Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 115: What would happen if Orochimaru turned into a woman?

The sun went down and it was evening again.

Orochimaru, wearing women's clothes, walked through the bustling street and came to Yang Ming's shop again.

Along the way, looking at the familiar buildings that had changed greatly over the years, Orochimaru's heart had more or less ripples.

"Sure enough, only immortality is the truth we seek!" Orochimaru secretly said in his heart.

Today, what Orochimaru didn't tell Tou at noon was that he liked the atmosphere of Yang Ming's shop.

As a superior, Orochimaru knows very well what to let his subordinates know.

Because, in Yang Ming's small shop, the relaxed and unrestrained feeling gave Orochimaru, who had been in the midst of killing and conspiracy for a long time, a moment of peace of mind.

Like a wanderer who has been away for many years, returning to his hometown, he came to Yangming's small shop, and Orochimaru can relax his body and mind.

It can be said that this is a small shortcoming of Orochimaru. He doesn't want others to know that he has such a side.

At this moment, he is no longer the Sannin of the Megatron Ninja world, nor the notorious Konoha Rebellion. He is just an ordinary customer of Yang Ming's small shop. He comes and goes quietly, but Just an ordinary person.

Across the distance, Orochimaru found the figure of an acquaintance.

Red beans!

Even Orochimaru himself didn't realize it. When he met this disciple he hadn't seen for many years, a shallow smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

When Orochimaru entered the long queue, Hongdou also noticed his arrival.

However, because Orochimaru now has a body that was taken from a woman, even her appearance is the other's, so Hongdou didn't recognize Orochimaru at all, she just felt that the woman's temperament was a bit feminine.

In view of the fact that at noon, Orochimaru stood up for Red Bean and criticized Matekai and Kakashi in a moderate manner. Red Bean had a little affection for him and waved to him.

Orochimaru nodded slightly, then stopped talking and put on a cold look.

He didn't want to have too much contact with red beans.

Orochimaru is just here to taste the food and feel the peaceful life.

At this time, Yang Ming was cooking in the kitchen. He was so busy that the system jumped out unexpectedly.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission: use Nianghuaquan to turn the Orochimaru in the store into a woman."

"Task description: As the eldest brother of the protagonist of the original novel, facing the big villain Orochimaru, even if you can't beat it, you can play a prank on the opponent."

"Task reward: how to make fried steak."

Originally, Yang Ming was busy and didn't pay attention at first.

But when he saw the name of the mission, it actually had the three characters of Orochimaru, and his heart shivered suddenly.

Without him, Orochimaru is the most unscientific existence in the original book!

As a villain, in the protagonist's crusade, Orochimaru can be regarded as the character who ended well in the original work.

Moreover, he is still a typical representative of how to die, but not to die!

As for now, in today's ninja world where all kinds of bulls, ghosts and snakes have not yet appeared, Orochimaru is a terrifying demon king who can stop Xiaoer from crying!

The golden signboard of Konoha Sannin is not a blow!

What makes Yang Ming most delighted is that this task doesn't seem to be difficult, and it also rewards him with a new dish!

These days, Yang Ming understands the rareness of new dishes.

The main reason is that the rewards for the hidden tasks are really stupid. The contents in it are inclusive of all things, and it is difficult to get the dishes you want.

And all these changes happened after he completed the first main quest, which had to make Yang Ming guess whether the previous period was considered a novice period, and he gave him a novice discount.

Yang Ming finished the egg fried rice he was cooking, then walked out of the kitchen and went to the small shop to see what Orochimaru ordered.

What made him speechless was that the face of Orochimaru was not found in the small shop.

"Yes, Orochimaru is still the S-rank rebel of Konoha Village, how can he show his true face!" Yang Ming secretly thought.

If something is unclear, ask the system. This is Yang Ming's habit.

"System, you sent me this task, you can't make me blind, right? At least tell me, among the guests present, who is Orochimaru disguised?"

"Sorry, host, you need to judge by your own observation."

The system said solemnly and earnestly.

Well, it's very systematic.

Only then did Yang Ming realize that the difficulty of this mission was not how to make Orochimaru a woman, but how to find Orochimaru's true body!

Fortunately, the shop is not very big, there are only ten tables, and even if it is crowded, there are only 50 people.

Yang Ming looked around and first eliminated all the characters in the original book, such as Red Bean, Kakashi, Matekai, etc., all of them.

The next step is to exclude the customers who often come to eat at the small shop, such as Qianshou Tongjian and the like.

Because these people were easy to rule out, so soon, there were only three targets left. They were completely unfamiliar faces of Yang Ming, and because of their unique temperament, they were locked in his eyes.

One is a dark-skinned, sturdy man with a fierce look between his brows and looks like he has a lot of lives in his The other is a plain-looking woman whose skin doesn't seem to be exposed to the sun all the year round, and looks strangely pale. , exuding a feminine breath, making people feel a little uncomfortable in the bottom of their hearts.

A woman with fairer skin but a more normal-looking appearance also had a little makeup on her face, and there was a coquettish expression in her gestures.

When the target range is narrowed, it is much easier to find Orochimaru.

As a master of snake ninjutsu, Orochimaru obviously belongs to the feminine type.

Therefore, Yang Ming judged that the woman in the middle was the Orochimaru he was looking for.

After the target was confirmed, Yang Ming approached Bai and asked him what Orochimaru wanted to eat.

Although Bai didn't know why Yang Ming took the initiative to inquire about the guests, out of the self-cultivation of a waiter, he respectfully said, "Boss, that guest ordered an egg fried rice and a beef ramen."

Yang Ming nodded and said, "I see, go ahead and work on it."

With that said, he turned around and entered the kitchen, and took out the Nianghuaquan from the system.

Since Nianghuaquan is like a devil fruit, it can only be used once, so no matter how much it is used, as long as someone takes the first sip, this bottle of mineral water will lose its original effect.

Looking at the mineral water in his hand, Yang Ming secretly said in his heart, "Uncle Snake, Uncle Snake, don't blame me, it's all the fault of the system."

Next, Yang Ming poured the water in the mineral water into the pot, boiled it, and poured the ramen into it.

Orochimaru, who was waiting in the small shop, suddenly felt a chill in his lower body, and an ominous premonition struck in his heart.

However, Orochimaru is very confident in himself, and there are only five fingers in the village who can threaten him.

So, he chose to stay in the store.

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