Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1040:

"Why?" Nakiri Erina's eyes flashed with confusion.

"Because your ten massages haven't been completed yet?" Yang Ming laughed.

"Hey, Yang Ming." Nakiri Erina whispered, her eyes complicated and inexplicable.

"Senpai Gendan, you support first, I'll take Erina up first." Yang Ming shouted to Xiaolin Gendan.

"Junior Yang Ming, you have to hurry up." Xiaolin Rentan pouted, such a small emotion is very rare for Xiaolin Rentan.

"Okay." Yang Ming nodded, and then let Erina lie on his back, then Yang Ming held a kitchen knife in both hands, and slowly moved up, crawling on the muddy slope, some small Shizi or something, Yang Ming also ignored him, and now the most important thing is to save both of them.

"Yang Ming." Nakiri Erina felt the warmth behind Yang Ming and whispered, her heart felt incomparably warm.

This warmth filled her heart. It was accumulated with Yang Ming for several months. At this moment, a qualitative change occurred. In Erina's heart, Yang Ming seemed to have become a part of her life.

"Yang Ming, thank you very much." Erina Nakiri lay on top of Yang Ming.

"It's here." Yang Ming climbed to the top and directly asked Erina to climb onto the road, while the rest quickly pulled Erina over.

"Miss Erina."

"Erina." Everyone looked surprised when they saw Erina appearing. That's great, Erina is fine, and Yang Ming is fine.

"Yang Ming, could it be Rentan?" Akakubo Tao said in disbelief. Among the girls present, Akira Akira and Kobayashi Rentan may have the best relationship. After all, they have known each other for several years.

"No, I'll go right now and take the gentian." Yang Ming shook his head and immediately went down again.

After a while, Xiaolin Gentian was also rescued by Yang Ming.

"Huhu..." Yang Ming gasped, his body in front was completely covered with mud, and it slowly faded away under the heavy rain, but he could find that there were many broken places in the clothes. It was born when Rina and the others were there.

"Okay, everyone, move on now, and when we get there, we can rest." Yang Ming gritted his teeth. After all this time, everyone was very tired.

But it is impossible to rest here.

"Continue to follow me, be careful with your feet." Yang Ming took a deep breath, pulled Alice, and then led everyone through the majestic rain. .

After the dangerous slipping incident, although the trail behind was a little difficult, a few people passed it smoothly.

Ten minutes later, Yang Ming, Erina and others appeared in the cave. At this moment, everyone felt like heaven. There was no heavy rain pouring down, as if it was the end of the world.

"There is actually a cave here." Alice Nakiri said in surprise.

"Yes, so we can rest here tonight." Yang Ming nodded. "And I found some wood inside. We can set fire to warm our body a little."

"Really." A few people came to the depths of the cave, looked at the scattered wood and said, there are still some burnt charcoal here, it seems that someone has been here before.

"Then, Yang Mingjun, what are we going to do?" Feishazi was a little puzzled, because there is no fire source, is it difficult to drill wood to make fire?

"How to do it." Yang Ming smiled, put down the backpack behind him, then took out a nylon bag, and took out a lighter from it.

"Just use a lighter to ignite these things. It just so happens that there is flammable hay here, and there is still unused diesel here, so you can ignite these woods." Yang Ming said with the lighter.

"Oh, oh, then let's set the fire." Alice Nakiri and the others nodded quickly.

After a while, a pile of firewood was lit, Erina and the others felt the warm flames, and couldn't help showing a smile, that was the happiness of the rest of life after life and death, it's good to live.

"Okay, I'll take this pot and wash it outside, and then bring some water, then we'll burn something to eat." Yang Ming took the local iron pot, "By the way, you all organize your own bags. What other snacks are there, take them all out, these are our dinners."

After speaking, Yang Ming took the iron pot and walked out again.

"Stinky rascal." Nakiri Erina looked at Yang Ming's back and said loudly, "You have to be careful."

"Junior Yang Ming, if you don't come back within half an hour, I will come to you." Xiaolin Rentan said.

Other girls also exhorted.

"It's safe, I'll be back soon." Yang Ming waved his hand and disappeared into the rain.

in the cave.

The crackling firewood sounded faintly, and Xiaolin Rentan broke the silence, "By the way, Erina, why do you call Junior Brother Yang Ming a rascal? I'm just curious."

Akakubo Tao heard this and was a little curious. Although she knew that Erina called Yang Ming this way, she really didn't know why she called Yang Ming this way.

"Why." Erina thought of some of the shameful behaviors Yang Ming had done to her before, and her face flushed, "Nothing, just looks very rogue?"

"It looks like Erina, do you have any secrets?" Kobayashi Rindan laughed, "But Yang Ming is really good, today my life is saved by my junior? So Erina, if you don't want Yang Ming , then give it to me."

"No." Erina Nakiri said quickly.

Kobayashi Rentan was taken aback for a moment, looked at Erina, and laughed, "Just kidding, Erina is still so serious."

"Xiaohui, you and Yang Ming live in the same How is Yang Ming usually?" Akikokubo asked curiously.

"Yang Mingjun, very good, very gentle." Tian Suohui recalled.

"It's very gentle, not like Yang Ming." Akakubo Tao was slightly puzzled, because when Yang Ming got along with her, he was a confident to a bit domineering apprentice. He was confident in doing things, and even seemed very sharp.

At this moment, the girls present were all discussing the topic of Yang Ming. It seemed that there were many things and secrets that could be told, and a certain point of Yang Ming could be discussed for a long time.

In this way, time passed slowly. When everyone was a little worried, Yang Ming came back, holding an iron pot in both hands, which was naturally a large pot of water.

"You guys use stone bricks to make a stove." Yang Ming said, then Alice and the others stacked the bricks and put some wood inside.

"Okay." Yang Ming put the iron pot on the simple stove.

"Yang Mingjun, but we don't have any ingredients." Alice Nakiri was a little puzzled.


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