Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1344:

?Yang Ming spread his hands: "I'm a cook. If I don't know what to eat, how can I get away with it." He quickly fished out two two-pound dace from the pool, removed the scales, guts, heads, bones, and then cut the dace. The fish meat that came down was placed on Wang Xiaoming's cutting board: "Cut it."

Wang Xiaoming looked at the fish, took the knife and started to chop the fish. At first, he was still cutting the meat, and the chop was not fast. Later, it became faster and harder, and the sound changed from "ding ding ding" to "dong dong dong". While cutting, he scolded: "Fuck, bastard, beast, scum, murderer..."

Yang Ming looked at him: "Believe it or not, A Bing eats fish cakes tonight and will curse like that."

"Fart!" Wang Xiaoming replied rudely.

Yang Ming said, "Have you never heard of the fairy tale "The King Has Rabbit Ears"?"

"What with what?" Wang Xiaoming frowned.

Yang Ming said, "Are you sad?"

Wang Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, understood Yang Ming's words, and was silent for a moment: "She has always had a good temper, and she is very kind and gentle. If she hadn't been driven to a dead end, she would definitely not have committed suicide."

"She was your girlfriend before?" Yang Ming asked.

Wang Xiaoming lowered his head: "That was a long time ago, and it has nothing to do with me now. But even as an ordinary friend, I can't be indifferent. Huang Jiangong, this beast, is simply a mad dog, biting people everywhere. I'm still doubting my relationship with Affin, we haven't seen each other for many years."

Yang Ming sighed: "She must not have married willingly."

Wang Xiaoming said with a wooden face, "I don't know, maybe."

"That's right, you may have already given up, but she may not. She is not willing to marry her, and when she encounters something unsatisfactory, she will think of your goodness, so that her heart will become more and more unbalanced, and the relationship between husband and wife will naturally become more and more. Stiff." Yang Ming analyzed this truth like a philosopher.

Wang Xiaoming swallowed his saliva with difficulty: "So, she jumped off the building, maybe it has something to do with me?"

Yang Ming said: "Maybe it has something to do with you, but it's not your responsibility, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Wang Xiaoming's chopping meat stopped, clenching his teeth.

Yang Ming added: "She would choose this extreme way, which shows that she has obvious flaws in her character. She is cowardly and timid, and dare not resist her parents and husband to fight for her own life. Therefore, it is often said that poor people must have Hateful."

Wang Xiaoming glared at Yang Ming: "You are so cold-blooded."

Yang Ming shrugged: "No one likes to hear the truth."

"Should I go see her?" Wang Xiaoming asked, in fact, it was more like asking himself.

Yang Ming said, "Since you think it might be related to you, don't go there, to avoid a bigger misunderstanding."

Wang Xiaoming also knew that this was the case, but he always felt depressed and uncomfortable. He felt injustice for Luo Yufen in his heart, but he was completely powerless.

Yang Ming said: "Then Huang Jiangong is a guy who will retaliate. He is very likely to take this matter on you."

"Fuck, what does this have to do with me!" Wang Xiaoming cursed bitterly, "If you dare to provoke me, let him be like this fish, and I will chop him up!"

"It's always good to have a long heart. Just look at it, all the meat has gone outside the chopping board." Yang Ming reminded lightly.

Wang Xiaoming looked down at the messy fish meat on the cutting board. Because of his absent-mindedness, the fish meat was chopped unevenly. He took a deep breath and began to concentrate on chopping the meat, using this focus to drive out the anger and discomfort in his heart.

Fish cakes are usually made of herring, grass carp, etc., but the dace produced here is more suitable for making fish cakes, because the meat is tender and delicious. After the fish is minced, add a little cornstarch, two eggs, monosodium glutamate , salt, a little sugar, stir vigorously with an egg beater in the container, beat it into a very sticky paste, this is called yuqing, put the yuqing in the refrigerator for an hour, and then take it out and beat it into a cake , that is, fish cakes. Of course, you can also make some shapes you want. For example, Wang Bing likes to shape fish cakes into small fish.

The prepared fish cakes are placed in a frying pan and fried on low heat until golden on both sides. They can be eaten hot or cut into stir-fry dishes after cooling. The fish cake not only retains the deliciousness of the fish, but also has a springy, fragrant, smooth and refreshing taste that the fish does not have. Wang Bing loves to eat fish cakes, because fish cakes are like candy, which is his favorite snack, and they are particularly delicious to chew.

That night, Wang Bing ate his favorite fish cakes. He used chopsticks to string three fried fish cakes that were golden and fragrant, and he ate them like snacks. Wang Xiaoming said to him: "You eat so many dishes, and you have to drink water later, be careful with me at night, and I won't beat your **** if you wet the bed!"

"Then I'll sleep with Uncle!" Wang Bing was not afraid of threats at all.

Wang Xiaoming sneered: "Then I can't wait, when your uncle is dead and no one turns on the light for you, just draw a map on your uncle's bed and see if he doesn't beat you up!"

"Then I will sleep with Uncle Yang Ming, and he will turn on the light for me." Wang Bing is now confident, his relationship with Yang Ming is magnetic.

"Okay, then you can sleep with Uncle Yang Ming." Wang Xiaoming threw the hot potato out.

At night, Wang Bing did not sleep with Yang Ming, but slept on Wang Xiaoming's bed. Wang Xiaoming was watching TV in the living room alone. He was afraid of waking people up, so he turned the volume very low. In fact, he didn't know what was on the TV. Sitting in a daze, he couldn't fall asleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, Luo Yufen's bruised face was always shaking, thinking that she had told him that she wanted a divorce, so why not leave earlier, otherwise there would be no This tragedy happened. He did not know that the tragedy was caused by the divorce.

Yang Ming came out of the sat next to him and handed him a cigarette. Wang Xiaoming didn't pick it up. Yang Ming put the cigarette to his mouth, lit it by himself, and stuffed it into Wang Xiaoming's mouth: "Smoke a cigarette."

Wang Xiaoming rolled his eyes, took the cigarette beside his mouth in his hand, and took a deep breath, making him cough. When he was a teenager, he secretly learned to smoke, but he didn't know much. Later, when something happened at home, he didn't have any spare money to smoke, so he still can't smoke, and he still coughs when he smokes.

Yang Ming reached out and patted his back: "Don't worry, she'll be fine."

Wang Xiaoming lowered his head, and after a while, he said, "I feel uncomfortable when I think that her accident may have something to do with me." Wang Xiaoming's nose was sore.

Yang Ming reached out and touched the back of his head: "Don't think too much, this has nothing to do with you. If you are really worried, when you have time, take a sneak look at her and make sure she is okay."

Wang Xiaoming let out an "um" and leaned towards Yang Ming unconsciously. He felt cold all over, but this person was very warm. Yang Ming was a little surprised by his actions. The next moment, he stretched out his arms and put his arms around Wang Xiaoming's shoulders, letting his head rest on his shoulders.

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