Time goes back to the time when the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was transplanted.

Hanako sat in the flower domain, covering her eyes with a white cloth, and said calmly.

"Infinite flower domain?"

"Yes, only you can accomplish this invincible method that surpasses divine arts." Xiaonin said firmly.

"Only me? Can't we do it in the future?"

"Yes, only in this life, the world line you are in now can do it."

"Only you can become a true god."

Listening to Xiaonin's words, Hanako was a little confused.

"Why me?"

"Just because your pupil technique is the flower domain!"

"Huh?!" Hanako frowned.

"The flower domain is actually not your pupil technique, but the invincible method that resides in you. It is the invincible method that was finally explored after sacrificing countless Otsutsuki Kanon and Uchiha Kanon."

When you were born, I noticed that this technique was born in this world line, so I separated a divine thought to split my time and space self into the current appearance, and reside in your body.

Guide you to become a true god, because only you can perform the strongest invincible method, the infinite flower domain.

"So what exactly is the infinite flower domain?!" Hana asked.

"In simple terms, it's similar to the flower domain."

As soon as Xiaonin said this, Hana's body trembled. Obviously, her pupils under her white eye bands shrank to the extreme, and her heart was really trembling. .

"What a crazy technique..."

Xiaonin nodded and said:

"That's right! This technique can cover the entire universe, the river of fate, and the long river of time within ten years. It can change cause and effect, so that any dimension of the entire universe is covered by the flower domain."

"And you, Uchiha Hana, will be the master of the infinite flower domain. In all dimensions, you are the pinnacle, and you are the woman who has ascended everything!"

"That's what people call..."

"The God of Creation!"

Hana's expression was shocked, and even cold sweat came out, which made Hana dare not breathe.

"You should understand what you and I can do in the Flower Domain."

"And what can you do with the Infinite Flower Domain!"

"Dad, Mom, Sister Quan, the [Flower] team, and everyone you miss, may all be able to reappear in the world, because you have broken the cause and effect and become the supreme being of the entire Infinite Flower Domain."

Speaking of this, Xiaonin excitedly said to Hana, "Do you still remember your childhood dream?!"

As soon as these words came out, Hana was startled, and a cute 6-year-old girl appeared in her mind. Her words were so simple and cute, just echoing in Hana's mind. Those were the words she said to Fugaku when she was a child.

"Hana believes that when everyone is born, there is a flower field in his heart, but the flowers and grass in that flower field have no color."

"The flowers and grass are very crystal clear, but as beautiful as crystal!"

"As everyone grows up, the flower field gradually has colorful flowers and green grass, representing everyone's joys, sorrows, anger and happiness, and also represents that everyone is starting to grow up."

"The flowers in the flower field are very beautiful, I yearn for it, and there is no war, it is a place where everyone can understand each other."

"There, everyone lives happily and plays happily..."

Once again, the picture flashed, that was the words when Naruto and I sat by the cliff and told our dreams.

"Naruto, do you know?"

"Know what..."

"I think there is a shining flower field in my heart."

Naruto did not speak, but just looked at Hana next to him for a long time without saying a word, as if he was listening.

"People living in that flower field can understand each other and become close friends."

"In that colorful world, everyone's dreams are so crystal clear, and everyone can work hard for their dreams."

"There is no discrimination, no pain, whether it is the tenacious grass or the colorful flowers, everyone can live carefree and peacefully. This is the flower field I yearn for in my heart."

Thinking of this, Hana's tears flowed down her cheeks. Although she had just successfully transplanted, she still had tears.

"If I can hug those lost people again, it is worth everything to exchange for them." Xiaonin said earnestly.

"Yes... I can bear any sin for this." Hana nodded.

"As long as there is a possibility, I will do it... Xiaonin, tell me how to do it..."

From this day on, the infinite flower field became the goal of Hana and Xiaonin. Her dream is this truly invincible method, the infinite flower field.

Looking at Hana who is now intoxicated in her dreamSeeing this, Xiaonin felt a little sad. If it wasn't for the fact that only Hanayin in front of her could do it, she would never let her suffer like this.

"Xiaohanayin... the dream is right in front of me..."

Xiaonin looked ahead. The flower fields composed of red spider lilies, cherry blossoms, roses, baby's breath, and countless other flowers were all exuding fragrance at this moment, and pollen was floating in the sky.

The petals were falling all over the sky, and the flower fields gradually turned into a sea of ​​flowers. In this world, it was so beautiful. This scene would make people intoxicated just by looking at it.

These flowers floating all over the sky were like clouds, flying non-stop. In this sea of ​​flowers, Hanayin lay on Xiaonin's legs, with a line of clear tears falling from her eyes.

The colorful flowers were like flying in the sky, falling alone. In a drop of Xiaonin's tears, her lonely and tragic memories were reflected.

This tear, however, was not shed for herself, but for Hanayin in the distance. In such a beautiful scene, a girl was crying with a smile, while another woman was trembling.

How could she cry when she became the strongest in the world?

On some small hills behind a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers, there were all kinds of flowers, like a carefully painted scroll, both beautiful and sad.

White, red, yellow, purple... countless petals swayed gently in the wind, as if it was a colorful bed laid by nature for Hanayin.

The sunlight shone through the gaps between the petals and sprinkled on her body, forming mottled light and shadow.

Hanayin's face was calm, as if she was traveling in a dream. Her gentle breathing and the fragrance of flowers intertwined, creating a peaceful and dreamy atmosphere.

Finally, a cherry blossom flew onto Hanayin's forehead, and her eyes trembled.

"We will eventually wake up from the dream, Hana, the final condition of the invincible method has appeared."

"It's time to prepare for the infinite flower field."

As soon as Xiaonin finished speaking, Hana slowly opened her eyes in this picturesque environment, as if she had woken up from a sweet dream.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and as her eyes slowly opened, at that moment, it seemed that the whole world was awakened.

Her face was full of vitality, and her cheeks were a little rosy because she had just woken up, like the first dew on the petals, fresh and bright.

Hana's hair fluttered gently in the morning breeze, intertwined with the surrounding flowers, and it was difficult to tell them apart.

Her movements were elegant and lazy, as if she was the softest force in nature, making all the beautiful scenes pause.

She reached out and gently stroked the delicate petals around her. The touch from her fingertips seemed to make her more closely connected with the world.

Sitting up from the flower field, Hana's eyes reflected countless flowers, and those colorful flowers seemed to be cheering for her arrival.

After Hana woke up, she raised her hand and wiped away the tear from Xiaonin's eyes.

Although there were two lines of tears in her eyes, it was the reluctance to leave the most perfect and best dream world she had described in her dream.

But dreams will eventually wake up, and beautiful dreams will eventually break, and only reality will be welcomed.

"Look, you are still crying..."

"Nonsense... Because what you will do next..." Xiaonin's voice was a little choked.

"I'm fine, Xiaonin... This is my destiny."

"Help me up."

Xiaonin helped Hana up. Hana stood in the flower field and overlooked the surroundings. This was the flower field in her dream, but at this moment it became even bigger, like a sea of ​​flowers.

"Is the moment of dream fulfillment now?" Hana asked lightly.


After Shinobu nodded, Kanon just smiled at her and disappeared into the flower field in an instant.

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