At this time, 22 candidates gathered together and stood in the center of the examination room.

"Why are there so many people? It's really troublesome." Shikamaru complained impatiently.

Ino next to him noticed Sasuke and said in surprise: "Aha, Sasuke also passed..."

"Of course... We helped them so hard, it's too unreasonable for them to fail." Shikamaru muttered, and then remembered the overwhelming victory of the Uchiha brothers and sisters over the Sound Ninja trio.

In front, the jonins crossed their arms, and Might Guy, who represented youthful vitality, nodded with satisfaction to the 22 genins, as if praising them.

"You did a good job, and you're lucky!"

"But as long as our team is here, you don't have to think about it."

"Because the next level depends on your real ability. Well, youth is sometimes bitter and sometimes severe, Kakashi."

However, Kakashi didn't seem to listen to Kai's words. He looked at his four students with sharp eyes, especially Sasuke.

The three members of the third team also noticed Kakashi. Tenten thought that this was her first time to see Kakashi, and she felt quite satisfied.

"That's Kai's eternal opponent. From the outside, Kai's opponent doesn't seem to be his opponent at all."

"Kai's teacher is the best!" Xiao Li firmly believed it.

Everyone fell into deep thought. There were only seven teams left out of the original 26 teams. The winner of the third exam would be decided from these seven teams.

Even the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised. He didn't expect so many people to be left, and most of them were newcomers.

He looked around the four mentors behind him and finally understood why they were vying to recommend him.

The remaining nine people were 13 first- and second-year Genin from Konoha Village, as well as Gaara, Kabuto Yakushi, and the Sound Ninja trio.

Sarutobi Hiruzen walked in front of everyone and began to introduce the third exam.

"The third exam will begin next, but before that, I must tell you one thing."

"This thing is the real purpose of this exam."

"Why do we have to unite all the allied countries to take the exam together?"

Looking at the puzzled expressions of the crowd, Sarutobi Hiruzen chuckled and pulled his Hokage hat and said, "This is to allow the allied countries to coexist in a friendly manner and improve the overall level of ninjas. This is our real goal."

He continued to explain that the Chunin exam is a good opportunity for neighboring countries to understand the strength of each other's ninjas, and countries and villages that perform well will receive more mission orders.

Therefore, this exam is not only about individuals, but also about the economic prosperity of countries and villages.

Then, Sarutobi Hiruzen told everyone that the leaders of various countries will be invited to watch the third exam, so the Genin must fight for their lives, not just a performance.

While the Third Hokage was still speaking, Gaara was already impatient.

Gaara loudly rebuked Sarutobi Hiruzen, "Why bother with so much? Tell me what this life-threatening exam is about!"

Facing Gaara's rudeness, Sarutobi Hiruzen just smiled slightly, "Next, I will introduce the content of the third exam to everyone."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm very sorry, Hokage-sama... Next, I, Gekkou Hayate, as the referee, will explain it."

"Leave it to you." Sarutobi Hiruzen said calmly.

Gekkou Hayate turned around, coughed a few times, and explained the rules to everyone.

In short, he announced an amazing news: before the third exam begins, a round of preliminaries will be held first, because there are too many Genin who have passed, and half of them need to be eliminated first.

Next, the second additional test will begin soon!

"Oh, I forgot to say that the next one is a personal match."

"Everyone can decide for themselves whether to withdraw from the competition."

Suddenly, Hana noticed that something was wrong with Sasuke.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Hana asked worriedly.

Sasuke was sweating and shaking all over. He pressed his hand on the curse seal and clenched his teeth, looking in great pain.

Sakura also stepped forward to care about Sasuke: "Sasuke, give up this qualifying match."

Naruto was also stunned and turned to look at the three people behind him.

"Because, Sasuke, you have been acting strange since you were defeated by that guy Orochimaru."

"It still hurts now, right? That mark."

Hearing this, Hana asked Sakura in shock: "Who is Orochimaru? What's the matter with the mark on my brother's neck?"

Sakura told Hana what happened after she was separated from Hana. After hearing this, Hana was furious and gritted her teeth and said: "Next time I meet Orochimaru, I will definitely kill him!"

Hana looked at Sasuke worriedly, but sheShe would not persuade him to give up like Sakura did, because she knew that Sasuke would not back down no matter what. He was her brother, and Kanon always believed in him.

But Sakura had a different idea. She was very worried about Sasuke's health, and was even willing to give up the Chunin Exam for Sasuke.

"Sasuke, I will tell the teacher about the mark on your body no matter what."

At the moment when Sakura raised her hand, Kabuto Yakushi raised his hand first and chose to withdraw.

Moonlight Gale asked, "So, no one else wants to withdraw, right?"

When Sakura wanted to raise her hand again, Sasuke slapped her hand away fiercely.

"You are not allowed to talk about this injury!" Although Sasuke's tone was trembling, he was extremely firm.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"I don't want to see you continue to suffer like this, Sasuke!" Sakura had tears in her eyes. She really didn't understand why Sasuke did this.

"This is not just an exam for me. I don't care whether I become a Chunin or not!" Sasuke's voice became more and more determined, "I just want to know if I am strong enough..."

"I want to fight a strong opponent, and then... kill that man!"

Sasuke's eyes were equally determined, "You understand, right? It's not just my idea..."

"I understand." Hana lowered her head. She knew that Uchiha Itachi had become Sasuke's motivation to move forward, and she had always been his sister to protect.

Therefore, the brother would bear all the revenge and hatred on himself, and only let his sister see the warm light.

"Brother... Thank you..." Hana said softly.

"Silly, why thank me... This is what I should do." Sasuke raised his lips slightly, and then said gently to Sakura, who was already in tears: "Even so, I won't allow you to hinder me!"

Naruto, who was watching, couldn't help but curse: "Asshole, why are you pretending to be cool! Idiot!"

"Thanks to Hana and Sakura for worrying about you..."

Before Naruto finished speaking, Sasuke turned around and smiled at him: "Naruto, I want to fight with you too!"

Naruto seemed to be touched by a certain string, and smiled after a moment.

"Yes! Sasuke, I want to fight with you too!"

"Hana, you too! I want to fight you fairly once." Naruto stretched out his fist to Hana.

"Okay! But I have to declare first that you will lose." Hana and Naruto bumped fists.

"I won't lose!"

Hana showed a sly smile: "Even if you become Hokage, you will lose to me!"

"Anyway, I won't lose!"

"Oh? Hana, you are very confident." Naruto said passionately.

Sakura and Sasuke shook their heads helplessly. These two passionate guys are really helpless.

At this time, seeing that no one would quit, Moonlight Gale announced solemnly: "Then, the preliminaries will begin now."

"The next preliminaries are one-on-one individual battles, that is, actual combat."

"Originally, there were 21 participants, and now one person is removed, leaving exactly 20 people."

"There will be a total of 10 battles, and the winners can enter the third exam."

"There are no rules and restrictions until one party dies, falls, or surrenders."

"If you don't want to die, just surrender quickly."

"However, if the winner has been decided, in order to reduce unnecessary deaths, I will intervene and stop the battle."

"Next, it is this electronic bulletin board that controls your fate."

He looked at Mitarashi Anko, who immediately understood what he meant and opened the electronic bulletin board.

"It will randomly display the names of the two opponents in each battle."

"Then, reveal the two players in the first battle right away."

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