Team 8, Hinata, Shino, and Kiba looked around.

"Yes, Akamaru, this area is indeed full of the smell of Shikamaru and the others."

"There are others, three in total."

Hinata looked at the traces on the ground and said solemnly; "It seems that a battle has just taken place here."

"It can be seen that they left here while fighting..."

"Because they left traces of their movement." Shino analyzed.

"Shikamaru and the others should be fine, there is no smell of blood." Kiba said softly.

"Let's chase them quickly!" Hinata said and led the three people towards the traces left by Shikamaru.

Shikamaru came to the outside of a village, and they overlooked the village.

"Shikamaru... Don't you think this town is a bit weird?" Choji said.

"There is no breath of living people in this village." Ino looked around and found that there was no one.

"Maybe they just want to lead us to this village."

"What should we do?" Choji asked.

"Should we wait here for the Red Team?"

"Yes, those guys must have set an ambush."

"It's safer to have more combat power. If we want to have such a battle, then Kanon from Team 7 is indispensable."


Team 7.

Sasuke stood at the front, Sakura stood in the middle, and Naruto carried Kanon on his back, looking at Sasuke with dissatisfaction.

"It's not clear about the enemy's strength yet, so it's better to meet up with your companions first." Sasuke suggested.

"Tsk, why are you giving orders!" Naruto looked at Sasuke with dissatisfaction.

"Since the squad leader is not here, it's natural that the second best person should make the judgment."

"Why is it Kanon?" Naruto made a face at Sasuke.

"But Hanako is injured, so now I am the second best person."

Sakura nodded and agreed with Sasuke's statement: "Yes, on one side is Sasuke who graduated from the ninja school with the first place, and on the other side is Naruto who has always been the last one in the school and graduated only thanks to the school turning a blind eye."

"Well, it's because someone's father is the Hokage."

Hearing Sasuke and Sakura's sarcastic remarks about Naruto, Hanako also became dissatisfied.

"Even so, we are the same people... Whether we are the last one or the genius, we are human beings."

"Put away your sarcastic faces, such a brother and Sakura are the most annoying." Hanako said with a dissatisfied look.

Sasuke and Sakura were stunned, and looking at Hanako, they finally calmed down a little.

But the words had already come out of their mouths, and Naruto couldn't help but care.

Feeling Naruto's stunned look, Hanako directly pulled his hair.

"Ouch! It hurts, stop pulling it out!"

"Naruto, don't you want to be Hokage?!"

"How can I knock you down like this!"

"I know, I know, don't pull my hair out."

After Hana was quiet, Naruto let her go.

Hana stood there, looking at Sakura and Sasuke with dissatisfaction. She didn't want to see such discrimination anyway.

Sure enough, Sasuke spoke again at this time: "Have you really never thought about why you can graduate from the Ninja School? It's because your father is the Hokage."

"What did you say? Do you want to fight?!" Naruto gritted his teeth and looked at Sasuke.

"Then why don't we verify who is stronger now?" Sasuke said lightly.

"Just what I want!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's collar, and Sasuke did the same, grabbing Naruto's collar.

Hana no longer had the strength to stop it. Sasuke and Naruto have been doing this for a long time, and it has become a normal thing.

"Hey, don't do this to the two of you!" Sakura shouted.

Naruto gritted his teeth and warned Sasuke: "Don't say such things in front of me again!"

"Haven't you noticed yet?" Hanako said softly.

Sure enough, there was already some movement around, and at this moment, Hanako swung out with one hand, and the white Chidori Sharp Spear blasted directly towards the bushes.


The horrible explosion sounded, and Neji, Lee, and Tenten all flew backwards. The three of them avoided the attack and looked at Hanako in surprise.

Hanako was also a little embarrassed. She retracted her hand, closed her Sharingan, and laughed helplessly: "Oops, my hand slipped."

"You are kidding!" Tenten complained.

"It's you, are you all okay?" Naruto smiled and rushed over with the others.

"What's wrong with Hanako?" Lee looked at Hanako and her face was a little pale.

"She just fought with the enemy and was injured." Sakura explained.

"I didn't see Teacher Kai with you." Hanako looked around the third team and made a judgment.

"Yes, Mr. Kai suddenly disappeared." Rock Lee said.

"We also have KakashiGone." Sasuke also told the intelligence here to the third team.

"Only traces of being dragged underground were left." Sakura added.

"Yes, it was a creature like a black rope that dragged them in." Tenten said.

"That's it, and it attacked us afterwards!" Sakura and Tenten reached a consensus.

Ningji asked Kanon: "You have already met the enemy, what did they say?"

"He said he was hired by someone." Sasuke replied to Ningji.

"Well, instead of saying this, it's better to go and rescue..." Naruto was interrupted by Sasuke before he finished speaking.

"Don't worry."

"But..." When Naruto was about to say something, Neji spoke: "Before Kai disappeared, I saw chakra flowing under the ground."

"I have a rough idea of ​​the source of chakra."

Naruto said with some surprise: "In that case, then..."

"The remaining teams should be around here. "Ningji didn't care what Naruto said.

"It's best to meet up with other classes first and integrate and adjust the combat power." Sasuke said.

"Hey, you guys are so rude!" Kanon said to everyone dissatisfiedly.

"Huh?" Everyone else looked at Kanon.

"Naruto has been interrupted and ignored by you so many times." Kanon looked at everyone, a little dissatisfied.

"At least you should listen to what people say. "

Naruto didn't say a word at this time, but he was a little touched in his heart. Hanako actually spoke up for him.

But in fact, it was not like that. If someone else was treated like this, Hanako would also help him, just because it was a matter of courtesy and people were equal.

The flower field she pursued was also like this. People were equal and there was no discrimination. He was the son of the Hokage, but he was treated coldly.

Listening to Hanako's words, everyone looked at Naruto, but Naruto kept his words in his heart at this moment.

"First, we will meet up with the other teams. There are a few things we need to confirm."

"One is how Asuma and Kurenai are doing."

"Kai lost consciousness first and then disappeared." Neji said.

"The same is true for Teacher Kakashi." Hanako nodded and agreed with Neji's statement.

"Why did the two of them suddenly lose consciousness?" Rock Lee asked.

"Speaking of which, Teacher Kakashi saw Ninja Chou before he disappeared. "Naruto also provided his own information.

"I'm afraid it's the interaction between the scale powder of the Ninja Butterfly and the chakra flowing underground."

"It may have released some kind of ninjutsu that has no effect on us, but can make the jonins fall victim to it." Neji said.

"I've thought about this a long time ago, but it shouldn't be that simple. I didn't sense anything with the Sage Mode."

"And the scale powder of the Ninja Butterfly shouldn't be toxic."

"It should be a ninjutsu, but I'm not sure about the conditions for activation." Hanaon analyzed.

As he spoke, Neji took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai that the Fourth Hokage gave to the captains: "But as I said just now, there is one thing that needs to be confirmed."

"What? That is..." Sasuke was a little surprised.

"The Fourth Hokage's Kunai." Sakura said.

"What do you mean? Isn't that what Sakura just picked up?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"No, this was dropped by Kai. "Ningji said.

"Although it's strange, it's unlikely that two jonins would lose the kunai given by the Hokage at the same time."

"Then there is only one possibility." Sasuke looked at the kunai with a serious expression.

Kane nodded slightly and began to analyze:

"It should be that the enemy deliberately dropped the kunai."

"The other party is a master who is proficient in multiple ninjutsu, or someone who knows the secret of the Flying Thunder God Kunai."

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