Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 121: Shikamaru devises a strategy for Dingji's strategy

Walking out of Yang Ming's small shop, Ding Ci looked a little lost.

This night, he met Bai, and for the first time, he felt something more attractive to him than food.

Ding Ci learned from Yang Ming the name of the person who moved his heart.

He has a nice name called Bai.

"What should I do?"

For the first time, Dingci felt that his mind was so weak that he couldn't help at all at this time.

Suddenly, Dingci thought of his good friend!


"Yes, Shikamaru has always been the one with the most ideas, he must have a way to help me!"

Thinking of this, Dingji didn't care about his fat body and ran all the way to Shikamaru's house.

Dingci and Shikamaru are family friends who have been through generations, and Dingci soon came to Shikamaru's house.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Standing in front of Shikamaru's house, Dingci bent his knees and put his hands on his knees. His face was a little pale because he ran too fast. He was gasping for breath, and sweat poured out like a bean-sized slurry on his face.

Taking a breath, Dingji slapped heavily at Shikamaru's house.

bang bang bang! bang bang bang!

"Who is it!"

At this moment, a slightly domineering female voice came from the door.


When the door opened, Shikamaru's mother came out of the house.

When she saw that the person coming was actually Dingci, her originally angry face suddenly changed. She turned her face as fast as turning a book, and squeezed out a kind smile.

"So it's Dingji. It's so late. Did you come to visit Shikamaru?"

Dingci looked at Shikamaru's mother's amiable face, her body quivered, as if she had met a carnivore, and a cold sweat broke out behind her back.

Ding Ci didn't forget that he and Shikamaru played too late at night and didn't go home for dinner on time. As a result, the two mothers jointly criticized him for a while, and even three months' pocket money was confiscated.

Immediately, the fear of being dominated by mothers came to his heart, Dingci shook his head quickly, and said, "I have something to ask Shikamaru."

Only then did Shikamaru's mother move away from the door and said with a smile, "I told you earlier, Shikamaru is now in the study."

As soon as Dingji entered Shikamaru's house, he quickly changed his shoes and went straight to the study as if he had escaped.

It's true that Shikamaru's mother's aura is terrifying!

It's no different from a tigress!

Dingji didn't want to stay next to Shikamaru's mother for a minute, and walked through the corridor and bedroom, heading straight for the study.

At this time, Shikamaru was playing chess alone, and there was no opponent on the opposite side. He seemed to be distracted and playing with himself.

But it can be seen from the chessboard that the styles of chess on both sides are completely different.

One side is aggressive, like a hidden dragon ascending to the sky, knocking on the center of the enemy with every step, if it were someone else, he would have been in a mess, and then the door would be opened wide.

But the other side was not inferior at all. On the contrary, under the storm-like attack, they took every step and fought steadily, creating a camp like an iron barrel for him.

This is Shikamaru!

A highly intelligent counselor!

At this moment, the door of the study opened, Dingci rushed in and shouted, "Lumaru, you must help me this time!"

"It's really nerve-racking, I almost thought of a way to break the game." Shikamaru spared his head and said helplessly.

Afterwards, his dead fish eyes looked at Dingji, who was panting, as if his spine had been pulled out. Shikamaru said lazily, "Dingji, you must have cheated in the exam, right? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"No!" Dingci shook his head sharply.

Shikamaru stretched out his fingers and pressed his forehead, and said with a headache, "What's that?"

"Shukamaru, listen to me about something very important, but you have to promise that you will never tell the second person!"

Dingji looked at Shikamaru with a serious look on his face, and his expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

"Oh, it feels so troublesome to say." Although Shikamaru said so, but he changed his lazy expression and became a little more serious.

Because Dingci is his good brother!

"Shukamaru, I think, I might be in love."


When he heard these words coming out of Dingji's mouth, Shikamaru almost spat out from Lei's saliva.

Shikamaru's dead fish eyes widened even more, and he said with surprise, "You said you were in love?"

This time, Dingji nodded with certainty!


Shikamaru only felt that the world was full of deep malice towards him.

Even a fat man like Dingji is actually in love!

Thinking of his resourcefulness, he surpassed Zhuge Liang, and so far no girl has taken a fancy to him!

Alas, is it really a sin to be too smart?

Ding Ci stretched out his hands, grabbed Shikamaru's shoulders tightly, and said, "Shukamaru, I know you're the smartest, teach me how to chase girls!"


This time, Shikamaru couldn't bear it any longer, but luckily he turned his head in time, otherwise he would spray saliva on Dingci's face.

"You want me to teach you how to chase girls?" Shikamaru pointed at himself, feeling an unprecedented headache.

"Don't you have any other way?" Dingji looked nervous for a while, staring at Shikamaru, for fear that he would say no.

"This is very troublesome to Shikamaru spared his head, but he couldn't resist the pleading gaze of his friend, so he finally agreed and told him a way.

the other side.

Yang Ming's small shop.

After a hard day, Yang Ming felt a pain all over his body, and finally made up his mind to recruit a chores employee.

Yang Ming looked at Bai He Zaizai and asked, "What do you think should be the requirements for the employees who do chores?"

Zabuzhan and Bai looked at each other in dismay. He didn't expect Yang Ming to recruit new employees, and he felt a sense of crisis.

Neither of them wanted to give up their peaceful life now. Only by working harder would they not be abandoned by Yang Ming.

Zai Buzhan thought for a while, and said, "Boss, I think you offended Danzo before. If the staff we recruit is too weak, I'm afraid it will affect others."

"So, we should recruit an employee who is at least at the level of Ninja."

Bai also agreed, saying: "Also, this employee should wash dishes faster, otherwise, with so many customers every day, the store's reserves are a little bit behind."

Bai said this, making Yang Ming embarrassed for a while.

Because the decoration level of the shop is too low, and there is no automatic cleaning function, the three of them have to be busy washing dishes every day after business hours, and they are exhausted to death.

In the early days, the small shop didn't realize it when it was very small. Now that the small shop has expanded a little, Yang Ming has tasted the bad results.

Hearing the two's suggestion, Yang Ming thought for a while, then took out a note and started writing.

"Our shop recruits one errand employee. The minimum requirement is xiamen, two meals a day, and salary interview."

Afterwards, Yang Ming pasted the note on the door, cleaned up the shop, and went home to rest.

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