Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1144:

On the white porcelain plate, the slightly pink scallop meat is on it, the light sauce is in the scallops, and in the middle of the porcelain plate is the decoration made of bitter chrysanthemum.

You can smell the faint aroma of bitter chrysanthemum, and this dish gives people a pleasant feeling.

Similar to sashimi, but also very different.

Suwon Dongmei put the dishes on her tray and served them up. At this moment, the audience concentrated and watched silently.

Finally, it was the turn of one of the most well-known players in this venue, Suwon Toumi.

In the past, Yuanyue Shijie's second seat, nearly thirty years old, brought her cooking skills to the peak of her current position.

Suwon Dongmei came to the review table, put the dishes in her hands in front of the reviewers one by one, and smiled, "This is my dish, French scallops."

"French scallops." Koyama Tai looked at this scallop dish with crystal clear meat and took a deep breath, "The taste of bitter chrysanthemum is added with vinegar and black pepper, and the light taste has a feeling of relaxation. , make this slightly simple dish a little more powerful."

"Then let's try this dish." Mr. Ishikawa gently stuck a fork on the scallop meat, and then slowly put it into his mouth and chewed.

"The tender scallop meat is extremely delicious under the bite of the teeth. The power of vinegar and mustard directly surrounds the scallop meat, adding a different flavor to the scallop meat, and the seasoning salt, you use Not ordinary salt, but sea salt." Mr. Ishikawa said happily.

"Yes, only sea salt can be perfectly matched with these seafood ingredients, and it will not destroy the power of seafood." Suwon Tomi nodded.

"Not only that, the sweet and sour caper buds enrich the scallop's deliciousness, while the sourness of the lemon enhances the scallop's umami. This is an elegant and refreshing dish formed around the scallop. the dishes." Mr. Qingshan said in a sense.

"The bitter chrysanthemum in the porcelain plate is not only a decoration, but the feeling in the mouth and nose is like a double stimulation, which makes the deliciousness of the scallops beat in the taste buds." Koyama Tai praised, "The essence of French cuisine There is no doubt in this dish that this is one of the classic appetizers."

"Various auxiliary ingredients make the umami of scallops stand out, and this umami is not so exciting, but slowly diffuses in the mouth."

"It makes people feel like they are on a French beach and feel the French culture."

"The slight stimulation makes the scallops taste more elegant."

The admiration of the judges was higher than any previous evaluation, which let the audience know that Suwon Dongmi's dishes must be very satisfying to the audience.

"Then let's make an assessment." Several censorship eyes glanced at each other.

In the expectation of the audience, the score evaluation of Suwon Fuyumei finally came out in the hands of five judges.

"95 points." Each reviewer scored 19 points, which means that Suwon Yumi was only one point worse in each reviewer's heart.

This rare high score directly made the atmosphere of the scene hot.

With such a high score all of a sudden, the rest of the players are relieved, which means that as long as your dishes are excellent, you can still get a high score.

"Thank you." Suwon Yumi bowed slightly, then backed away.

The following players also have to continue, but when Suwon Yumi returned to her position, she encouraged Yang Ming and Kanhi Xiangzi, and at the same time showed a confident smile.

Now Suwon Fuyumei has the highest score in the game, no matter how powerful the players behind her are, she should be able to get a place.

If 95 points can't get a place, Suwon Dongmi also recognizes it.

"Mine is fine, too." On the cooking table, Kanichi Xiangzi took a deep breath and smiled at the few dishes in front of her.

She also has a lot of confidence in her own dishes.

Then Kanri Xiangzi glanced at Yang Ming, who was still doing the final finishing work, and came to the inspector with his own dishes.

"This is my dish, lychee red wine French black pepper grilled wings." Kanri Xiangzi said.

"Red wine French black pepper grilled wings." Koyamata glanced at Hyugako, and then at the dishes in front of him.

For Kanyakako, Koyama naturally knows it too. After all, Kanyakako's fog house is very well-known in Tokyo. As long as those gourmet gourmets, they generally know this place, and they may be able to taste special Japanese food in the fog house. cuisine.

"The faint aroma of red wine and the slightly pungent but soft taste of black pepper make this dish a French-style dish that is a combination of Japanese and French," said Mr. Ishikawa in admiration.

"The brightly-colored grilled wings exude the luster of the ultimate meat, giving people a taste of unlimited taste. The grilled wings are just Mr. Aoyama nodded.

"Then let's taste it." Koyamata used a knife and fork to cut open some pieces of roasted wings, then put them in his mouth and chewed slightly.

"It's slightly crispy on the outside, and the chicken inside is completely silky, making the tongue tremble." Koyama said with admiration.

"This grilled wing has been marinated in advance, and the power of red wine and black pepper has completely penetrated into the chicken wings. The aroma of red wine and the power of black pepper are perfectly matched with the flavor of chicken, and the marinating time and The amount of ingredients is also just right, it is simply too much or less will have an impact." Mr. Ishikawa said happily.

"And roasted with lychees, the aroma of lychees is integrated into the grilled wings. This light fusion aroma weakens the taste of the black pepper that was marinated before, but makes the chicken more colorful and richer. The sweet smell is like coming to a botanical garden full of flowers and plants."

"The crushed black pepper sprinkled at the end gives the chicken wings a new round of stimulant taste when they are tasted, which is a perfect combination with the silky chicken."

"The control of the prepared heat and the precise matching of various ingredients make French dishes more distinctive. This is the real cooking."

All these censors were immersed in the world of cooking, and the censors' reactions were similar to those of Suwon Fuyu just now.

This made the audience have some discussions, in the end, which of the two will have a higher score.

Both of them are very well-known among the audience. After all, most of these audiences are also well-known diners and cooks in Tokyo, so I know that these two ten masters who graduated from Togetsu before have established their own well-known names. Dining room.

So what will be the result this time?


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