
At this time, another big fish monster also emerged, and in front of it, Choji emerged from the water.

And Nagato was also angry at this time. He controlled the repulsive force of the Samsara Eye and directly drove the water waves, instantly blasting the big fish monster in front into pieces.

Choji luckily avoided this attack, climbed up from the water and scolded Nagato dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing, I was almost torn into pieces."

Nagato smiled, and looked at everyone with Yahiko and Konan.

It was also at this time that Shikamaru noticed this person's eyes, which were very strange.

"Those eyes... What's going on."

On the outskirts of the village, Jiraiya's team and the people of the 10th team stood together, took the two children back, and let the two find their mother.

"Mom!" The two children shouted.

"Asukaba, Xiaodao!" Their mother also ran over at this time and hugged the two together.

"I'm so glad you're safe."

"I'm sorry... Mom."

"It was Majima-sama who blessed you two."

Asuka wiped his tears and said to his mother: "No, it was those older brothers and sisters..."

As soon as he turned his head, the three members of Team 10 and Jiraiya's team were gone.

In the woods in the distance, Team 10 and Jiraiya's team confronted each other again.

Although they saved the child together, they are still enemies at present.

"Tell me... From the beginning, you didn't really want our lives."

"You wanted us to do something, right?" Shikamaru said lightly.

Realizing that his intentions were seen through, Yahiko just said lightly; "It's a pity for you."

"I can't disobey Konoha's orders."

"You can only live in Konoha's rules. I believe you are such a person."

Hearing this, Ino and Choji behind him were ready for battle.

"But now it seems that I was wrong. You treat outsiders just like Master Jiraiya treats us."

"Even if the other party is not from Konoha, you are still willing to lend a hand."

"Help and support, you have proved this with your actions."

"I am really happy to see you come to save the child." Nagato also said with a smile.

"Thanks to you, we also got out safely."

"What a joke." Shikamaru said helplessly.

"Even if it's just the three of you, come with us." Yahiko invited.

"What do you mean?" Choji frowned.

"Aren't they the ones who took Asuma teacher away?" Ino was surprised.

"I don't expect you to join us, and it's okay to stay in Konoha."

"But I hope we can travel around the world like Master Jiraiya, cross unnecessary borders, and tell the world that we are free."

Listening to Yahiko's words, Ino was a little confused: "What do you mean?"

"Yeah, I don't understand what he is talking about." Choji scratched his head.

But Shikamaru understood, and he whispered: "Does that mean Jiraiya's team?"

"I hope we can have the same ambition." Yahiko said seriously.

"We haven't been able to find out the whereabouts of Asuma and the others until now, so we shouldn't be so naive." Shikamaru turned his head away.

"First of all, you must help rescue Asuma-sensei." Ino said.

"Yes! That's right." Choji agreed with Ino's statement.

"This matter... I can't help." Yahiko said softly.

Shikamaru knew that this would be the result, and just smiled and said:

"Besides you, there should be other people active, right?"

"This interview should not be arranged by you."

Nagato nodded, and he whispered: "Sorry, we don't know the details."

"Although I don't know the details, I still know some news." Shikamaru guessed.

Yahiko gritted his teeth and told the 10th team everything he knew.

"It's troublesome, but it seems that we... have to do it."

"Since we don't agree with each other, there's nothing we can do."

The three raised their weapons, and the other three also raised their weapons.

Suddenly, the sound of a dog came from the distant jungle.

"It's your people." Yahiko said lightly.

"Yes, three people plus a dog." Shikamaru nodded.

"They are very strong!"

Listening to Shikamaru's words, Yahiko also understood: "Do you think we will be at a disadvantage?"

Shikamaru stretched lazily, which was a reminder. Jiraiya's team instantly dispersed and disappeared in the forest, and the next moment, Kiba, Hinata and Shino all came here.

"Shikamaru, Choji, Ino!" Kiba shouted to everyone.

"Hey, why are you so late?" Shikamaru asked."We were delayed on the way." Kiba said.

Shikamaru nodded slightly after seeing that the place where Jiraiya's team had just stood was empty.

"Has no one else come here?" Kiba asked.

"No." Shikamaru smiled.

"It's always been just the three of us." Ino echoed Shikamaru.

"It's really strange, I can clearly smell someone else's scent." Kiba frowned.

Shino came up at this moment and said to Shikamaru: "By the way, what should we do next, Shikamaru?"

"Yes, that's why we ran all the way here!" Kiba shouted.

Hinata nodded and said to Shikamaru with great trust: "We are here to find Shikamaru as the commander."

Shikamaru frowned and looked at everyone: "Actually, you can find Kanon, it's really troublesome."

"Kanaon and Naruto's chakra suddenly couldn't be sensed, so I came to find you." Hinata said.

"Is that so? First of all, the first priority is to report to Konoha Village. We need to get the instructions of the Fourth Hokage."

"But... we have to make a plan to rescue Asuma and others at the same time."

"Meet up with Kakashi and Gai as soon as possible to share the task. I want to know what Kanon thinks."

"It's troublesome, but let's get it done quickly." Shikamaru said.


Sasuke frowned at the remaining people in Kakashi and Gai.

"At this point, we can't delay any longer."

"Return to the village immediately to report the situation. If there are more victims, it will be troublesome." Sasuke instructed.

"What are you talking about!"

"Don't even mention saving Teacher Gai. Now even Naruto and Kanon are gone." Rock Lee asked puzzled.

"Those two are from your team!"

"It turned out like this because he was so aggressive! I've stressed it so many times not to act rashly."

"And Kanon is very strong, I'm not worried that she will get into trouble."

Listening to Sasuke's explanation, Rock Lee said helplessly; "We are a year older and don't know him very well."

"But aren't he and Kanon important companions to your Team 7?" Rock Lee asked.

Hearing this, Sakura was stunned. Rock Lee was right. Kanon and Naruto were indeed important companions to them.

"Besides, he is the beloved son of the Fourth Hokage, and the other one is your biological sister."

"Who cares so much, it has nothing to do with the mission"

"Why are you so cold-blooded!"

"But for us, Teacher Kai is the most important teacher, and we must not sit idly by!" Rock Lee complained dissatisfiedly.

Neji didn't want to say anything, and Tenten on the side pulled Rock Lee to calm him down.

"Anyway, I'm going to find Teacher Gai and Neji!"

"I guess they must be nearby!"

"I can't turn back to the village without rescuing people when they are nearby!" Rock Lee shouted.

"No, we don't know what tricks the enemy will play, we can't disperse the fighting force!" Sasuke reminded.

"We should act together."

"Ningji, Teacher Gai, I'm here to save you!" Rock Lee ran with Tenten.

"I know, Lee, I'll help you!" Tenten was about to cry, being led by Rock Lee like this.

Watching the two walk away, Sasuke said helplessly; "Why are there only idiots, and Kanon too, actually followed that guy in."

"But..." Sakura was about to say something when she was interrupted by Sasuke.

"What are you going to do next?" After asking, Sasuke left on his own without waiting for Sakura to answer.

Sakura also hurriedly chased after them and followed Sasuke.


In the forest, Team 8 and Team 10 walked together. Kiba, who was walking in front, said calmly; "The other two teams have successfully joined together."

"But they are moving in opposite directions."

"It seems something is going on."

"Can you find out the specific movements?" Shikamaru asked.

"One team is going out of the village, and the other team is running around in the village."

"Can you smell Hanane's scent or chakra?"

Hearing Shikamaru's words, Hinata and Kiba shook their heads, and they couldn't sense it at all.

"The one running around is probably Li..." Shikamaru was helpless.

"So is it Kakashi's team that is going out of the village?" Ino asked.

"It seems they want to report back to Konoha." Choji said.

Shino nodded and began to analyze:

"It's very likely."

"Because in Kakashi's class, there is Sasuke who has an extremely calm mind, and the Uchiha genius girl Kanon, it should be normal to make such a judgment."

"In short, take a shortcut and meet them." Shikamaru suggested.

"That's the village."

"Well, even if we want to rescue Asuma and the others, running around so blatantly is still too conspicuous. ”

“First, we need to calm Li down.” Shikamaru said calmly.

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