Walking onto the stage, Kanon finally felt an unusual feeling this time. She sensed that some different chakra was watching her at this moment.

But such chakra was all over the venue, but why was there so much chakra outside the venue?

At this time, the Sound Ninja and Sand Ninja outside the venue had deployed many ambushes and were approaching Konoha Village step by step.

In the venue, Sasuke launched the attack first. He shot out two shurikens with a wave of his hand and shot them towards Gaara.

It was not surprising that his sand blocked it, and Gaara's sand also turned into his own appearance, and then scattered the overwhelming yellow sand, rushing towards Sasuke.

Seeing this, Sasuke rushed out in one step, jumped into the sky, blocked the shuriken of the sand clone Gaara, and kicked it to disperse the sand clone.

But Sasuke's attack was not over yet. He supported the ground with both hands, forced his body to rotate, and kicked again.

The speed of this attack was like a violent storm, and the surrounding ninjas were overwhelmed. But how could the overwhelming yellow sand be broken by physical skills?

The next moment, when Sasuke's fist hit the sand clone, it was entangled by the sand.

"Tsk, what a trouble!"

Sasuke pushed out with a palm, completely dispersing the sand clone.

"Close!" Sakura exclaimed.

"No, not yet!" Ino observed more carefully, because when Sasuke punched, a yellow sand blocked in front of him.

Sasuke looked at the yellow sand blocking in front of him, and his mouth corners were slightly raised. His body flashed and disappeared from the spot. Such speed surprised Xiao Li in the stands and Gaara at the scene.

"See, my brother is not that weak!" Hana said proudly to Naruto and Sakura beside him.

"Yes, yes, but I am also very strong!" Naruto pointed at himself.

"Who is stronger or weaker? Let's see who wins in the next game."

Kane smiled and was already helping to research Sasuke's next opponent.

At this age, only Lee and Kanon can achieve this speed, but at this moment, Sasuke actually did it.

This made Might Guy frown beside Kakashi.

Gaara couldn't catch Sasuke's speed at this time, and was punched away by Sasuke, with his whole face cracked.

This may be a genius. Lee has practiced for many years, and Sasuke can catch up with Lee who doesn't open the door after a month of special training...

Might Guy thought so in his heart, and looked at Lee with a little heartache, looking at Lee with a bleeding fist at this time, which was a kind of unwillingness and loss.

In the field, Sasuke stretched out one hand and put on a normal fighting posture of Lee.

"Is that the Sand Armor?"

"Come on."

Seeing Gaara just staring at him, Sasuke said confidently:

"If you don't attack me, I will."

The next moment, Sasuke's figure turned into a shadow and ran in the venue. The speed was so fast that the audience could not catch it with the naked eye. They could only see Sasuke's black figure.

Gaara wanted to use the sand to protect the front, but Sasuke turned on one foot and turned down, disappearing in front of Gaara in an instant.

"It's behind!" Gaara thought so in his heart, and hurriedly manipulated the sand to fight back.

But Sasuke's two magatama Sharingan opened, caught the gap in the sand, turned around and skipped this place, and kicked Gaara on the chin.

Seeing Gaara fly backwards again, Sasuke finally showed a comfortable smile.

"What's wrong? Is that all you have?!"

After taking the kick, Gaara stood up again and looked at Sasuke, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Let me take off that armor!"

Sasuke rushed towards Gaara again, using an attack very similar to Rock Lee, running around the field at the speed of light to attract Gaara's attention.

At the moment when Gaara was concentrating, Sasuke rushed out from an unexpected place, did a front flip and a back kick, and kicked Gaara away, but the attack was not over yet, he grabbed his clothes again and kneed him!

Xiao Li looked at Gaara unwillingly off the field. He had practiced for so many years, but Sasuke caught up with him after only one month of special training. This feeling was not pleasant.

"I just let Sasuke use the copying ability of the Sharingan to imitate Xiao Li's physical skills and conduct devilish training."

At this moment, Gaara made a seal, and all the sand around him wrapped around himself to form a protective wall.

Sasuke knew that he had to attack with all his might. If he let this technique succeed, the advantage he had built up would most likely be lost.

He was about to punch Gaara, butStopped in time.

Because the moment this punch was thrown, Sasuke's fist was bleeding, and along with the blood, many barbs pierced Gaara's barrier that was wrapped around himself.

Sasuke opened his Sharingan and looked at this scene breathlessly, and was also very angry, but before he could think about it, he saw another eyeball with sand gathered on the huge sand ball.

"Is that eye a vision? If so, we have to start from the eye with sand gathered." Hana muttered.

"Yes, in this way, Gaara can observe Sasuke's movements even in the sand barrier."

Sakura nodded, agreed with Hana's statement, and turned her head and asked Hana softly.

"If it were you, Hana, how would you break the situation?"

Hana was also thinking at this time.

"Generally there are two ways. If it were me, I would use the great fire to extinguish Gaara and roast him."

"Another way is to use a stronger offensive to break all his defenses in one breath."

Sure enough, when Sasuke found that his attack had no effect, he also jumped back a few steps, gathered chakra at his feet, and stopped on the wall in the distance.

After a set of seals, Sasuke squatted down, holding his left hand with his right hand, countless chakras gathered in his hands, and these chakras were attached with thunder attributes, and the surrounding sounds became very noisy.

It seemed like thousands of birds were chirping, and this move was not used by Sasuke. Many people present looked at Hanane.

Because Hanane was the first to show this move in front of the Genin, and now Sasuke actually knew this move.

Just when everyone was shocked by the Chidori, Sasuke moved!

He dragged the extremely sharp Chidori and began to sprint down at high speed. The surrounding ground was scratched by the terrifying Chidori.

"Is this technique so powerful?!" Shikamaru scratched his head in surprise, because in his impression, the Chidori performed by Hanako was not so powerful.

Hanako, who was sitting next to Sakura, explained to everyone softly:

"I actually controlled the power of that one on purpose."

"This is the real killer move. Brother didn't control the power at this time, so it was so powerful..."

Everyone was shocked. Hanako could actually control the power of Chidori, which made Kakashi, who was listening on the side, turn green. This was a ninjutsu he created! Can you control the power? !

As Sasuke flew towards Gaara in the distance, the moment he raised his hand, Sasuke had penetrated Gaara's absolute defense.


The huge hand had penetrated Gaara, and a terrifying sound came out, which made Sasuke a little confused, because he could feel warm blood dripping on his hand.

Gaara howled miserably because he saw his own blood. Along with Gaara's howl, Sasuke also found that he couldn't pull out his hand.

"There's no other way. I can only use Chidori again!" Sasuke thought so and roared, and the terrifying lightning chakra bloomed again at this moment.

Finally, Sasuke pulled out his hand, and what Sasuke brought out was a monster-like hand, which made Sasuke panic in his heart, and cold sweat fell from his eyes and forehead.

His two magatama were trembling because he saw the whole picture of Gaara's sand shield.

At this moment, the sand shield broke, revealing Gaara's crazy panting with his chest covered.

Hana also shouted around at this moment, because she sensed a strange chakra looking around the whole venue.

"Everyone run!"

Because at this moment, a hypnotic illusion was sweeping the entire venue, causing almost everyone present to fall into a coma.

Suddenly, Hana made seals with both hands and broke the hypnotic illusion. She looked behind her suddenly and saw an Anbu ninja took off his mask and smiled playfully.

"It's you! Kabuto Yakushi!" Hana frowned.

At this moment, the other ninjas ambushed outside the venue also launched their breath. At this moment, the ninjas outside Konoha Village also rushed into Konoha Village.

But in fact, Konoha was also prepared, and many Anbu were arranged in the venue at this moment.

Everything in front of her changed. It was just a match between Gaara and Sasuke, but at this moment, it has become a war between Sand Village and Konoha!

Hana was the most sober person in the audience at this moment. She looked at the people around her who all collapsed to the ground. Only Sakura was still awake, and she hurried over.

"Sakura, go and help to remove the illusion, I'll go down to see my brother!"

"Okay! Hana, you have to be careful too!" Sakura instructed.

"Thank you, Sakura, I'll go see my brother first."Next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Kazekage's men threw a smoke bomb to the ground!

Just as the whole situation was in chaos, the Kazekage grabbed Sarutobi Hiruzen's neck, put a kunai in front of his face and jumped towards the roof.

But the man who had just thrown the smoke bomb was instantly cut in half by the Anbu, and blood flowed directly down the roof.

On the other side, another Sand Ninja took off his disguise and turned into four people in an instant.

The ones who came were the Otoshi quartet, Kidomaru, Sakon Ukon, Jirobo and Tayuya.

"It's finally our turn to appear."

The four retreated to four corners, and as the four people formed seals, they also shouted.

"Ninjutsu, Four Purple Flame Formation!"

A purple barrier surged, and an Anbu ninja accidentally touched it, and in an instant, a terrifying flame ignited on his body and he was burned to death!

At this time, the scene was in chaos, and Hanane finally fell to the ground.

As soon as she came to Sasuke, she saw Temari and Kankuro taking Gaara away.

"What's going on?!" Kanon, who was in the middle of the situation, had an ominous premonition.

She always felt something was wrong when she came to Sasuke.

"Brother, what's wrong?!" Kanon asked in confusion.

"I don't know much..."

At this moment, the jonin in front of her, Shiranui Genma, said to Kanon and Sasuke behind her.

"Kanaon, Sasuke, I'm sorry, the Chunin Exam is over."

"You are already Chunin level. Since you are Konoha's ninja, you should help Konoha."

Sasuke was supported by Kanon at this time, and said indifferently to Shiranui Genma in front of him:

"Anyway, just defeat that bastard Gaara."

"Continue the battle just now."

Shiranui Genma also reminded Sasuke at this time.

"Don't chase too deep."

"It's no longer an exam... but a real battle."

Kane had a bad feeling at this moment.

She lacked a sense of security, and at this moment, she only wanted to stay with Naruto or her brother...

"Brother, do you want us to go back and prepare?"

"No, we have to do the same thing anyway! Hanane, I'm leaving first!"

Sasuke slapped Hanane's hand hard, refused Hanane's request, and chased in the direction where Gaara left.


Kane saw this and couldn't let Sasuke chase alone, so she hurried back.

She said hello to Sakura, and after removing Naruto's illusion, she also chased in the direction of Sasuke.

Kakashi frowned as Sasuke and Hanane left.

"Hane... Sasuke..."

He also had a bad feeling, as if if the two chased out, one of them would never be seen again.

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