Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1215:

In an instant, the world changed, Park Jindong seemed to have entered the lava field of the end of the world, and his body kept shivering. It was the joy of the body, not the fear.

That is a kind of joy that arises from extreme fear.

Directly through the sense of smell, he manipulated the spirit of the whole person, and even subconsciously pulled Park Jindong into such a **** world.

"No, I'm still cooking." Under the happy expression on Park Jindong's face, there was a meaning of struggle, which seemed very strange.

He can't be immersed in such a complicated and strange feeling of happiness, his dishes have not been completed yet.

"Huhu." In the real world, Park Jindong gasped, sweat dripped on his forehead, his body trembled slightly, and he looked up at Yang Ming.

"What kind of chili pepper's power is it? It has such terrifying power." Park Jindong wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath. "But if the final tofu tastes unqualified, you will lose."

Park Jindong affirmed that such ingredients cannot be applied to such soft tofu.

"It's so spicy, really so spicy, the whole person seems to be on fire."

"I feel like a flame is constantly burning in my body, and I feel like I'm dying."

"But why do I feel so happy again, the whole person seems to have fallen into a happy paradise."

"This power makes me intoxicated. Such power is too recognizable and obsessive."

The audience in the auditorium of the venue was directly brought into a strange fantasy by the power of this extreme chili pepper. Two emotions were intertwined in their hearts. They were afraid, but they were still very eager, like moths flying into a flame. Instinct is normal.

"This chili used to process magma tofu before." Xiaolin Rentan said with an intoxicated face, "And now the power is even stronger, it is even difficult for me to escape from the olfactory attack of that cooking, Yang Ming is more powerful than before. incredible."

"Yang Mingjun, it's amazing, that kind of special ingredients can even be cooked." Kanri Xiangzi was also sweating, but she looked at the competition venue without blinking.

The power of this chili pepper is not the power of ordinary chili peppers.

"Is this that Yang Ming, the young man who became the son of God in today's Dongying cooking world." A white-haired old man in the review bench said with an intoxicated face, "This scent is very stimulating, and my body can't bear it at all. Live, but why is the body so excited?"

"It's not just the power of chili peppers, that's why the body doesn't get stimulated," said another reviewer. "But the taste is really hard to tell."

"It's so intoxicating, Yang Ming conquered us directly through the power of smell."

"Sure enough, he is a player who can get full marks in the knockout round."

"Now I'm more looking forward to what Yang Ming's dishes will be."

At this moment, the censors were also conquered by the power of Yang Ming's dishes, and at this moment, Yang Ming's dishes had not even been truly formed.

When Yang Ming's dishes are really formed, it will be the result of the full concentration of the power of the **** cooking magma tofu, and then a one-time explosion.

Time passed slowly, and the power of smell slowly dissipated.

The cooking time is almost here.

"I'm done." Park Jindong smiled as he looked at the dishes in front of him. .

Seeing Yang Ming who was still finishing the finishing touches, Park Jindong sneered, "My dishes will beat you, the impact of your aroma was really powerful before, but such dishes are difficult to imagine, I don't believe you can Perfect solution, this time you were too arrogant."

The rarer the ingredients, the more difficult it is to handle, not to mention some ingredients that are not accessible to ordinary chefs.

It is also very difficult for such ingredients to maintain its deliciousness, because there are some defects that will destroy the deliciousness, which is a multi-faceted test for a chef.

Park Jindong felt terrible when he thought about it. It was impossible for him to do it, so he thought it was impossible for Yang Ming to do it.

"My dishes." Without thinking about it, Park Jindong put his dishes on the tray and slowly walked towards the cooking table.

He wants the censors to start tasting his dishes.

Putting the dishes in his hand in front of the inspector, Park Jindong said, "This is my dish, White Jade Tofu."

Baiyu tofu, a typical Korean tofu, can see the soft Korean tofu shaking constantly, surrounded by a variety of auxiliary ingredients.

Lettuce is placed on the plate of Korean tofu for decoration.

At the same time, on top of the tofu, there are cashew nuts, which are added ingredients when cooking Korean tofu.

"The appearance looks very attractive, making people feel like eating them right away." One of the reviewers said while looking at the dish.

"The plate shakes slightly, and the tofu keeps shaking. This softness is just right for Korean tofu."

"Then let's taste this dish." The censors picked up the chopsticks and looked very cautious, because if you tried hard, the tender Korean-style tofu might shatter.

"It's very delicious. The soft Korean-style tofu is very good for cooking. All kinds of flavors are integrated into the tofu, which makes the smooth tofu more flavorful."

"There is also a seafood The seafood ingredients are incorporated into the tofu, which adds a very attractive impact to the tofu."

"Cashew nuts have a slightly salty taste and a crisp texture, adding a double impact to the taste buds of this single Korean-style tofu."

"The mastery of ingredients and the heat of cooking are master-level, and he deserves to be a chef who can pass the knockout competition."

The examiners said with admiration.

This dish is completely in line with the power to pass the knockout stage. It is much better than the dishes in some restaurants outside. After all, Park Jindong is the head chef of a well-known restaurant in South Korea. Although Yang Ming thinks there are some problems with his brain, he still has strength. of.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have that confidence, saying that he wanted to expose Yang Ming's fake face.

"Yang Ming, let's see what you will do." Park Jindong smiled. His dishes were still very satisfactory to the censors. Yu Guang looked at Yang Ming's cooking table.

With the dishes in his hands, Yang Ming walked to the review table step by step.

"What is that?" Park Jindong was taken aback for a moment. In Yang Ming's dishes, he could see incomparably red flowing, as if only red things could be seen, and there seemed to be no tofu in it at all.

With a calm smile, Yang Ming put the dishes in his hands in front of the censors.



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