Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1142:

"Who is Yang Ming?"

"You haven't been in Dongying before. Yang Ming is the most popular young chef recently. He is the head chef of HuB restaurant."

"It's the HuB restaurant that has been very popular recently."

"That's it, and he's only 15 years old. It's amazing that a 15-year-old chef could participate in this competition."

"At 15, he shouldn't be able to make it to the finals."

"Who knows."

The audience in the auditorium were talking about the players below.

"Yang Ming, come on." The blood-red-haired woman encouraged Yang Ming with her fists clenched.

"Gendan, I don't know if Yang Mingjun will be able to break through this competition." Akakubo Tao, who was holding the bear next to him, said worriedly.

The lineup of this game looks really terrible.

Just like Kobayashi Rentan went down to the knockout game, and he didn't have the confidence to pass the Tokyo division.

It's a far cry from some of the chefs in this lineup.

"I believe in Yang Ming." Xiaolin Rentan's eyes moved, "His strength is not that simple."

"Yeah." Under the gazes of Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Tao.

Yang Ming sorted out the things on the cooking table, and then selected the ingredients that could be used.

Now the time for the game has not come, it is the time when they can prepare.

In a certain place, the lights were set up, and a beautifully dressed woman appeared in that place. The woman held the microphone, "Good afternoon, all the audience and players, welcome to the Tokyo Division of the Diamond Cooking Contest."

"The 100 players present are all players who stood out from the competition of Cong Cong, so I believe that everyone is very much looking forward to the start of this competition." The female host said, "But before that, let me introduce to you. This time, the reviewers are the world-famous taster Koyama Tai, the world-class restaurant chef Mr. Ishikawa, Mr. Aoyama, and the famous cook..."

Then the host announced that the censors in this arena are all well-known in the cooking world.

Koyama is a world connoisseur.

Mr. Ishikawa is the chef of the world-class restaurant Kagurazaka Ishikawa.

That Mr. Aoki, like Mr. Ishikawa, is also the chef of a world-class restaurant, but his restaurant is in Shibuya.

As for the other two, they are also famous in Dongying.

"This time the judges are five of them. According to the rules, each judge has a score of 20 points, and the top four players in the final score can enter the finals." The host said, "The total time of the competition is 2 For hours, the theme is French cuisine.”

"Then the game, start..."

The competition in the Tokyo section of the Diamond Cooking Contest has officially started.

The whole place was boiling. .

in a venue in Tokyo.

The ordeal of the Diamond Cooking Competition has officially begun.

Everyone started to deal with the dishes that they had long thought of.

The theme of this test, the organizer gave each player the theme early, that is, to give the players enough time.

Bring the most perfect product to everyone.

"My cooking is very simple." Yang Ming watched as there were countless shellfish ingredients in an iron basin.

It's called a mussel, also called mussels, and the dried product is called mussels, and it's a bivalve mollusk with a dark brown shell that lives on seashore rocks.

This kind of food is often found in China, but now many countries in the world have begun to cultivate it artificially.

Mussels are a combination of medicinal and edible dishes.

Put the mussels in the water, slowly put the palms of the hands on the mussels to wash, and the hand of God feels every part of the mussels.

The shell of the mussels has a kind of whisker. When cleaning, it cannot be treated with a knife or a brush. This will cause the black substance to be emitted from the shell of the mussel during cooking. Bay carried the result of injury.

Also, don't damage the shell of the mussels, otherwise the taste of the cooked dish will be lost a lot.

And it has a fatal flaw in the final dish.

Therefore, Yang Ming's first ingredient is also the most important ingredient in this dish. Of course, mussels must be handled very carefully.

It's just that for Yang Ming, who has the hand of a god-level god, this process is much simpler than others.

On the other side, on the cooking table of Suwon Toumi.

He also took out a shellfish ingredient, but this shellfish ingredient looked bigger and cleaner than Yang Ming, and looked very white.

This is a scallop, which is also one of the various shellfish ingredients with high edible and medicinal value.

It seems that Suwon Yumi wants to use scallops to cook her own dishes.

Kanyakako took out some marinated chicken wings, and she could see that she was holding the kitchen knife in her hand, doing some kind of treatment to these chicken wings.

The main ingredient that I can think of is the chicken wings.

Cook unique French dishes to the extreme.

The choice of Suwon Tomomi and Ganyugako is a combination of what they are good at but they are transformed into French dishes.

In Japanese cuisine, chicken wings or teriyaki chicken are also very useful, so Kanyakako is very good at handling chicken wings. Now the most important thing is how to use chicken wings to show the charm of French cuisine.

On the other hand, Suwon Tomomi chose to deal with scallops, which was also based on the Italian cuisine she was originally good at.

It can be seen that Suwon Toumi actually used a kitchen knife to take out the whole meat from the scallops. Her scallop dishes are probably not the same as usual.

All the spectators present looked at the cooking of the chefs below with intoxicated faces.

Looking at the chefs below is like looking at works of art, these are top chefs.

The mastery of cooking has reached a certain level.

The smell of the ingredients of these chefs constantly entered the noses of the audience, making them a little intoxicated.

The five reviewers on the review table looked at the cooking with different expressions.

"I didn't expect Yang Ming to come to participate in this competition." Mr. Ishikawa looked at the cooking table over Yang Ming and showed a smile.

For Yang Ming, who once studied here, Mr. Ishikawa has a great impression.

"However, Yang Ming still has to work hard to break through the siege." Mr. Ishikawa said.

"This is different, Ishikawa," said Mr. Aoyama next to him. "I have tasted his cuisine at HuB restaurant. Although it is a little different from ours, it can be said that I already know how to enter our field."

"There is such a thing." Mr. Ishikawa said unexpectedly.

"Of course, it's been so long since the training in your restaurant, Yang Ming will also grow." Mr. Qingshan said with a smile. 15

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