Like most people, when watching Naruto manga and anime in the last life, Hoshino and Hoshino hated those smelly and long memories, and they were so-so when they watched it, so they knew very little about the memory plot, not to mention the description of Konoha’s early construction period in the original book is also very brief, and there is not much description of Uchiha’s control of the Nine-Tails attack on Konoha, only two descriptions: the Battle of Muramae and the Battle of the End Valley.

Although it seems that there are no casualties in Konoha, but there are two battles between Uchiha and Senjuju, but now Hoshino Kazu does not think so.

I saw the Nine Tails galloping all the way, and some defensive fortresses and walled walls on the outskirts of Konoha Village shattered like paper, and the Konoha ninjas inside also disappeared into the smoke and dust, and there was no movement.

There was such a big movement around Konoha, even if the Konoha guard force was slow to react, not to mention that the Konoha guard force was the elite of the elite, and the guard troops in the village rushed towards the direction of the Nine Tails.

And the guards on the periphery of Konoha had already begun to defend, and many ninjas barely kept up with the Nine Tails, and many ninjutsu, ninja tools did not want money, and smashed madly at the Nine Tails. But when the smoke and dust around the Nine Tails dispersed, the Nine Tails was unscathed, seemingly angry that the ant-like people around him dared to provoke themselves, the Nine Tails suddenly stopped, their blood-red eyes scanned the ninjas around them, and after a little brewing, a terrifying tailed beast cannon shot out of their mouths.

Except for a small number of upper ninja who barely reacted to make defense, most of the remaining middle ninja were reduced to ashes in the violent explosion of the tail beast cannon, as if they had never existed.

Although he expected it, Hoshino Kazu was shocked to see that many Naka Shinobi were killed in seconds without even having time to react, and it had been five years since he crossed into the Hokage World, and this was the first time he had witnessed the strongest power of the Hokage.

Worst! As soon as he woke up from the shock, Hoshino Kazu thought of the most important question, that is, Kurama had just joined the Konoha Guard Department half a month ago, and now it was time to finish his vacation and start his duty!

Looking at the big pit that had been razed to the ground by the tailed beast cannon, Hoshino and prayed that Uncle Kurama was not one of those Naka Shinobi who had been wiped out of the air, and forced down the uneasiness in his heart, and asked Kurama Nozomi, “Koki, is Uncle at home today?” ”

Seemingly shocked by the great battle that took place in the distance, Kurama Nozomi did not come to his senses for a long time, and it took a long time before he reluctantly replied: “I… When I came out to look for you, Dad was still home. Saying that, Kuramahi’s little face suddenly burst into tears, and he shouted with a sob: “Father is still at home, father is in danger, woo-woo… Yamato brother, I want a father… Woo hoo…”

Hearing Kurama Nozomi’s answer, without caring about comfort, Hoshino and Hoshino immediately picked up the villain next to him and ran down the mountain.


The smoke cleared, and the battlefield instantly became calm. I saw that the giant trees that had covered the sky outside Konoha Village fell to the ground countless times, and several large scorched black pits with a depth appeared out of thin air.

The Nine Tails, who had just been extremely irritable, seemed to be instantly quiet, and their blood-red eyes looked coldly at those Konoha ninja who had barely resisted the tailed beast cannon, and at this time they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

As if annoyed that he had failed to kill everyone with one blow, the Nine-Tails’ already blood-red eyes became brighter and more enchanting, and after a longer brewing period than before, the Tailed Beast Cannon erupted from the Nine-Tails mouth again, shooting towards the remaining Konoha with incredible speed.

The remaining Konoha ninja only resisted the tailed beast cannon once, and they all consumed most of the chakra, and their bodies were still in a state of detachment, and they were unable to accept this tailed beast cannon attack, so they could only close their eyes and wait for death.

Seeing that the remaining Konoha upper ninja were about to fly under the tail beast cannon, but only listened to the shout of “Mu Dun Wood Ingot Wall”, the remaining upper ninja suddenly grew rows of wooden pillars under the feet, slightly blocking the momentum of the tail beast cannon, with this reaction time, the upper ninja also condensed the last chakra under the pressure of death to make defense, but they were still shot away from afar, and their life and death are unknown.

“Enough, Madara, why are you doing this?” The person who came was Konoha’s original Hokage, Senjukuma! Although he arrived as fast as he could, he was unable to prevent the destruction brought by the Nine Tails, and in a hurry, he could only use the fastest wooden dun to protect the Konoha Shinobi.

“Why should I? Don’t you know yet? This ridiculous Konoha! Ridiculous dreams! Ridiculous peace! “The arrival of the Thousand Hands Pillar finally revealed the true face of Uchiha Madara standing on top of the Nine Tails.

“Do you want to let all the struggles we have made so far go to waste? Madara, there is no point in us fighting each other, this battle will only hurt the village and the ninja, which is simply an insult to our brothers and companions. Hearing Madara denying the two of them’s previous dreams and current achievements, Senjuju was simply furious and said sharply.

“I’ve surpassed you!” Uchiha turned a deaf ear to the angry drink between the thousand hand pillars, but instantly turned on the armor of the Nine Tails Susano, and then said this sentence lightly.

“Immortal Magic Mu Dunzhen Thousands of Hands”

It is useless to understand that it is useless to say more, and the thousand hand pillars decisively enter the immortal mode.

There is no dazzling ninjutsu, only the duel of the purest power, the giant wooden man summoned between the thousand hand pillars and the nine-tailed battle controlled by Uchiha in the armor of Susanoo are in one place, and the chakra that overflows when the two fight, instantly razes the square circle to the ground.


The village of Konoha was in a panic, dragging civilians with their families, guarding many clans, and the Konoha guard troops with heavy casualties… The modest streets of Konoha were filled with people fleeing to the back mountain, and the village of Konoha, which had been built for five years, apparently did not know how to deal with this disaster.

“Don’t panic, don’t panic, Lord Hokage has resisted the incoming enemy, everyone evacuate in an orderly manner, evacuate in an orderly manner!” Although most of them are busy fleeing, there are still a small number of ninjas struggling to maintain order, and Yamanaka Inazo is one of them.

Difficult to direct the crowd to walk back the mountain, Yamanaka Inazo found a little boy carrying a little girl on his back and moving forward against the flow of people.

These two people are Hoshino and Kurama Nozomi, and after the two just saw the attack of the Nine Tails, they hurried home, but found that there was no Kurama locust at home, guessing that Kurama Locust might be on duty today, and the two went crazy and wanted to go to the battlefield outside the village to find it.

“Little friends, are you and the adults lost, go, hurry to the back mountain, it’s dangerous here.” After Yamanaka Inazo found the two, he squeezed to Hoshino Kazu’s side with difficulty, and pulled Hoshino Kazu towards the back mountain.

“Uncle, do you know Kurama Sophora? He is guarding the troops, on duty today, we are going to find him. The continuous running exhausted Hoshinokazu’s physical strength, and he was pulled by Yamanaka Zorice and could not resist, but he still struggled and asked.

“I want Daddy, Daddy… Hearing his father’s name, Kuramahi began to cry as well.

“It turns out that this is the case, the guards are all heroes of Konoha, but their casualties are very large, and those who were saved by Naruto-sama are all arranged in temporary hospitals, let me take you there.” Yamanaka Inazo said with admiration.

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