Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1361:

?Luo Yufen was so scolded by Wang Xiaoming that she forgot to cry. After a while, she said, "He still slandered me and you..."

"You are afraid of this? You asked him to have the ability to show evidence. Your character is too weak, you are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of? Huang Jiangong's beast beat you, you will not fight back? If you can't win,你不会跑?你怎么这么蠢?”王小明简直有点恨铁不成钢,看着昔日的恋人被人欺负成这个样子,简直就气不打一处出,他特别想打人,想揍扁黄Jian Gong, also want to wake up Luo Yufen.

Luo Yufen was scolded by Wang Xiaoming to cover her face, and she suddenly lost her face and cried again.

At this time, Wang Xiaoming finally pulled up the square stool and sat down: "How is your health, what did the doctor say? When will you be discharged from the hospital?"

Luo Yufen's face was sad: "I don't know if I can stand up in the future."

Wang Xiaoming said: "Don't think about anything now, and take good care of your illness. Isn't the Huang family rich? You can let them cure your illness for you, whether it's going to B city or abroad. When the illness is cured, just talk to him. Divorce, no matter what, you can't deal with this lunatic Huang Jiangong again, you didn't die this time, maybe you will fall into his hands next time!"

Since Luo Yufen left the intensive care unit, she has been listening to her parents complain and cry every day, calling her stupid, saying that she doesn't understand reason, can't be a human being, and doesn't think about her parents or children. If she kills herself, she will also implicate her relatives. If it fails, how will she live in the future, and who will serve her. The parents, brother and sister-in-law bombed in turn, making Luo Yufen despair, thinking that she might as well just die.

Wang Xiaoming added: "Afen, your temper is just too good, your heart is too kind, you are too easy to be bullied, you have to live for yourself, you can't keep thinking about your divorce, what will happen to your parents So, what will happen to your brother and sister-in-law? Have they thought about you? You treat them as relatives, do they treat you as relatives? You must never think about them in the future, but think about yourself. "

Luo Yufen began to cry silently again. In this world, the only person who really cares about her is Wang Xiaoming. She pursed her lips: "If I can't get better..."

"Don't think about it, it will definitely get better." Wang Xiaoming interrupted her and paused again, "No matter how good or bad, you have to divorce Huang Jiangong. You, a good person, have been treated like this when you follow him, you If your health is not good, do you still expect him to treat you as a human being? Without feet, you still have hands. In this world, there are people who live well without hands and feet. What are you afraid of? The wolf queen's mentality of being afraid of tigers makes them bully you to the death. You were not like this before, when were you so timid and afraid of things?"

Luo Yufen lowered her eyes and didn't dare to look at Wang Xiaoming again. Since she got married, her financial well-being and ease of material conditions really took away a lot of her courage and courage.

Wang Xiaoming said: "A Fen, there is no obstacle in this world that you can't get through. You can see it from me. As long as you are hard-hearted and grit your teeth, you will survive, really."

Luo Yufen looked up at Wang Xiaoming, and finally nodded: "Okay."

Wang Xiaoming hesitated for a while and then said, "I don't know what will happen in the future, but if you need it, you can come to me, and I will do my best to help you."

When Luo Yufen heard this, she couldn't help crying.

Wang Xiaoming said: "Don't be so half-dead, cheer up, work hard to cooperate with the doctor, and quickly get cured. You are still so young, you are still alive in the future, and it will get better."

Luo Yufen nodded vigorously, unable to cry.

Wang Xiaoming said, "Then I'll go first, and you can take care of yourself."

Wang Xiaoming and Yang Ming went to Luo Yufen's doctor to find out the situation. They knew that she suffered a vertebral fracture from a fall, but it was not too serious. With the treatment, she would not be paralyzed, but it might leave the sequelae of chronic low back pain. Wang Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief, this was already a fortune among misfortunes.

Luo Yufen didn't die this time, and the Huang family was very angry with her. After she escaped, they found a nurse for her, and the rest of the Huang family never showed up. Only Huang Jiangong would come over from time to time to pay for her medical bills. When Luo Maogang and his wife were angry, they slapped Huang Jiangong twice, but after calming down, the more they thought about it, the more afraid they became. To be paralyzed for a lifetime, that is a huge burden, who will be responsible?

Huang Jiangong made a statement, saying that no matter what, he would not abandon Luo Yufen. Luo Maogang and his wife were reassured by this statement. They were afraid of offending the Huang family, so they threw all their anger on their daughter, as if she jumped off the building to make trouble. Because of the attitude of her parents, Luo Yufen lost her mind and lost any will to live. Now she has become sober after being scolded by Wang Xiaoming. She figured out that she is not someone's property, why should she live for them? It's right to live for herself, so now she has hope, she must live well and live for herself.

Huang Jiangong just came over from home to renew the bill that day. Luo Yufen lives in the hospital, and the money is spent like running water. The daily medical expenses of tens of thousands of dollars are a little less, and it still costs several thousand every day. to come once. As soon as he got out of the car, he ran into Wang Xiaoming and Yang Ming who were coming out of the gate of the inpatient department.

Wang Xiaoming didn't find him, so he persuaded Yang Ming as he walked: "Why don't you go check it out, you've already come, and you won't have time to come in the future."

Yang Ming said: "No, let's go, go back."

Wang Xiaoming didn't want to waste such a good opportunity. At least he figured out what was going on and how long it would take to heal. Even if he didn't get treatment, it would be good to hear from the doctor: "Let's not do surgery or take medicine, just do it. Check, listen to what the doctor says, can't you?"

Yang Ming turned his just saw Huang Jiangong, and found that the other party was looking at them: "Who is that?"

Wang Xiaoming turned his head and saw Huang Jiangong, his face suddenly a little ugly: "Why is he here?"

"Who?" Yang Ming didn't know Huang Jiangong, he just thought he looked very wretched.

Wang Xiaoming said, "That lunatic Huang Jiangong, let's go and ignore him."

Yang Ming retracted his gaze: "Go back."

Huang Jiangong renewed the fee, went to the ward, and saw the fruits and supplements on the bedside: "Who is here?"

The nurse said, "I don't know, I just went to fetch water."

Huang Jiangong looked at Luo Yufen, but Luo Yufen didn't open his eyes to look at him. Huang Jiangong sneered while pulling the corner of his mouth.

On the way back, Wang Xiaoming was still remorseful for not persuading Yang Ming to do the inspection. Yang Ming suddenly said, "I will open a Haibawang here in the future."

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