Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1247:

At this time, the voice of Hata Zhongying talking to others could be heard faintly beside Yang Ming.

"Bata Nakahide-ge, the opponent you chose this time is very powerful!"

Hata Zhongying laughed, her voice was a little feminine, "That's it, you are looking at the so-called Son of God, even if your insight and eyesight are great, you can't beat me, and such students are just beginning. It's just surprising, the real strength tsk tsk!"

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, no matter how good his eyesight is, some dishes can't be cooked just because they can't be cooked well. A chef who has only eyesight might as well change his career to be a judge.

"The opening ceremony of Diamond Cuisine 12 Jin 4 will begin below. Please represent the contestants, Hata Zhongying, to take the stage." The voice of the microphone came from outside.

Hata Zhongying just woke up like a dream. Knowing that he was about to take the stage, he quickly sorted out his expression, put on a cold look, and glared at Yang Ming before walking out.

Hata Chuying came to power.

Sure enough, it's not that Hata Zhongying has not been idle recently. She is really not very popular in Dongying. With Hata Zhongying's coming to power, it caused a burst of screams from girls.

Yang Ming could not help frowning after hearing this clearly.

"These nymphos are useful, they're not as handsome as me..." Yang Ming complained.

Yang Ming felt bored, so he casually chatted with Suwon Dongmei.

The two briefly chatted for a while, and then they heard the sound of the microphone coming from outside again.

"Thank you Mr. Hata Zhongying for his speech. Next, let's invite Mr. Nakiri Senzaemon, former commander-in-chief of Totsuki Academy, to speak."

Yang Ming was startled, and finally focused his attention on the stage.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of the Diamond Cooking Competition is so big that this big man was invited over.

And those audiences are also boiling again, but most of these audiences are the spread of gossip.

Who is Nakiri Senzaemon?

The former commander-in-chief of Yuanyue Academy, who used to be in charge of life and death, is also the Taishan Beidou, the Devil of Eating, who used to be in the cooking world of Dongying!

The appearance of Nakiri Senzaemon made the contestants in awe and all set their eyes on him, and Nakiri Senzaemon also gave a speech, impassioned, and inspired the fighting spirit of these contestants .

Nakiri Senzaemon is dressed in a kimono, with awe-inspiring power, and there is a long and narrow scar on his right eye.

Nakiri Senzaemon's words echoed in everyone's ears, making people feel that this match was not that simple.

Simply put, there are only eight words: survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest.

After listening to Nakiri Senzaemon's speech, I saw Hata Zhongying coming back.

"What are you still doing stupidly, it's your turn to speak on stage."

"Hey? I'm going to come on stage too?" Yang Ming was startled.

"I'm not ready to speak." Yang Ming complained: "I haven't mentioned this to me before, what's the trouble?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you!" Hata Zhongying rolled her eyes, dissatisfied.

Yang Ming shrugged helplessly, and stepped onto the stage in disbelief.

Stepping up to the podium, he took the microphone from the hostess sister Zhi Zhi.

The audience who came to visit the competition also looked at Yang Ming curiously. Yang Ming's identity was also the representative of the contestants, so he was able to speak on the stage.

In the opening speech of a competition, there were actually two representatives of the contestants, which was very rare in the past, so the audience was very curious about Yang Ming.

Yang Ming stood on the stage, but he was not in a hurry. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Everyone, good morning, my name is Yang Ming, I am 15 years old this year." Yang Ming immediately revealed his identity.

"15 years old?"

"So young?"

The audience under the stage were also surprised, and they were a little surprised to know that Yang Ming was only 15 years old and achieved such great achievements.

Because the contestants present at least all started at the age of 18, Yang Ming's 15-year-old is unprecedented.

Yang Ming smiled lightly: "That's right, I'm 15 years old and I come from Yuanyue Academy. I guess many people know me."

Everyone was talking and chatting, and couldn't help but whisper.

For young and promising talents, these audiences have no prejudice. After all, the students of Yuanyue Academy are from all over the world, and there are people everywhere, and they are very inclusive.

"I am also very happy to participate in this diamond cooking competition. I know that they are all elites from all over Asia, and they also have extraordinary talents, and a considerable number of people want to make a difference in this diamond cooking competition. I even won the qualification to participate in the Diamond Cooking World Competition." Yang Ming said lightly.

Yang Ming's remarks caused everyone in the audience to nod secretly, and even many people clenched their fists tightly. They are the group of people with their own goals, all of them are the most outstanding geniuses from all over Asia.

Yang Ming looked around for a week and saw many familiar figures.

Hata Zhongying, Suwon Fuyumei, Kikuchi Garden Fruit, Kadozaki Taki, etc...

A smile appeared on Yang Ming's mouth. At this moment, he was looking down at these geniuses.

"But unfortunately, I want to remind you that your days will not be so easy. Because from today, I will prove that I am the strongest! I will prove it with the cooking knife in my hand, just like today. , stand on the high platform and look down at you!"

As soon as Yang Ming said these words, the audience immediately exploded!

The audience was stunned.

There are still people who are so arrogant. It really should be said that this Yang Ming is confident or ignorant, and he actually dares to make nonsense on such a stage!

Is this guy really too arrogant?

All the contestants were unconvinced and unconvinced. After all, who can participate in the Diamond Cooking Competition from 12 to 4, who is the real underdog? All geniuses are proud. How can you tolerate a guy younger than himself being so arrogant?

"Then, I'll reserve the first place in the Diamond Cooking Asia Competition now. As for the second place, well, I'll just give it to Miss Suwon Dongmei. You can grab the rest of the places." Yang Ming said lightly.

"What a joke!"

"Just a madman!"

"Yang Ming, I remember you!"

Suwon Tomi was in the audience, and she looked at each other with Kakuzaki Taki and Kikuchienko, their faces full of surprise.

This guy is not amazing!

" How dare you say that... This is drawing hatred for me!"

"Damn, this guy's attitude is really annoying!"

"Yeah, it's called Yang Ming, right? He even made rhetoric and said he wanted to take the first place in his pocket?"

"Hmph, that's really arrogant."

"How can such a madman get such a supreme honor, **** it!"

The contestants were full of discussions, and there were constant noises, all of which were whispering in anger.


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