On the vast grassland, nature has painted a beautiful picture. On the horizon, the golden sky and the horizon are intertwined, as if it is a perfect stitch between the earth and the sky.

The clouds float lightly, and their shapes are different, sometimes as soft as cotton candy, sometimes like a galloping horse, changing in thousands of ways.

On the grassland, the endless green sea of ​​grass is sparkling, as if every grass tip is hung with dewdrops, flashing crystal light.

The breeze blows, the grass waves roll, accompanied by the faint grass fragrance and the smell of soil, making people feel a kind of quiet and vibrant power.

In this green ocean, there are occasionally colorful wild flowers, they are like elves on the grassland, decorating this green world with various colors.

The petals sway gently in the wind, as if dancing for the beauty of nature.

In the center of this grassland, there is a table and a chair.

Next to the chair, a red umbrella blocks the sun.

An old man with white hair sat on a recliner, seemingly reading a book called "The Biography of Perseverance".

The white-haired man seemed to have thought of something. After closing "The Biography of Perseverance", he put the book next to the table, picked up a pen, and wrote the title of the book on the title at the end.

The name of the book is "The Whirlpool Tale of Hanako and Naruto".

What was really lost that day?

What kind of dream should we pursue to reach the other side?

And next to the man in white, Tsunade came up. She said to Jiraiya: "What are you doing?"

"Writing a new work! Tsunade, how come you suddenly appeared behind me."

"It's your two new apprentices!"

"Naruto, Hanako? What's wrong with them?!"

"Minato can't control Naruto anymore. Hanako is okay, but Naruto is too naughty!" Tsunade said dissatisfiedly.

As she spoke, Tsunade came to Jiraiya's side, looked at the title of the new book on the table, and whispered softly: "The Uzumaki Tale of Hanane and Naruto?"

"Anyway, I just thought of the beginning, Tsunade, you sit for a while, I'll go see what those two little guys have come up with." Jiraiya smiled.

"Okay, you go, I'll see." As she spoke, Tsunade sat where Jiraiya had just sat.

A few months ago.

In the izakaya, Tsunade was drinking, while Jiraiya was writing a book.

"So you're not writing the Uzumaki Tale of Kanon and Naruto?"

"Guess what I'm writing."

"It must be another intimate paradise of kissing and kissing, so boring."

Jiraiya said with a flattering smile; "Don't say that, this novel is a new theme different from the previous ones."

"Especially "Uzumaki Tale of Kanon and Naruto" has not been finished yet, but I believe it will definitely become a masterpiece describing the future of ninjas!"

"I'll show it to you first when I finish it."

Tsunade refused Jiraiya, he didn't want to read it.

But now, Jiraiya has finished writing, which makes her curious. He picked up the manuscript and opened the first page: "There was a demon fox in the past. The demon fox had nine tails."

"Whenever it swings its tail, there will be landslides and tsunamis."

"So people gathered those who are called ninjas."

"At the cost of the life of one of the ninjas, the demon fox was sealed in him."

In the early morning, in a room, Namikaze Minato opened the door and yawned. He was still a little confused.

"Morning..." Minato said to Kushina in a daze.

"Morning, you came back so late yesterday." Kushina walked to Minato, tiptoed and kissed him on the forehead.

After Minato felt Kushina's "good morning kiss", he was also a little flustered in an instant, and the confusion of just getting up in the morning disappeared instantly.

"Well...I...I'm with the third generation."

"How is the discussion going?" Kushina asked.

"Didn't you say before that there was an important meeting that went smoothly?" Kushina's smile was charming, but at this moment, Minato was thinking about yesterday's meeting.

Last night, he and the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen walked out of the Uchiha clan together. Minato whispered, "You don't have to dirty your hands anymore in the future."

"The Uchiha and Senju, two parties that should not have had any intersection, have worked together to protect the peace of Konoha Village until today."

"I believe that such peace will continue forever."

It turned out that Minato and Hiruzen just went to deal with Uchiha affairs. After the discussion with Namikaze Minato, the head of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, placed the future of the Uchiha clan on the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

He believed thatThe fourth generation Hokage, Minato Namikaze, is a very capable Hokage. He will definitely treat the Uchiha well in the future and make the proud Uchiha clan the mainstay of Konoha.

For Fugaku, his youngest daughter and eldest son are the pride of their Uchiha clan, especially his daughter, Uchiha Kanon, who is only 11 years old and has formed a deep bond with Minato Namikaze, the son of the Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto.

She is the bridge between the Uchiha clan and the Hokage. In this regard, Kanon does better than Itachi. At least, the 11-year-old Kanon is a well-known genius girl of the Uchiha clan in the Uchiha clan, even in the village.

After Minato told Kushina about what he discussed with the Uchiha clan yesterday, he also asked softly: "Where is Naruto?"

"He also said that there is an important task today and he can't be late." Kushina said with a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

"What!!! Mikoto's little Kanon has spoiled Naruto!" Kushina said dissatisfiedly.

But she likes Kanon very much. Since Naruto became good friends with Kanon when he was six years old, she often comes to help Kushina. At least in Kushina's eyes, Kanon is the perfect daughter-in-law.

She can cook, is strong, and gentle. More importantly, like Naruto, she has a dream of peace and is an excellent ninja who has inherited the will of fire.

Although Kushina said this, she also took out the stew pot on the dining table.

"Kuyukina... shall we have chicken soup early in the morning?"

"This is what Kanon gave me early in the morning. She said that the old lady gave it to her when she was helping the old lady during the mission yesterday."

"Yes, her family brought a few back home, and Mikoto asked her to stew one for us."

Listening to Kuyukina's words, Minato smiled gently: "Then I have to test Kanon's cooking skills."

"Do you think my cooking is not delicious?" Kuyukina glanced at Minato.

Minato staggered immediately. How dare he? Seeing Minato trembling a little, Kuyukina laughed and sat next to Minato.

"Actually, I also want to try Kanon's cooking skills."

"When it comes to cooking, Kanon dares to say that Konoha is second, and no one dares to say that she is first. Let me try whether she is just a name." Kuyukina said and poured a bowl of chicken soup for Minato and herself.

"According to Hanane, Uchiha Izumi also helped."

"Really? Uchiha Izumi." Minato Namikaze put down the newspaper and thought of the girl who opened the three magatama at the age of 12. Like Itachi, they were all geniuses.

Minato sighed: "It's true that the waves behind push the waves ahead. Konoha now has many talents."

However, the emergence of talents is a very good thing for Konoha, especially in the current situation, it is really prosperous for Konoha.

As a result, before Minato could continue to think, he was replaced by a refreshing voice.

"Hmm!!! Minato, try it! It's delicious!"

Listening to Kushinaga's urging, Minato smiled helplessly and took a sip of the bowl.

You don't know until you try it. This taste made Minato Namikaze's eyes widen. As expected of Konoha's number one chef, Hanane's cooking skills, at the age of 11, actually surpassed the level of many top chefs, and even Minato Namikaze was extremely shocked.

"It's really delicious!"

"Isn't it... I'm really satisfied with Mikoto's daughter! Minato, do you think Naruto has a chance..."

"That depends on whether Naruto likes Kanane."

"That's right..." Kuyukina nodded.

"Besides, Naruto is only 12 years old now and has just become a Genin. Although Kanane has been promoted, she is in the same class as Naruto. It's too early to fall in love now." Minato said.

"What's the matter! Minato, I'm just very satisfied with Kanane!" Kuyukina said coquettishly to Minato.

"I'm satisfied too, but it depends on them." Minato smiled and looked out the window.

"Kukina, it's about time to wake Naruto up."

After Minato reminded her, Kuyukina was shocked. She said nervously: "Oh no, I forgot!"

Watching Kuyukina disappear in an instant as a shadow and run to the second floor, Minato held his forehead and picked up the newspaper again.

"Ahahaha..." Minato looked at the ninja news speechlessly.

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