Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 997: Not the 1st is meaningless

"It's just a roadside restaurant, but don't underestimate the other party." Yang Ming said with a smile, but his eyes still fell on Yukihira Soma, or his actions. The powerful writing wheel made him easily dismiss Yukihira. Creative recipe reproduction.

At this moment, there is absolutely no problem in letting him cook this dish.

It is also a process of improvement and learning.

"A roadside restaurant?" Takumi was disdainful, and he was secretly laughing in his heart. He was really frightened by Yang Ming, thinking that anyone could cook delicious food.

The sound of tearing the red-hot oil pan in contact with the fish sounded, and at this moment it was the last step of Koping Soma.

Soon, Kohei Soma put the cooking out of the pot, and he came over with the cooking.

On the other hand, there are still some teammates who are still a little nervous, but the other side's face is not as flustered as before, and it seems to be much calmer.

"The dish is ready, please taste it." Soma Kohei put the dish on the table, then looked at Yang Ming and Takmi, "If you don't mind, would you like to taste it?"

"Fried fish sushi?" Takmi and Yang Ming looked over at the same time.

The practice of this dish is very simple, just use the smashed persimmon seeds as the top coat, then coat the fish with egg yolk, and finally put the fish in the oil pan, fry the fish directly, and then put it on the rice ball, even if it is Done.

In this way, even people who never know how to make sushi can make fried fish sushi as long as they know the steps.

The problem is that after Koping Soma was out of the pan, when the fried fish and sushi touched the space, a fresh scent immediately poured into everyone's nasal cavity, stimulating the secretion of saliva in the mouth.


Takmi also seemed to have forgotten the things that he had looked down on before. He took a long breath from his nose, and his index finger moved slightly, "I actually have a feeling that I want to eat this dish."

"Brother, I seem to eat it too!" The younger brother Tasami next to him wanted to do it even more.

"It looks like it's delicious." Guan Shouping was eager to try.

"Please use it." Koping Soma said with a chuckle, "I want to eat it while it's hot."

His cooking is so simple as long as the customer is satisfied.

Guan Shouping carefully took a piece of fish into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

In an instant, Guan Shouping's eyes became crescent-shaped, "It's delicious, it's a pity..."

His expression became a little distressed, "I was too full just now, and now I can't taste any flavors at all."

"Uh." Xingping Chuangzhen, who had always been indifferent, was speechless. He looked at Yang Ming's dishes on the left. Except for ice cubes, there was no trace of ayu sushi on it, and it had all entered Guan Shouping's stomach. .

"If you don't mind, how about me as a judge?" Yang Ming asked Guan Shouping.

Guan Shouping thought for a while, and then said, well, with your cooking skills, you can make enough comments on it. "

"Chuangzhen-jun has no opinion, right?" Yang Ming looked at Xingping Chuangzhen.

"No problem." Xingping Chuangzhen has no doubts that Yang Ming belittled his cooking because he is in a competitive relationship with him. All of this is because of something Yang Ming said.

‘Food is the food that brings happiness to people! ’

How can a chef who can say such a thing deny his cooking because of competition, and there are deeper reasons for all this.

Because after seeing Yang Ming's cooking, he already faintly felt that he had lost in his heart.

"Then I'll start..." Yang Ming picked up a piece of fried fish sushi.

The color of the fried fish sushi is golden, and the outer coat is made of persimmon seeds, so it exudes a faint fragrance, and the simpler the dish, the more a chef's skill will be tested.

That's why some people say that the highest level of a chef is a bowl of egg fried rice.

Fried fish sushi and egg fried rice are similar. Cooking is very simple and everyone knows how to do it.

With the expectation of a foodie, Yang Ming put the fried fish sushi into his mouth.

He took a bite, and the fried fish and sushi seemed to burst in his mouth. An indescribable, very delicious taste immediately filled his mouth.

Fresh, crisp, tender, refreshing and delicious!

Yang Ming reminisced slightly, and then shook his head slightly. Even so, it was just ordinary cooking after all. This is also a disadvantage of Kohira Sojin. He has cooked too many dishes, and he has cooked too many similar dishes, although the basic skills are solid. To the extreme, but also to a bottleneck.

What is needed now is creativity and more sophisticated skills.

"Pass." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Really? Great!!!" The student who partnered with Soma Kohei jumped up. He was so happy that he could successfully pass the test.

"Hey? Don't you have any more comments??" Koping Soma was stunned when he heard this.

"No more." Yang Ming shook his head slightly, "In terms of cooking, you have already achieved the ultimate in this dish. This is a manifestation of solid basic skills, and there is nothing to say in terms of creativity. If it is based on the requirements of this assessment To evaluate, then it is up to Chef Guan to speak."

Guan Shouping stood up, "Yes, this dish is indeed very delicious, and the use of persimmon seeds to make noodles is also very and not afraid of the limited time, do your best to make your own unique dishes. It's admirable."

"Hey? So who did we win?" Koping Soma asked.

The same is true for Takmi. He looked at Guan Shouping with anticipation. The reason why he didn't refuse Yang Ming's cooking before was because he knew that he had already lost, especially since he had personally tasted Yang Ming's cooking, he was more certain.

But even so, it is impossible for him to lose to Kohei Soma, right? !

"It seems a little troublesome. Although Yang Ming's cuisine is simple and popular, it is very unique in terms of knife work, appearance and taste, and has his own style and characteristics." Guan Shouping showed a thoughtful expression, "And Takomi's cuisine Well, it's also very good, being able to find abalone represents your passion for cooking..."

And at this moment, the sound of beeping sounded.

Guan Shouping took out his mobile phone from his pocket and put it to his ear, and then his expression suddenly became very innocent. After a long time, he said, "Okay, we should go back."

"Senior Shinomiya is angry." He said to everyone.

"Ah? What about our ranking?" Takmi asked quickly.

"Yang Ming is the first." Guan Shouping blinked, "Didn't I already say it?"

Takmi didn't have time to complain about the forgetfulness of the other party, but asked: "I have no doubt that he is the first, but what about the second?"

"Second place, um... It's so troublesome, you should tie." After Guan Shouping finished speaking, he walked towards the outside, "It doesn't make much sense anyway, doesn't it? If it's not first, then it doesn't matter what the number is. Does it matter?!"


Yang Ming stretched out his hand to Takmi and said with a smile, "I accept the bet and admit defeat, and bring me the money."

"Also, according to what Chef Guan said before, you still owe me a request."

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