Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 118: Don't you want women's clothes again?

Konoha Village, Yang Ming's small shop.

By the end of the night's business hours, Bai was about to die of exhaustion, feeling that his entire skeleton was about to loosen, so he lay down on the table, not even wanting to move a finger.

As a waiter in Yang Ming's small shop, Bai not only has to entertain guests, but also faces the evil eyes of all kinds of uncles.

In the face of this annoying guy, for the sake of the shop's reputation, Bai couldn't speak ill of him, but forced a smile.

It can be said that at the end of the day, Bai can be described as physically and mentally exhausted.

As the boss, Yang Ming looked at Bai's haggard face and finally couldn't bear it. He said, "Bai, I'm going to cook a new dish later, you can come and try it first."


As soon as he heard that Yang Ming was going to make a new dish, he could still eat it first, Bai's eyes lit up, and he felt a burst of energy from his tired body.

"Of course!" Yang Ming nodded affirmatively and walked into the kitchen.

Looking at Yang Ming's slightly weak back, Bai Yao felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

"The boss cares about me so much, so I must work hard tomorrow!" Bai secretly said in his heart.

As for Zaibujian, who has been watching the door outside the door, he didn't hear Yang Ming mentioning him, and his heart burst into tears, "Why is there such a big gap between people?"

However, Zaibuzhan has now gone from body to soul, completely subdued by the system, and he doesn't dare to resist at all.

Alas, it's true that I'm crying too much!

Looking at the sky again, the moon and stars are rare and the breeze is breezy, I just feel that I was so stupid and naive back then, why did I sign a contract of betrayal inexplicably!

Inside the kitchen.

Yang Ming took out the meat of the intermediate bovine psychic beast from the refrigerator.

I saw that this piece of beef has a very high appearance. The fat on the outside is mixed with the lean meat, showing a marble texture. It spreads thinly in the pink meat like frost, and it looks delicious.

"System, what's the origin of this bovine psychic beast?" Yang Ming asked.

"Host, this kind of psychic beast belongs to a famous family among psychic beasts. It has a pure bloodline, and there is not a drop of mixed blood. Whether it is the fat mixing rate, or the color and fineness, it all meets the standard very well."

"In the world of psychic beasts, there are less than 500 bovine psychic beasts that can meet this requirement each year, and each cow can only produce about 400 kilograms, which is an extremely luxurious dish."

The system said solemnly and earnestly.

Hearing the system's answer, Yang Ming thought a little.

Excellent flavor and a balance of fat and lean are especially important for a good piece of beef.

If there is only a lot of fat, although the taste is very good, but if you eat too much, you will be full.

Therefore, lean meat mixed with fat will become top-grade beef, which will not feel greasy and will not stop eating.

This type of beef has a unique name called Frosted Meat.

The meat is really as its name suggests, with white frost flowers falling on the ruddy beef.

For lazy chefs who want to eat delicious dishes without spending too much time and energy, frying steak is a good choice.

Because a good steak does not depend on how the chef processes it, but on the quality of the beef itself.

The chef is just the icing on the cake, guiding out the deliciousness contained in the beef.

Therefore, the easier it is to fry steak, the more it allows diners to truly taste the taste of beef.

With his basic knife skills, Yang Ming easily cut three pieces of beef. Each piece was not thin. It was about a small thumb width. He could clearly see the white patterns all over his body, which was really beautiful.

It is better to cut the steak a little thicker, because if it is too thin, the outside will be fried until fragrant, and the inside will be overcooked, so the taste will be very uncomfortable, and it is even more uncomfortable for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. .

Yang Ming first poured a little oil into the frying pan and turned the pan on high heat.

Because beef is very fat and has a lot of fat, a lot of oil will escape during the cooking process, so just a little bit of oil should stick to the bottom of the pan to avoid sticking to the pan.

While heating the pot, Yang Ming didn't forget to marinate the steak.

Since it was very late, there was no need to eat such a salty food. Yang Ming only sprinkled a little salt on the surface of the steak, and then sprinkled black pepper on it.

When the frying pan was hot and there was a strong smell of oil, Yang Ming spread a piece of steak in the center.


When the steak was put into the pot, it made a slight explosion like a firecracker.

At the same time, there is also a scent that fills the air, making people feel happy.

For frying steak, controlling the heat is an extremely important thing.

Laying the steak flat in the center of the pan can distribute the heat evenly to every part of the steak, so that when frying, it will not cause one raw and one cooked.

Yang Ming drizzled a layer of olive oil on top of the steak, because he had to turn it over later, so there was no need to add oil in the pot.

The most important thing about frying steak is not to rush to turn it over. If you turn it over immediately, it will easily stick to the pan, and the beef will have a layer of white which is very unsightly.

Yang Ming turned the sides almost every minute, and after frying for about 5 minutes, they were ready to serve.

When a hot steak is placed on a porcelain-white plate, a fragrance lingers around the dull-colored beef, which is eye-catching.

After frying the steak, Yang Ming did not rush to cut it, but left it for about 2 minutes to let the juice in the steak absorb back into the beef.

In this way, when you bite into the beef, it will splatter delicious juice, which will make people unforgettable.

Moreover, when this steak is cut, the meat in the middle will be pink, and there will be no blood juice, which is ideal for 7 minutes.

Yang Ming didn't give the steak some miscellaneous condiments, such as tomato sauce, cumin powder, nothing at all.

Only the most authentic steak is the best steak.

If you put those seasonings in, it will be overwhelming, you can only eat a mouthful of seasonings, and you can't taste the deliciousness of beef at all.

When Yang Ming came to Bai with a tired face with a plate in his hand, just smelling the mellow fragrance, Bai felt that his exhaustion was swept away.

Seeing this, he did not cut his throat and moved slightly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes were slightly straight.

Wouldn't it be easy for him to stop thinking about him standing outside the small shop from noon to night!

If it were someone else, it would have been a long time ago with back pain and neck pain.

Thinking of this, the shop is closed now anyway, so he entered the shop and looked at Yang Ming expectantly.

"Boss, when will my steak be good?"

Seeing Zaibu's original fierce face and trying to squeeze out a flattering smile, Yang Ming suddenly had the idea of ​​a prank and said, "As long as you are willing to show me in women's clothes, I will cook it for you right away."

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