Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1161:

"Well... it's delicious..." Mito Yumei said, but Soma Yukihira could clearly hear the insincere words in his words.

Yang Ming said it very directly, "You are far from the fried chicken nuggets at Mozu's House... It's completely unsatisfactory."

Xingping Chuangzhen didn't feel anything at all, this was just his handmade work, but according to Yang Ming's words, there should be a lot of room for adjustment.

"If you eat while walking, the size of the chicken pieces should be smaller, and the taste can be made more to meet the needs of different groups of people...Honey sauce, Orleans-style marinade or something."

It has to be said that with the unremitting efforts of Kohei Chuangzhen, he has almost successfully developed the best chicken rice flower...

After trying it a few times again, the taste has improved steadily, but in Yang Ming's opinion, only the surface has been improved a little, and it still has no impact on people's taste buds.

Mito Yumei suggested: "Mozuya uses chicken **** that are very low in calories and fat, and since you want the solid, freshly fried flavor, go for more juicy and springy drumsticks. Is meat better?"

"Okay! Let's try it again with chicken drumsticks!" Soma Yukihira readily accepted Mito Yumei's advice.

Although he also has a very high confidence in cooking, the opinions of Meat Mei, who is proficient in meat cooking, must be correct.

He tried again with chicken thighs, and the meat master really lived up to his reputation. The fried chicken nuggets made with chicken thighs were more juicy than before!

Isn't it just a chicken leg instead? As for being happy like that? Yang Ming felt a little uncomfortable watching the two of them chatting happily.

So he approached and came up with an idea: "The recipe of the marinade sauce should also be improved. Since chicken thighs are used, the marinade sauce can be made of soy sauce and chili powder."

Yumei Mito, who was enjoying the praise of Soma Kohei, was suddenly interrupted. Seeing Soma Kohei start talking to Yang Ming, she added: "It's also a good way to use cornmeal to make noodles, cornmeal. The face coat will be smoother." Mito Yu Mei, not to be outdone, answered immediately.

"Is it a cornmeal coat? It really goes well with this!" Yukihira's eyes lit up.

"Then... pay more attention to the packaging. Isn't there a boss on the commercial street who does this? I'll ask you later." Yang Ming proposed another idea that Xingping Chuang really couldn't refuse. "

"Xinhei-kun, I think you can change the type of chicken. Since other people use Omi chicken, we can also use some better chicken? For example, Akita Prefecture's 'Hinai chicken', this is A5 grade. Beef is much more cost-effective." Mito Yumei raised the question of meat quality again, "If I need it, I can call back now and ask."

"And..." Yang Ming pulled Koping Soma on the left.

"Here too..." Mito Yumei patted Soma Yukihira's right shoulder.

At this time, even the sluggish Rukohei Soma felt that something was wrong.

"That... chili noodles and corn noodles are not available in the store. I'll go out and buy them first!"

"Uh..." Yang Ming and Mito Yumei looked at Yukihira Soma's back and fled, and looked at each other.

After repeated attempts, Kohei Soma finally finalized the final product.

"That's almost it, right?"

"Yeah!" "Ugh..." The man and the woman both had food in their mouths and were completely unable to speak. However, if these two gourmets who have tasted delicious food are reluctant to speak, his dish has been a great success!

"I'm going to ask Manager Tomita to come over!" After all, they all have to go back to study, and the commercial street counterattacks the store in the station, all they can do is the beginning, and the follow-up depends on Manager Tomita and the others.

After a phone call, the store manager Tomita rushed to the kitchen of 'Xiaohei' soon, with a little sweat on his forehead. It could be seen that he was really positive about this matter. However, even if Yukihira Soma did the battle between fried chicken nuggets and fried chicken nuggets, he didn't have much confidence.

The gold medal in the Quandongying Fried Chicken Competition for three consecutive years, that's no joke!


"What is this!" I thought I would see fried golden chicken nuggets, but Yukihira really brought it over, but it was a cake roll wrapped in something.

"Viola Avenue Fried Chicken Roll! Welcome to try it!"

Looking at the chicken nugget roll, Manager Tomita was a little stunned, because the taste of fried chicken nuggets couldn't compare to the other, so he simply came up with something new? But wrapping the chicken nuggets and lettuce in the noodles can beat the best fried chicken nuggets in the whole of Dongying? He doesn't believe it.

"Other things, I'll talk about it later, Mr. Tomita, please try it first!" Yukihira Soma's smile was filled with confidence that could not be concealed.

Manager Tomita nodded, picked up the fried chicken nugget roll, it was hot to the touch just after it came out of the oven, and he could only eat it with his mouth bit by bit. The wrapped dough was fried until the outer layer was golden and crispy, and the inner layer was soft and tender. The aroma of scallion oil and gluten came out to his nostrils, and when he further bit into the fried chicken, his whole body trembled.

The crispy fried skin clucked in the mouth, and the aroma poured from the throat through the nasal cavity, as if the whole person was numb. Be careful when you hold the bottom with your hands, because with a little force, the hot cheese sandwiched in the chicken nuggets will flow out and burn your tongue.

Three or five times, a fried chicken nugget just disappeared into Chairman Tomita's I saw him looking at Soma Kohei with glowing eyes: "Is there any more!"

"If you want to eat more... Let me tell you your opinion first. Do you think the taste can be compared with the fried chicken nuggets in Mozu's house?"

President Tomita stared at the remaining bag of fried chicken nuggets in his hand, and seemed to want to absorb all the aroma in his stomach, "If there is this fried chicken nugget roll! What Mozu shop is nothing to worry about! I Have the confidence to unify the whole of Tokyo!"

"Then what... let's put the unification of Tokyo first, let's talk about the Mozuya first..."

"No problem! After so many days, it's time for us to fight back!" Manager Tomita slapped the table, full of pride, quite a bit of the style of a famous name during the Warring States Period.

These days, the station store relies on Mozuya's signature fried chicken nuggets to attract people nearby. Except for their small shop owners, people seem to have forgotten the existence of commercial streets.

Although there are still some old customers, the business in the store is getting worse and worse. Tomita Tomiya took the ledger to calculate, and the turnover has dropped by a full 30%. This is not a small number. If it goes on like this, after deducting the purchase fee and water and electricity fee, the rent can hardly be paid!

Fortunately, this fried chicken nugget roll made him see the hope of rebirth in the commercial street.



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