Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 993: Juicy Abalone

Some students came back one after another. They were surprised when they saw Yang Ming and the two of them, but they didn't stop what they were doing. After all, their cooking skills were not that superb, and they didn't have that kind of confidence.

Of course, take all the time to cook.

More and more students are returning, and the Takmi brothers have already returned, and their eyes are on Yang Ming, who is waiting seriously.

Saw that sweet fish too.

Takumi said to himself, "Ayu? Is it sashimi? It's really fast, but even so, it can't be the slightest carelessness, right?"

He secretly made up his mind to give Yang Ming a good look.

Jiang Teng Xinyi was carrying the fish basket at the moment, he was stunned when he saw the ingredients prepared by Takmi, is this abalone?

Not preconceived, but rationally looking for suitable ingredients, really is a professional chef!

He couldn't help but admire his opponent, but he just admired without any fear, and began to ponder instead.

Seeing Yang Ming take out the bamboo shoots, everyone felt dazed.

"Bamboo shoots?" Takmi laughed, "Is this still sashimi sushi?"

Although ayu sashimi is a classic Japanese dish, there are very few people who can make it well.

Not to mention that under the influence of a lot of fish, the taste is bound to be lost.

The influence of too many similar dishes on the judges is self-evident.

But when it comes to sashimi sushi using bamboo shoots, there seems to be no such precedent, right?

Seeing the amazing cooking skills of the Takomi brothers, Guan Shouping chewed his refreshment and said to Yang Ming, "Aren't you going to do it yet?"

"No hurry." In the face of Takmi's strong performance, Yang was obviously extremely calm.

"Ai, you are really confident."

Guan Shouping's eyes narrowed and he looked at Yang Ming with a smile, but in his heart he commented and praised Yang Ming. Although he had a very strong talent and an amazing identity, he was not arrogant or arrogant at all. The etiquette is thoughtful, the speech and behavior are more calm and steady.

What is even more admirable is the quality shown in the face of their own assessment.

In order to carefully observe the strength of the opponent and the cooking, there is no fear of limited time, even if it is in trouble, it does not matter, this is the courage that a chef needs.

Yang Ming does have this plan. He wants to carefully observe the cooking process of Takomi, to learn and study the mystery of the other party's preparation of sauce, to learn some knowledge from it, and then to improve himself.

This is also the disadvantage of being the first cook in the competition, but the advantage is also obvious. If the other party's cooking is really good, it will definitely make the judges have a preconceived notion.

"Want to observe? Use your eyes to penetrate my loopholes, then look carefully, there are absolutely no loopholes in my cooking!"

Takmi's attention has always been on Yang Ming, and he also regards him as a rival. As for Eto Shinichi, to be honest, he really didn't pay attention to it, he just regarded it as an opponent that must be defeated.

"This is?" The surrounding exclamations sounded.

All because Takmi took out his killer Banyue Knife, a knife professionally used to cut ingredients into powder, but because of its peculiar shape and far more weight than ordinary knives, it was impossible for ordinary people to master.

However, in the hands of Takmi, there is no such problem at all. His years of experience as a professional chef in Italy have made him able to master this knife with ease.

Da da da

A rhythmic, but also like a storm-like sound suddenly burst out.

Not all of them are evenly cut, nor are they extremely messy, but they are purposeful. The extremely precise is to chop the perilla and green onions perfectly and mix them together, which also adds another difficulty to the chef's mastery of the knife.

And this kind of 'strong wind and rain' seems to be unstoppable, and it lasted for more than ten seconds before it stopped.

Takmi stopped abruptly, and then handed Ban Yue to his younger brother, while he went to observe the cooking of abalone and the making of sauce.

Da da da

The sound was even louder than the previous one, with a strong impact, so that everyone could not help but look at it. The half moon that fell out of thin air was not contaminated with any powder, and the bright blade surface was even more impressive. This picture adds a touch of bright color, like moonlight.

"So strong!" Jiang Teng Xinyi couldn't help but marvel.

Takmi's hands still kept moving. He didn't care about the sights around him. No matter what those sights were, they wouldn't affect him. The perfect meal.

He put the abalone into the pot with one hand and started to cook, and with the right hand, he skillfully grabbed a handful of seasoning and swayed it down. The weight was just right, and there was no accident at all.

In the end, he carefully brushed the sauce made of soy sauce, mustard, and black pepper on the abalone meat, and then placed it on the rice ball.

Then the whole cooking is The whole process, plus the previous finding, processing, cooking, and manufacturing of the abalone, did not take more than an hour at all.

"It seems that you don't need to give me an hour at all, but I will give you an hour instead."

Takumi said something to Yang Ming with a light smile, then brought the dishes to Guan Shouping, bent down slightly, "Please taste."

Guan Shouping looked at the dish in front of him, and just by looking at the previous handling and quality, he knew that this dish tasted absolutely good, and it was the first one. It seemed that Takumi's strength should not be underestimated.

Yang Ming, I wonder if the script in front of you is beyond your expectations.

"Please enjoy."

Noticing the slight change in Guan Shouping's expression, Takmi smiled gracefully and said with a slight bow.

Guan Shouping nodded, picked up a piece of abalone sushi, and gently put it into his mouth.


As soon as the abalone enters the mouth, it exudes a very satisfying taste on the tip of the tongue. The strong taste is full of wild flavor and has a strong cooling feeling.

Seeing Guan Shouping's bright and contented smile, everyone was startled.

Guan Shouping's thoughts were already occupied by the abalone meat. After a long time, he opened his eyes, "It's really delicious, Team Takumi, pass!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Takmi smiled. Any chef would be very happy to see the bright smile of his guests, especially this one was the judge between him and Yang Ming.

Guan Shouping glanced at Yang Ming and raised his finger, "It's up to you now, Yang Ming, if you can't cook a comparable dish, then you will lose."

"Oh, yes, there seems to be no punishment." He whispered, and then began to think, as if thinking about what punishment should be done.

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