Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1116:

"No, I'm not afraid. It should be said that now I'm too excited to be able to fight against the former Yuanyue students." Yang Ming showed a smile.

"This is the Yang Mingjun I like. I'll cheer for you then." Xiaolin Rentan smiled softly, "Goodbye then."

After saying goodbye to Xiaolin Gentian, Yang Ming met Yisehui before he went far.

"Longdan-senpai has something to do with you just now." Isshiki said suspiciously.

"It's nothing, the field internship is not about to start." Yang Ming said.

"Internship on the ground." Isshiki smiled, "Tell me about this, even if the first Secretary of the Yuanyue is Siying, I don't have as much experience as you."

"By the way, what do you think about Nakiri thistle." Isshiki said.

"For the time being, I will keep an eye on it." Yang Ming said.

"You have to be careful, Nakiri thistle is a poisonous snake." Isshiki said slowly.

‘Don’t worry, Senior Isshiki, even if it is a poisonous snake, when there are no fangs, he has nothing to shoot. What I am doing now is to domesticate this poisonous snake. "Yang Ming smiled, "It's nothing, senior Isshiki, I'll go first, see you in the dormitory then." "

Looking at Yang Ming who was leaving, Yi Shihui smiled, "Yang Ming, I'm looking forward to where you can go."

three days later.

Field study is about to begin.

"Don't take so many things." Isshiki Kei pointed at Ryoko Sakaki, Yuki Yoshino, and the others, "You don't need to take anything for the internship, you just need to bring the tools you have at hand."

"I'm so nervous. I heard that the dropout rate is very high!" Yoshino Yuki is also very nervous. There is no way. Field study can be said to be the last level of the first grade. As long as you pass the promotion to the second grade, there is no suspense. Also surprisingly high.

I heard people say that the elimination rate of 30% is even more terrifying. This is different from the huge foundation of residential training. Those who can survive until now have been challenged again and again, and they all have their own cooking skills. But even so, there is such a high elimination rate.

Sakaki Ryoko lowered her head to organize Totsukibu's tasks.

See if anyone in Jixingliao is in a group, or the nearest restaurant, maybe they can take care of each other.

Yang Ming has arrived.

"Yang Mingjun is up too?" Tian Suohui greeted.

Sakaki Ryoko also finished the analysis, with a helpless expression on her face, "This time, no one in our Jixingliao is in a group, and the distance between the field studies is very long."

"Let me see." The invitation letter came in the morning. This is also one of the tests. Yang Ming has no pressure on this. His cooking skills have reached an astonishing level at this moment, and because he won the championship, he can't Not afraid, and this field study was also used as a test. What he pursued was not just through field study.

watched for a while.

Isishihui clapped her hands, "It doesn't matter if you are not divided into a group. I believe that all of us in Jixingliao can come back as they wish."

Although the words are straightforward, they can be considered to inspire some fighting spirit.

In particular, Soma Yukihira's expression of strong fighting spirit made everyone feel at ease and ate breakfast with all his strength.

After breakfast, it was time to part.

Yang Ming was the last to leave, holding his own field study location, a French restaurant, Excellence!

It was said to be a high-end restaurant that was about to be judged for one star. The quality requirements for the work were bound to be very high, and it could also be seen that the commander-in-chief was testing Yang Ming.

And his partner is Nakiri Erina! ! !

When she arrived, Nakiri Erina had already arrived ahead of schedule. When she saw Yang Ming, she didn't have many surprises. She just showed a slight smile, but she still had the attitude of the Snow Queen, which was her habit in the outside world. .

She was wearing Yuanyue's school uniform, her hands were folded, her face was smiling, and she was confident and calm.

It also made the surrounding whispers, "This is the granddaughter of the rumored commander-in-chief Yuan Yue?"

"It's really different, just looking at that aura is stronger than the head chef of Umbrella Mountain!"

"that person"

Someone noticed Yang Ming, "That's the champion of Yuanyue Qiuzhi's selection this year? It is said that he is very good at Chinese cuisine. Wait until he graduates!"

"It's really a strong lineup. It seems that the manager has taken great pains to get a one-star restaurant evaluation. Not only has he hired Chef Umyama with a high salary, but I heard that he has also found some chefs who have a certain reputation in the cooking industry! "

Although the whispers were small, Yang Ming could hear them clearly and had a certain understanding of the restaurant's situation.

At this time, after Yang Ming and Erina arrived one after another, the manager of the excellent restaurant also appeared. It was a wealthy woman who didn't look like the manager of a star-rated restaurant that was about to be judged. People are more amiable.

Her tone was even a little compliment: "Welcome, I didn't expect the school to send Miss Nakiri Erina this time, it's really a great honor for the shop!"

And when he saw Yang Ming, he opened his mouth slightly, "You are classmate Yang Ming, I also participated in the finals of Qiuzhi's selection, that dish is really beautiful, it makes people addicted to it, I want to have you here. The arrival of this restaurant will definitely make the business of the small shop rise step by step, it’s a pity, it’s just a field study, if you can hire you as a long-term chef in the restaurant, it would be great!”

This person's attitude is humble, his tone is flattering, and even a little flattering, but he will not make people feel disgusted at all.

"Can you start work?" Erina Nakiri disagreed, as if she was used to this kind of compliment, "My time is not wasted on this."

"Of course!" The store manager said with a squeezed After looking around for a week, his face suddenly stiffened and he asked the staff, "Where's the Umbrella Mountain chef?".

A waiter with a good figure and a good temperament next to him said in a low voice, "The head chef of Umbrella Mountain went out just now.

"Going out?" The store manager was stunned. "Don't he know he wants to pick up someone? And there's still one hour before the peak period."

Yang Ming frowned, vaguely remembering that the chef's personality was extremely reckless.

"Chef Umbrella Mountain said that he was going out to buy a pack of cigarettes." The waitress said in a low voice, her personality was obviously weak.

The store manager's face changed, and then he resumed his smile, "Then let's get acquainted with Miss Erina and classmate Yang Ming to the restaurant first."


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