Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1128:

It was after nine o'clock in the morning when they came.

Erina was wearing a white chef's uniform today, her slender legs were wrapped in her trousers, her golden length was neatly draped over the top, and she had a beautiful and cool temperament.

Standing together with Yang Ming, their red eyes matched perfectly, like a couple.

"What would you like to eat?" Yang Ming looked around. There are very few people in this street now. The restaurant is really open at eleven o'clock. They also need something to eat, otherwise they will be busy for a while, but they will not have much time.

"Chinese cuisine." Erina said with a blushing face, standing beside Yang Ming, the two of them really looked like a couple except that they didn't hold hands, "I feel that I learned a lot from yesterday's dish, if it can be used in the appearance of Western food. With that kind of mood, maybe I can hit the top ten heroes at a higher level."

"That's just my own thing, what you want to pursue is still your own thing." Yang Ming slowly walked towards the restaurant and said in a cautious tone, "After all, the must-kill dishes are after the chef's heart. rather than imitating anything."

"Hmm." Erina thought.

As soon as the two entered the door, many waiters frequently looked over with ambiguous eyes.

"They're a perfect match."

"Not only the appearance, but also the cooking skills, Miss Erina and Yang Ming are a good match."

"Yeah, it's really enviable. If only I could find a man as good as Yang Mingjun!"

"Stop dreaming!"

In the restaurant, a bunch of laughter sounded, everyone knew that Yang Ming and Erina were very easy to get along with, so they didn't talk more casually.

Erina's cold temperament changed slightly, and her face became redder.

Yang Ming laughed and didn't explain anything. Instead, he asked the waiters, "How many appointments are there today?"

"I don't know, the store manager hasn't come yet."

"But there must be a lot of them. Those guests were lingering on yesterday, and maybe they will be full today."

"It's hard to say. Although Yang Mingjun's cooking is good, it's only the first day after all. I read the newspapers today and said that his dress is too novel, and he may not be accepted by customers."

"Yeah, I'm afraid what to do if someone doesn't like it." Some waiters worry about gains and losses.

"Anyway, it won't be worse than before, right?" Someone said affirmatively, full of confidence in Yang Ming, "I guess at least daily people."

"People? There are so many people on the first day, isn't it realistic? When Umbrella first came, there were only a dozen people on the first day, and they were all old customers."

They chatted, but Yang Ming didn't say a word. He also cared about this number, because it was related to Yuanyue's inspection results, and it was also Yang Ming's capital and confidence to get involved in the cooking industry in the future. Naturally, he must pay attention to it. He obviously does not I will stay in Yuanyue for the rest of my life, and it is impossible not to open my own restaurant all the time.

You always have to open your own restaurant like Shinomiya Kojiro. It's fine in school, and he can beat everyone with his own strength, but in the cooking world, there are all kinds of people, old chefs in their 40s and 60s. Come out and fight with you.

Yang Ming's enhanced experience and knowledge with God's Eye and God's Hand is not enough.

Only by making a name for himself now, and then strengthening it again in Totsuki, can he pave a solid road for him to reach the top position in the cooking world in the future.

I hope the number of reservations will explode.

Erina also had some expectations, this was also the first time for her.

Just when everyone was guessing and apprehensive, the store manager came.

"The store manager."

"How about it? How many people have made an appointment today, and have they cancelled it before?"

Everyone kept asking questions. Yang Ming and Erina looked at the store manager's expression and felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

At this moment, the store manager looked distressed and seemed to be in a very bad mood. Listening to them talking, the store manager walked to his seat absent-mindedly and didn't speak for a long time.

The waiters were a little cold, "Is there a lot of cancellations?"

Erina couldn't help but gasped and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Hey!" The shopkeeper sighed.

With a sigh, everyone's hearts were lifted.

Immediately, the store manager's face became extremely tangled, "The number of reservations is full, and it even became extremely popular after five days of queuing."


"This is amazing!"

"Store manager, what are you worried about? You came in with that expression, scaring us to death."

The restaurant cheered, and everyone was excited to the extreme.

Yang Ming was also taken aback by the store manager's panting. He was relieved when he heard the number of reservations. He just said, this is the layout of a three-star restaurant in a previous life, and his own The cooking is even stronger than in the previous life.

The owner of this shop is real.

"Yang Mingjun, that's amazing!"

Erina also felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, but her expression was not as excited as everyone else, she just smiled and said, "This unique method is indeed very attractive, and it is normal to have such a high degree of recognition. "

"That's right, after five days of reservations, if it's in a few days, maybe it will be in a few months, not even next year. I heard that those three-star restaurants want to go to eat a meal, not only have to pay For a certain deposit, you have to make an appointment a year in advance!" Some waiters were amazed.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "This is also due to everyone's credit. I can't support the restaurant by myself."

As soon as the words fell, the store manager said with a bitter face, "Don't be humble, this is indeed your credit, and this is what worries me. The business is so good, I dare not accept future appointments. You can only stay in the restaurant for five days!"

As she said that, her face became even more tangled, "Although I would also like to hire you directly, but when I watched the finals, I heard that the sisters who spent hundreds of millions of yen did not win you over! My restaurant"

"Hundreds of millions of yen?!" Someone exclaimed. ,

"I didn't expect Yang Mingjun's salary to be so It's unimaginable, the annual salary of Chef Umbrella Mountain seems to be in the tens of millions, right? Even with the bonus, it's not much! "

Yang Ming shook his head and smiled and said, "Actually, it's not difficult, wait for Erina to find a suitable chef in a few days, as long as I follow my business philosophy, the restaurant's business will not be too bad, and I can do it if I have time. Come and be a guest chef."

He is also very satisfied to be the head chef of a high-end restaurant, which is one of his previous dreams.

The store manager nodded helplessly, and that was all she could do, she clapped her hands in fear, "Okay, everyone is ready to work, there are a lot of people today, do you want to prepare a meal for Yang Ming? By the way, I Forget you don't need this."

:. :...


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