[I could have been watering three chapters next, but I don't water anymore, so I'll come directly...]


If Uchiha Itachi really wanted to kill Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke could be said to be certain to die, but the usual Uchiha Itachi didn't have such thoughts at all. And now Uchiha Itachi has no such thoughts, and the inventor Orochimaru wants to manipulate Uchiha Itachi's body and let him be killed by Sasuke.

Uchiha Mikoto chose Uchiha Sasuke's eyes instead of Uchiha Itachi's eyes, why? Because Uchiha Sasuke's eyes are rare straight wheel eyes.

Now Uchiha Itachi is losing under the manipulation of the inventor Orochimaru, and he is not Uchiha Sasuke's opponent at all, and Uchiha Sasuke is already crazy, not realizing that the Uchiha Itachi in front of him is much weaker than usual, and now he is a ruthless killer.

"Chidori. "Crackling!

There was a thunderous sound of 1,000 birds chirping, and then Uchiha Sasuke pierced violently at once, and its speed exceeded the speed of sound under the increase of the nine-tailed chakra, instantly spanning a distance of more than ten meters, and immediately penetrated the Uchiha Itachi's body.

The Uchiha Itachi flew upside down and slid a few 10 meters on the ground before it came to a dangerous stop.

Now the dried persimmon ghost shark and others have also come in.

"Itachi Uchiha. "The dried persimmon oni shark who had just come in saw the scene of Uchiha Itachi's failure, and he couldn't believe that Uchiha Itachi would actually lose to his younger brother, how could this be?

You must know that the dried persimmon ghost shark rarely admires anyone, but he admires Uchiha Itachi very much

"Ahem, ahem, ahem..."Uchiha Itachi is now covered in blood, and a large hole has appeared in his chest, and the internal organs in it have been completely shattered, and it can be said that his life is not long.

Now the inventor Orochimaru has revoked the manipulation of the Uchiha glaze and is no longer in use, and the glasses he is wearing have been broken.

Uchiha Itachi knows that his vitality is slowly draining?

"Sasuke, I don't have time now, so I'll show you it" Uchiha Itachi knew that he couldn't say or do much now, and the only thing he could do was to make Sasuke understand how to use the Sharingan, and also make Sasuke more aware of the power of Sharingan.

"There is a pupil jutsu born from the mind in every writing wheel eye, Sasuke, when both eyes are kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, you can launch the strongest thing that can launch an offensive and defensive integration, its name is Susa Nenghu"

What the.

Sasuke was stunned, the Uchiha Itachi in front of him had a big hole in his chest, but he didn't expect to be able to stand up slowly with the Uchiha Itachi.

Then Susanoo appeared.

The powerful Susa Nenghu didn't make a move, but the momentum already shocked Uchiha Sasuke.

At the same time, Sasuke also had a trace of ambition in his heart, and he felt that he would get such power one day.

"Sasuke, you'll be left alone in the future, you have to know that your future road is very rough and bumpy, you have to work hard!"

After saying that, Uchiha Itachi's body fell.

Uchiha Itachi didn't die, but he didn't have the strength to speak, he didn't have the strength to stand, his eyes just quietly looked at the Uchiha Sasuke in front of him, waiting for death to gradually come.

Inventor Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and clapped his hands, and said, "Congratulations, the great revenge has been avenged." "

The tone is weird.

I don't know if it's a secret mockery, or a sincere blessing.

Sasuke's spirit was also extremely tired, seeing that Uchiha Itachi couldn't get up anymore, although his eyes were not closed, and there was still a little breath, but Uchiha Itachi couldn't get up anymore, Sasuke took the tense nerves, and suddenly relaxed, and immediately sat on the ground, gasping for breath.


It stands to reason that ordinary people should be happy if they have revenge.


Sasuke found that he didn't look happy, he now had a feeling, not pleasure, but emptiness, the goal that he had always thought was difficult to achieve, and it was achieved like this?

Itachi Uchiha is dead.

He was confused.

The weasel is dying,

Looking at Sasuke like this, he felt distressed.

"Sasuke... Sasuke..."Using the last of his strength, Uchiha Itachi weakly spoke, "Forgive me, Sasuke,"


His right hand was barely sealed.

Once upon a time, stamping was so fast.

But now the Uchiha Itachi seal is so slow and so difficult.


With his seal, a crow suddenly flew down, this is a black crow, on its left eye, there is a special writing wheel eye, kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

But the shape of the kaleidoscope is different from that of the Uchiha Itachi.

It belongs to the water stop!

Now, Itachi looked at the inventor Orochimaru and said, "Protect Sasuke, protect Konoha, don't... Don't be a god!"

With his words.

The crow's left eye burst out with a powerful pupil power, which is said to be the strongest pupil power.

enough to invade the other party's brain, and then modify the other party's will,

"I didn't expect to do it to me, but do you think you can do it?"

Inventor Orochimaru shook his head.

As scientists,

He also did not fail to invent.

Just as Hitomi arrived, the inventor Orochimaru took out a mirror.


Ordinary mirrors.

The next moment.

The crow's pupil power was refracted onto his body.

Crow has an idea now, I want to protect Crow, protect Sasuke.

"What?" Uchiha Itachi saw this scene, his eyes widened, he didn't understand, it was just a mirror, how could it stop other gods???

This is another god!

What a terrible pupil technique, actually defeated by a small mirror?

"Do you know science?" Inventor Orochimaru was disappointed: "Some things, which look inconspicuous, are actually all things in heaven and earth, have their power, and a small mirror, if you use it well, will play an unimaginable role." "

Itachi Uchiha: "Ahem, ahem..."

He was shocked.

The next moment, it seemed that he was about to die completely.

"Don't die yet, before you die, I always want you to see a person's. "Inventor Orochimaru took out any door.

After opening the door.

A woman walked out.

It's Mikoto Uchiha.

But now she is completely different from the warm mother in Uchiha Itachi's memory, temperament or something, judging the two of them.

"How come?" Uchiha Itachi looked at such a mother in disbelief. But before he died, he was able to see his mother, and for Itachi, it was satisfying...

Now Uchiha Mikoto walked up step by step.

"Mother—" Looking at the woman, Uchiha Itachi spoke apologetically.

"You'd better die. The demon girl Uchiha Mikoto took out the kunai.

Uchiha Itachi's pupils widened, Mother, why do you want to kill me,

Still won't forgive me?

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