking at Sasuke with a smile.


Five minutes ago.

The battlefield of the five shadows.


The horrific explosion instantly blasted Mei Terumi away, and Susanoo knocked her out with one punch. In the air, dozens of red Susanoo punches came one after another and hit Mei Terumi.

Half of them were blocked by Gaara's sand, but Mei Terumi was still seriously injured and knocked to the side.

The same was true for Gaara. One hundred Susanoos were just a few waves of attacks, and he was also knocked out and accompanied Mei Terumi.

The two staggered and looked at hundreds of Susanoos with horrified expressions.

"Too strong..."

"How can we defeat her..."

"Indeed, if this continues..."

Tsunade's body had already been pierced at this moment, with hundreds of wounds appearing, but she was still fighting in the pile of Susanoos.

However, after the Raikage withstood a punch from Susanoo, he looked at Tsunade.

"Hokage, you're being too reckless."

"Even if you don't die, your fighting style won't allow you to hold on!"

Tsunade swung away a Susanoo and shouted at the Raikage.

"This is a life-or-death contest. There's no better way."

"Yes, life-or-death." Hanane's voice came out faintly, and a shadow clone broke out of the ground, holding a Rasengan, and exploded directly in Tsunade's abdomen.

The terrifying destructive power made Tsunade's eyes turn white.

"Senjutsu Super Large Rasengan."

The Rasengan in Tsunade's abdomen became bigger and bigger, directly pushing Tsunade into the sky, and in the sky, three Susanoo slaps came, instantly slapping Tsunade into the abyss.

"Hokage!" Raikage was about to help, but a faint voice came from beside him.

"Worry about yourself first." Suddenly, a big red hand grabbed the Raikage's body.



Raikage felt like he was tied to a cross, with petals cutting his body for dozens of days.

"Damn... I was defeated by an illusion..."

Raikage half-knelt on the ground, losing all his will to fight.

"It's time to give you the last blow, Raikage." Kanon smiled, and Susano behind her raised the greatsword and chopped down at Raikage.

But a big hand on the ground rescued Raikage.

Kanon's real body at the farthest distance said unhappily: "Tsk, was he rescued by the old man?"

On the other side, the Tsukuyomi that Raikage was hit by was forcibly interrupted by Ohnoki.

"I'm sorry, Tsuchikage..."

"Ohnoki, this kid, the difference in combat experience is reflected." From a distance, Madara said lightly.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Kanon looked at Madara.

"Compared to the Nine-Tails, I want to see the scene here more, so I'm back again." Madara smiled and continued to Kanon.

"Did you have fun?"

"Not bad." Hana nodded, her lips slightly raised.

"The old Tsuchikage used the Rock-Intensifying Technique to stop Susanoo and saved the Raikage. It turns out that the old ones are the wisest, right?"

"I really want to intervene and play with you." Madara said lightly.

"Then let's play together later." Hana didn't say anything. Her red Uchiha windbreaker fluttered in the wind, and she just stared at the five Kage.

"There are too many people. It feels like a hundred is enough. Otherwise, it's hard to see.It's hard to see clearly, it's always blocked. "

Listening to Hanane's words, Madara just smiled calmly: "If it were me, I would use 25. "

"Yes, it does seem to be no problem. "

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