Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1369:

Boss Liu said with a smile: "There is no business in the first month. You are the only big customer. I am idle anyway, and I just brought it to you. Don't worry, the things are all the high-quality goods you want. Knowing that your store has a good reputation, I can't smash your signboard."

Wang Xiaoming said with a smile: "Boss Liu has a heart. But the goods still need to be inspected."

"Okay, okay. Of course you have to see it, you just have to check it." Boss Liu removed the box from the car and asked Wang Xiaoming to check it.

Wang Xiaoming said: "Ayang, pour tea for Boss Liu. Boss Liu, sit down by yourself for a while, and you will be fine soon."

Yang Ming was cooking marinade in the kitchen, and when he heard the movement outside, he came out to take a look. Seeing that Boss Liu took the initiative to deliver the goods, he felt a little abnormal, but he didn't say anything, and carefully checked the goods with Wang Xiaoming. The stuff is dry goods such as mushrooms, fungus, dried scallops, dried fish, and a lot of spices such as star anise, cinnamon, and fragrant leaves.

Seeing Yang Ming coming out, Boss Liu smiled and said, "You guys can check slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

This time I asked for a lot of things, some of which were even beyond Yang Ming's expectations. He turned around and said to Boss Liu, "Boss Liu has a heart..." He found that Boss Liu was not drinking tea, but came out of it. , he looked at Yang Ming and looked at himself, then said with a smile, "Are you optimistic? I just went to the toilet."

Yang Ming said: "The goods are ok, the price remains the same?"

"The same, of course, the same price. You are a big customer. The cooperation time will be long in the future. We need to take care of our business." Boss Liu said with a smile.

Wang Xiaoming straightened up: "Okay, I have always been a talkative person. If things are good and the price is fair, I will always take care of Boss Liu's business. Look good, come and weigh in."

After reading the dry goods, Yang Ming went back to the kitchen, opened the stainless steel vat where the marinade was boiled and stirred it. He sniffed a few times and found that the marinade stewed today was slightly different from usual. He scooped up the marinade with a spoon. After taking a sip, he frowned immediately, stirred it with a spoon, picked up the chicken and duck and other ingredients at the bottom of the pot, looked carefully, and found nothing, his face sank: "Ayang!"

Zhao Xiaoyang hurried over: "What's the matter, Master?"

"Who entered the kitchen just now?"

Zhao Xiaoyang shook his head: "No one. I didn't notice, I was outside just now."

"Come here and help me lift this pot of bittern down and pour it down." Yang Ming said.

Zhao Xiaoyang said in surprise: "What's the matter, Master, are you overwhelmed?"

Yang Ming said: "Well, this time the ingredients are not fresh, so the brine cannot be used."

Zhao Xiaoyang couldn't understand it: "It's not new, it should be usable."

"I said no, I can't do it. Come and help me." Yang Ming said with a stern face.

Zhao Xiaoyang saw Yang Ming's strictness, just because the ingredients were not fresh, and the marinade that had been boiled for more than ten hours could not be used. He reluctantly tasted a little: "I think it's pretty good, there's nothing wrong with it."

Yang Ming said, "Do you listen to what I said?"

Seeing that he was really going to be angry, Zhao Xiaoyang quickly helped: "Okay, okay, listen to you."

The two removed the bucket from the stove, and poured the marinade that had been boiled for more than ten hours into the sewer. Yang Ming also personally took all the chicken and duck meat for the soup base to the nearby garbage. The box was thrown away.

Zhao Xiaoyang said very puzzled: "Master, it's okay to empty the swill bucket. It's such a waste."

Yang Ming didn't explain, and brushed the bucket: "I'll boil the brine again. I'm optimistic. In the future, no outsiders will be allowed in the kitchen."

Zhao Xiaoyang nodded: "Good master." He finally felt that something was wrong.

Yang Ming explained to him: "You take out the chicken and duck in the refrigerator, wash it, and boil it again."

"Okay, master. Will it be too late? It will be used tomorrow."

"If it's too late, hurry up and get busy." Yang Ming looked carefully in the kitchen to see what was wrong.

Wang Xiaoming and Boss Liu settled the bill and went back to the kitchen in a good mood: "This Boss Liu is quite good at doing business, and he even delivers to the door, saving me a lot of trouble. What are you looking for, Yang Ming?"

Yang Ming glanced at Zhao Xiaoyang, but did not speak. Wang Xiaoming saw that Zhao Xiaoyang was cleaning the chickens and ducks again: "Isn't the brine already boiled, and what are you doing, you want to hang the broth?"

Zhao Xiaoyang looked at Yang Ming: "The master said that the pot of brine was not fresh and fell down."

Wang Xiaoming said unexpectedly: "Why is it not fresh, aren't they all bought from the same batch?"

Yang Ming looked at Wang Xiaoming and waved to him. The two walked to the corner of the kitchen. Yang Ming lowered his voice and said, "I found poppy shells in the marinade just now. I don't know who put it in."

Wang Xiaoming was frightened, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his voice became louder: "How come there is that?"

Yang Ming shook his head: "I don't know. Boss Liu came here just now. If it wasn't for Boss Liu, it might be someone from the store. I guess the police should be here soon. I suspect that there are still poppy husks in our store, so I was there. Find."

Wang Xiaoming said, "Where did we come from? Besides, how do you know?"

"Someone used this to make spices before. We don't have it, but we can't stand someone asking us to have it." Yang Ming's face was not very good, "It should be made into powder. Look for it and see if there is something wrong, just take it. Come see me."

Wang Xiaoming hurried to rummage.

Zhao Xiaoyang looked at the two bosses biting their ears in confusion. What were they talking about, it was mysterious.

The two finally found two bags of things in the corner of a cabinet that they had never seen before. This is the advantage of being a small shop. Everything is done by themselves, everything is handled by themselves, and everything knows the origin. Yang Ming took the two small bags of powder and rushed directly into the toilet, including the bags.

Wang Xiaoming said, "Call everyone over in a and tell me not to let anyone into the kitchen casually."

"It is necessary." Yang Ming said.

Wang Xiaoming said, "I'll give the mouse a call, and let him pay attention to this matter for me."

Yang Ming nodded: "Okay."

Liu Hao was very excited when he found out about this: "Fuck, who the **** is so immoral, let me know, if he can't eat and walk around."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the police to come to the door, and the mice were among them. He gave Wang Xiaoming a wink, and then looked like he was doing business: "Someone complained that you illegally use prohibited substances to make spices here, please cooperate with us. Check, if there is no such thing, we will give everyone a clean slate."

In fact, many restaurants have used poppy shells as spices. It is said that they can improve freshness. This is almost an unspoken rule in the industry, but if it is really investigated, this kind of behavior is the crime of deceiving others to take drugs, fined, suspended for rectification, and revoked. Licenses are considered light, and serious criminal liability.

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