Late at night, in an alley in Konoha Village, Kabuto and Orochimaru met.

"How is Uchiha Kanon's body?" Orochimaru asked with interest.

"She is unfathomable, Lord Orochimaru, Lord Sasuke is safer as a container."


"Because Sasuke's Sharingan is only two magatama, it is more convenient for you to study Sharingan."

"And I haven't found out the strength of Uchiha Kanon yet."

"Lord Orochimaru, your time is almost up, and turning into a container is urgent. In my opinion, Sasuke is the best choice."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. I will go to the examination room to see the details in person." After Orochimaru finished speaking, he saw that Kabuto seemed to be in his heart. If he had something to say, he smiled at Kabuto and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

"This is the second exam, Lord Orochimaru. It may not be so easy for us to contain the Uchiha brothers and sisters."

Orochimaru also heard what Kabuto meant. He smiled faintly and said, "I will send Kimimaro to keep an eye on Sasuke's sister. Although he can't kill her, it's no problem to restrict her movements."

"That's the best. Tell Kimimaro to be careful of Uchiha Kanon."

In this brief exchange, the two disappeared into the night without leaving any trace.

The next day.

Everyone came to the outside of a forest, and the examiner was already sitting here.

"What is" Naruto wondered.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Kanon muttered, still hanging her ninja bag on her left thigh.

At this moment, standing in the front, Mitarashi Anko began to introduce the forest behind her: "This is the venue for the second exam, the 44th training ground."

"Also known as the Death Forest."

At this moment, the four members of Team 7 all looked at the Death Forest behind them, and a gust of cold wind blew slowly, making Sakura a little creepy.

Mitarashi Anko smiled and said to everyone: "You should be able to experience the horror of the Death Forest soon."

Naruto next to Hanane began to "show off" to Mitarashi Anko, imitating her in a strange tone, and then shouted loudly; "No matter how you scare me, I will be fine, I am not afraid at all!"

Then Naruto began to laugh, and Mitarashi Anko in front of him also raised his mouth slightly.

"Really? You are so energetic."

The next moment, a kunai in her hand flew towards Naruto's side face, and this operation shocked everyone present. Anko was giving Naruto a show of power!


The kunai seemed to have hit something and bounced back, leaving a trace of blood on the cheeks of both Hongdou and Naruto.

Hongdou looked at Kanon beside Naruto in shock. She was also holding a kunai at this time, and her precise counterattack actually avoided the blind spot.

This made Hongdou, who was a little bored at this time, happy.

But no one knew at this time that in the middle of the crowd, there was a pale-faced woman looking at Kanon and Sasuke, with murderous intent and hunger in her eyes.

After knowing that the show of force was useless, Mitarashi Hongdou also took out a stack of life and death notices from an inexplicable place.

"Then, before the second exam begins, this will be issued to you."

"Those who want to participate in the next round of exams must sign this consent form."

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"Because someone might die later, we must get prior consent for this."

"Otherwise it will become my responsibility."

"Then, let's start the explanation of the second exam."

"In short, you are asked to challenge yourself to survive in the wild again."

As she spoke, Mitarashi Anko took out the map of the forest and explained it in the order of the terrain of the training ground.

The exam lasts for 120 hours, which is exactly five days. Of the 26 teams that advance, 13 hold the scroll of heaven and the other 13 hold the scroll of earth, which means that at least half of the teams will be eliminated.

Only by collecting the scrolls of heaven and earth, and then going to the middle of the Death Forest, there is a tallest tower.

Similarly, if someone in the team dies or fails to reach the middle tower within the specified time, they will not pass the test.

After introducing the rules, Mitarashi Anko sneered and said to everyone present;

"Finally, this test cannot be withdrawn midway."

"And no one can open the contents of the scroll to view!"

"Finally, I would like to advise everyone, don't die!"

Mitarashi Anko's loud rebuke made everyone present alert.

After submitting the life and death statement and receiving the scroll of heaven, the four people of Team 7 also gathered together.

"How"What do you say?" Naruto asked the other three members of Team 7.

"In this battle, except for our class, everyone else is an enemy." Hana muttered.

"There are still thirty minutes left. Do you want to discuss a countermeasure?" Sakura said to everyone.

Hana looked at Sasuke and muttered to him;

"Brother, do you have any countermeasures?"

"Not yet... Let's take it one step at a time."

Naruto said, "Let's go to Entrance 12."

After Naruto called out, Sasuke, Hana and Sakura followed him.

"We won't lose!" Naruto pounded his fists and cheered himself up.

Hana also joined Naruto, punching the air non-stop, encouraging everyone.

"I say, you two hot-blooded idiots, can you calm down a little? "Sakura really had no idea what to do with the two hot-blooded idiots around her.

Sasuke raised his lips slightly, and he was also looking forward to this exam.

Unknowingly, thirty minutes passed.

"From now on, the second exam of the Chunin Selection Exam begins!"

At this moment, everyone rushed into the Forest of Death.

And Orochimaru's group came in with a purpose.

"Go find the kids!"

The two people beside him also raised their lips slightly: "It's those four people, right!"

Naruto and others also entered the Forest of Death from Gate No. 12.

"Okay! Let's go! "

Team 8, Team 10, Team 3, and three ninjas from the Sand Village also stepped into this strange forest of death.

As soon as they entered the forest, Naruto and his teammates immediately felt a depressing silence.

"It's so creepy..." Sakura couldn't help but shudder.

Sasuke remained silent. He knew that in this forest, all opponents were enemies. They had to defeat the team with the Earth Scroll, but they might also encounter opponents with the same mission.

Thinking of this, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Before they went deep into the forest, a shrill scream came from the depths of the forest.

"Has anyone been killed? !" Sasuke was shocked.

It's been less than half an hour, and someone has been killed.

Sakura and others also became nervous, even Naruto, who was a little anxious when he was nervous.

"It's nothing... I'll pee first. "He unzipped his pants and prepared to find a tree to pee.

Kane's cheeks flushed slightly, and Sakura punched Naruto's head.

"You idiot! How can you be so rude in front of us!"

"Go find a hidden bush!"

Naruto had no choice but to find a bush by himself.

When he returned to the team, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "Ah, it's really a big pee~"

Kane and Sasuke frowned at the same time, but Sasuke had already acted quickly and punched the "Naruto" in front of him.

Sakura was stunned, watching the fake Naruto being beaten back and hit the tree, she shouted hurriedly.

"Sasuke, no matter what happened, you can't just hit people like this!"

"Kane, detect the surroundings! Find out where the real Naruto is!"

"Okay! "Hana closed her eyes and began to sense the chakra fluctuations around her.

The quick reaction of the Uchiha siblings made Sakura quickly get into the state.

Compared with Sakura's reaction, Sasuke's movements were more swift. He rushed towards the fake Naruto in a few steps and started a fierce fight with him.

The fake Naruto's movements were abnormally smooth and completely different from the real person, which made Sakura finally realize the truth.

The person in front of her was not Naruto, but an enemy disguised by the transformation technique.

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