Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1071:

See the judges prepare to eat their own dishes.

"Please wait."

Misaka Subaru took out a small knife from the kitchen counter, and cut it open from the front of the beef. Immediately, a rich aroma accompanied by heat wafted out of the beef.

The audience stood up and stuck their heads out to look here, and suddenly someone said, "Isn't this Ye Shanliang's idea?"

Everyone came to their senses, this was really Ye Shanliang's idea, and the aroma that burst out was equally good, but after the beef was broken, there were some fine **** mixed in it. At first glance, I thought it was pearls!

"Che, are you imitating Kohei's real creativity again?" someone said disdainfully.


The boos all around sounded again.

The judges frowned, and suddenly one of them suddenly realized, "So it is."

The commander-in-chief commented, "Is it because I couldn't mix the fish honey juice into a huge gold bead before, so I could only mix it into loose beads, and then put it into the beef?"

Misaku Subaru didn't feel ashamed at all because of the boos from the surrounding audience, but said proudly, "Yes, that's right, and I even made a special sauce for this!"

With that said, he brought the sauce over again.

Although the judges did not have a good sense of Subaru Mizuo, they still had the basic ethics as judges, and they began to taste Subaru's dishes one by one.

Cut the beef with a fork and a knife, then put it in the mouth with the sauce, the judge on the left said, "Well, although there is an idea for inspiration, this beef is really good, crispy, soft and glutinous, clear and refreshing. , fat but not greasy, the taste is more fragrant and smooth, and it has a long aftertaste. Compared with ordinary beef stew, it is full of new ideas and full of heart."

One of the older judges took a more reserved bite, savored it carefully, nodded and said, "It is fragrant but not greasy, and it melts in the mouth. It is rare that stewed beef can do this. However, your beef seems to be different from others. It's made differently, the outer skin is crisper than others, but the meat inside is more tender and delicious than others."

The commander-in-chief tasted it and said, "Is it milky? When I took out the ingredients, I washed it with milk and smeared it with the seasoning made of milk and honey, so the meat is so tender! "

Mizuka Subaru heard the commander's comment and became proud, "Actually, the most delicious is this golden pearl! It is stewed with beef, as if a layer of beef has been added, and it can also absorb the beef when it is being stewed. The essence of the stage, its taste is no less than the beef itself!"

The commander-in-chief nodded slightly in agreement. It was undeniable that Subaru's improvement was actually quite good.

The other judges also nodded frequently. Some people had finished eating and wanted to wipe their mouths, but still wanted to eat more.

Hearing the evaluation of the judges, Subaru Mizuo became more and more complacent. He was full of confidence in his own improvement and creation. Yang Ming's previous cooking might still be able to compete with him, but after piercing hundreds of small holes with needles. , the aroma of the beef has all dissipated, and it is impossible to compare with yourself!

This guy simply shot himself in the foot!

"Yang Mingjun looks dangerous!" Someone in the audience said softly.

"Banmen get an axe!" Yang Ming sneered after seeing Meisaku Subaru's cuisine, "You don't even understand the true meaning of the golden light and dazzling cuisine. It's just a simple imitation, or even improvement on your own initiative, and ultimately the cuisine itself is nondescript!"

"Don't talk too much, I don't believe your cooking is better than mine!" Misaka Subaru's face was full of flesh.

Yang Ming didn't say much, and took out his own dishes. On the plate in front of the judges was a huge golden, red, and steaming beef, surrounded by dried scallops and green leaves. Of course, the most attractive The eye-catching is the golden bead on the beef, which is really as its name suggests.

When I saw the appearance of Yang Ming's dishes, I thought of Subaru's cooking before.

It's basically a different grade, Yang Ming's is the real golden light!

The other judges looked at them one after another. They actually didn't understand what was good about Yang Ming's previous cooking process. No?

The commander-in-chief looked carefully at the hole in the beef in front of him, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes again. Sure enough, Yang Ming has mastered that skill. Although it is only a preliminary, it is extremely amazing!

He had seen it once in a young man named Little Master, and that was the only failure in his life!

"You used a fine needle to pierce hundreds of small holes in the beef for that gold bead, right?"

Gold beads?

At this time, everyone remembered one thing. After Yang Ming took out the gold beads made of fish honey juice from the freezer, he didn't move it at all, but he made some faint movements when he was stewing the beef. .

Yang Ming nodded and smiled, "Yes, it is for Jinzhu."

While they were talking, everyone looked at Yang Ming, and in a trance, they saw Yang Ming holding Ruo Shui and waving lightly on the beef.

Suddenly I heard a soft "Puchi" sound, and then heard a "chi" sound.

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that the golden bead on the beef had been scratched by Yang Ming, the juice immediately covered the entire beef, and there was a thick white gas, and everyone could not see the beef now.

The white mist-like atmosphere rendered the surroundings like a fairyland, and an unimaginable fragrance spread from the beef towards the surroundings, and there were sounds of swallowing saliva everywhere.

When Jingpu Jiu Shang saw this, he immediately exclaimed, "I see, I understand!"

Ishiki Hui and Erina under the stage were startled for a, while their eyes showed a hint of clarity, they were all shocked. The cooking skills contained in this dish are too exaggerated.

The commander-in-chief's eyes were a little empty, and he seemed to think of something. Hearing Jingpu Jiushang's words, he said, "Jiushang, what do you understand?"

Jingpu Jiushang replied, "I understand why Yang Ming stabbed a hundred small holes in the beef."

The commander-in-chief wanted to hear Jingpu Jiushang's opinion, "Come and listen."

Jingpu Jiushang looked at Yang Ming in admiration, "Just now when Yang Ming brought the beef, it was still steaming, which means that the beef is still hot, and we saw that Yang Ming didn't handle the fish honey before. Gold beads made of juice!"

After a pause, he added, "So that means the fish honey juice inside is cold, and when Yang Ming cuts the gold beads apart, the ice-cold fish honey juice will be sprinkled on the hot beef, which was originally stewed. The meat is soft and soft, but when it encounters the cold fish honey juice, it will shrink immediately, and those small holes are to better absorb the fish honey juice into the bear's paw. We usually cook and taste delicious, but Yang Ming is against it. Its cooking, this ice-hot method is indeed very ingenious, very delicate.”

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