Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1221:

The next day.

"Well, today is Saturday..." Yang Ming looked at the calendar in the room sleepily with his messy black hair.

"Let's go to bed again, waking up so early is not good for blood pressure..." He murmured a few words in a daze. Just as he was about to lie down, he suddenly regained his energy.

No... There seems to be something wrong?

today! Today is the release date of Shonen Jump!

Although it is a weekly manga magazine that is regularly released on Monday, it is occasionally changed to Saturday due to the time of the notice. If you go late, the nearby bookstore is sold out, and you have to travel two blocks to get it. .

And more importantly, there is another reason.

Some time ago, he went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that his blood sugar was too high, and if it continued like this, he might develop into diabetes, so he reluctantly gave up and controlled the intake of sweets.

Today is the time when Yang Ming consumes sugar once a week.

Yang Ming got down from the second floor of the hotel where he lived, got on a newly bought motorcycle, the engine made a loud noise, and he passed the familiar street all the way, only a few shouts were left not far away, "Who! Start arguing so early in the morning!"

"Don't these people know that it's good to go to bed early and get up early to stay healthy?" He thought without guilt, "However, it's better to fix the exhaust pipe tomorrow."

This is "Kabukicho".

Tokyo is still in the cycle of sunrise and sunset, and only Kabukicho is entangled in the gray area of ​​no matter what. The alleys here always lead to some unexpected places. You can never guess whether the shopkeepers in the shops under the fancy signs are ordinary women, black club bosses or the Beatles. guy.

But once you get out of this area and reach the heart of Tokyo, the heavy colors suddenly diminish. Light brown houses, light gray roads, and even the traffic lights on the side of the road are softly lit. The surrounding buildings are row upon row, the whole city exudes a kind of vitality from the ancient times, and the sky is clear and blue.

"There are only the last two books left. Fortunately, I bought them..." After coming out of the bookstore, he flipped through the comic books on the road and walked to the next destination.

He didn't stop until he turned into a deep alley, and in front of him stood the black gate of Kashigi with a cat-shaped pattern.

The reason why he knew it was Kashi wood was not because of his deep research on wood, but because Togetsu Academy used this material.

"Well, it really opened today."

"Jingle ding bell-"

Accompanied by the soft sound of the welcome bell, he raised his hand and opened the door and walked in, and then the greeting came to the auricle like a natural sound.

"Well, the decoration of the store seems to have changed..." Yang Ming has not been here for about two weeks. Looking at the flower stand placed at the door, Yang Ming stepped forward and shouted at the same time, "Old man, I'm here again! Trouble! Let's have a Uji Ginshi Donburi!"

The so-called Uji Ginshi Donburi is just a simple mix of rice and red bean paste. Rice with red beans will obviously double the sweetness. It is the favorite of Yang Ming, who is addicted to sweetness.

But Yang Ming couldn't compare to the craftsmanship of the shopkeeper here. Obviously he just made it at his fingertips, but the Uji silver rice bowl made by the old man was several times more fragrant than the one he made himself. Later, he simply gave up his plan to cook and came here directly when he wanted to eat.

It's just today that something seems wrong.

"Sorry, I don't sell that kind of weird dark food here." The girl's crisp voice came, and Yang Ming couldn't help but look over in surprise.

"Eh? Why are you? What about the old man?"

The girl with light chestnut long hair in front of her seems to be called Shaxi, the granddaughter of the store manager. She occasionally comes to the store to help. Yang Ming has met a few times, and the two seem to be in a wrong way. Every time they meet, they will sneer. .

"Grandpa went back to his hometown to recuperate some time ago, and I will take care of this store in the future." Shahi tilted his head and looked at him, "Why, seeing me look very unhappy?"

"No, no." Yang Ming said haha, "I just think that it is more pleasing to the eye than a messy old man to be a store manager with a cute girl."

"Stop talking nonsense, I won't cook you dark dishes like bibimbap with red bean paste." Shahi declared the death penalty mercilessly. That kind of thing that makes you feel so sweet that you panic just by seeing it is absolutely impossible. Born from her.

"Isn't it common sense in the service industry to meet the needs of customers! Sooner or later, if you open a store like this, it will close down!"

"What does it take to meet demand? Why do I think the service industry you're talking about doesn't seem to be a serious place?" She raised her eyebrows, "As for whether it will go bankrupt or not, it's none of your business!"

"Okay, then I'll smear your store online in the future."

"Do you want to discredit me even if you pay such a big price!"

"The big deal is tomorrow, and I'll ask a bunch of navy soldiers online to help."

"Ah, that..." When the other customers just came in, they saw exactly such a scene. The store manager, who has always been soft-spoken, was now sneering at each other with the customers.

"Welcome!" Abandoning the troublesome customer who had been shouting about Uji Ginshi Donburi, Shashi greeted him with a gentle smile again, "May I ask what meal you want?"

Mingming has always been a calm and leisurely qi-raising kung fu, but seeing this black-haired sweet monster involuntarily broke the kung fu.

"As usual, UU reading is better than an egg fried rice." The guest found a corner and sat down.


"Hey! Don't you care about my meal?" Yang Ming pulled out his chair and sat down at the dining table, "I'm still hungry!"

"Here is the menu, choose it yourself." Shahi handed over the hand-painted menu that she took a long time to make, and then went into the kitchen.

Until Sha Xi brought out the egg fried rice, Yang Ming couldn't find the dish he wanted to eat in the menu, or in other words, he wanted to eat too much, which made people a little confused.

But, no matter what, today is the once-a-week sweets intake day, so you should eat some sweets anyway.

"Then you can order this, "Sweet and Sour Tenderloin Rice Bowl". "Listening to him, Shashi pointed to a recommendation on the menu.

"Sweet and sour..." Although I don't know how delicious the dish is, the sugar word written on it undoubtedly caught Yang Ming's attention, "Then order this."


It is now more than ten o'clock in the morning. For the diners, it is a somewhat embarrassing time. It is too late for breakfast, and it is too early for lunch. The stomach filled in advance is not enough to last for the evening meal.



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