Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 140: Do not cut again VS Gaara

All-powerful, let me do it!

Cover your hands for rain, Gaara!

As if welcoming the arrival of the king, the wild sand flying in the sky is divided into two and a half, like a respectful guard on the side, kneeling to welcome Gaara's arrival.

When the enemy meets, he is extremely jealous!

When I saw Yang Ming and his party, especially Yang Ming, he actually tricked him last time, Gaara had just killed someone, and his blood-stained face was even more hideous and terrifying, and a tyrannical killing intent was boiling in his chest .

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa whoa whoa!

For a time, the birds in the entire forest were frightened, as if they sensed the arrival of some wild beast, fluttering their wings and panicking away from here.

"Yang! Ming!"

Half of Gaara's body turned into a beast, and her emotions became more and more extreme.

If eyes can kill, Yang Ming has no idea how many times he has died.

Seeing this, he stepped out without slashing, and protected Yang Ming in front of him, his face was resolute, and his wolf-like eyes burst out with fighting intent!

Last time, I didn't know about the weirdness of Gaara's ninjutsu without Zhan, and I accidentally capsized in the gutter, but this time I was prepared and decided to make Gaara look good!

With his back to Yang Ming and Bai, he said in a deep voice, "Bai, protect the boss from here."

As Zaibuzhan's most trustworthy partner, Bai immediately understood and left with Yang Ming.

"Don't! Think! Go!"

Gaara came from afar, how could Yang Ming leave!

Gaara waved his hand abruptly, and suddenly, as if hearing the king's order, countless sands trembled violently.

"Sand slug!"

With an order, a large amount of sand gathered, like altocumulus clouds formed in the air, a large area of ​​black pressure, giving people a deep sense of oppression.

Then, like a torrential rain, countless sands fell angrily, forming a vast sand curtain!

Huh! shhhhh! shhhhhh...

Every grain of sand is like a bullet, rubbing violently in the air, making a harsh sound that makes the eardrums burst!

At this time, the ninjutsu of never slashing is ready!

"Water Escape! Mist Hidden Technique!"

For a while, a cloud of smoke spread from Zaibuzhan's body, covering a radius of one mile!

Affected by the sight, Gaara felt aggrieved for a while, and the killing intent in his heart was even more unpleasant!


Accompanied by a roar that did not belong to human beings at all, a large amount of sand and rain suddenly accelerated!

Boom! Boom boom boom!

When the king was angry, he buried a million corpses!

Under the almost violent pouring of sand and rain, countless trees in the sky were injured by millions of tons, swaying wildly, and countless leaves fell one after another, covering the earth!

Fortunately, with the cover of fog, Yang Ming and Bai escaped smoothly without any harm.

Looking at the battlefield shrouded in thick fog, no matter how much he believed in not slashing, Bai's heart was still raised, and his face was full of worry.

"Boss, do you think there will be something wrong if you don't kill Mr.

Yang Ming said calmly, "Of course it's fine!"

Who will not be cut again?

That's a ghost!

When facing Orochimaru before, it was impossible to use the fog-hidden technique without Zhan, because it would only obstruct his own vision and Yang Ming was caught by Orochimaru.

But now, without any restraints, if you don't cut it, you can finally act recklessly and show the art of killing!

Like a ghost, the voice of Zaibujian came from an unknown direction.

"I love Luo, how do you want to die?"

"Cut off your limbs and stir-fry, or peel off your internal organs and stir-fry?"

Just like the whispers from the abyss devil, the voice of Zaibuxian has a magical nature, which can make people unconsciously generate a kind of fear, thus affecting the body's reaction.

Unfortunately, Gaara is not a normal person at all!

Gaara looked around, there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and I couldn't reach my fingers.

If it were an ordinary ninja, he would have been nervous at this time, and he would have lost his way.

Gaara grinned at the corners of her mouth, revealing white teeth, and her face became more and more hideous.

"Hide and seek?"


"Quicksand Waterfall!"

With the extraction of a large number of chakras from the body, especially the support of Ichiao, with Gaara as the center, within a radius of 500 meters, the earth suddenly shook violently!

As if the sky was torn apart, the ground beneath his feet suddenly changed abruptly under the horrified gaze!

The once tough land seems to have lost a lot of water in the past 10,000 years, and desertification began in the blink of an eye.

Visible to the naked eye, the original fertile black soil has rapidly declined in color and gradually turned into a pale yellow desert!


If he doesn't cut it again, he is a decisive person. When he finds something wrong, he jumps with his feet and quickly jumps onto the branch of a big tree.

And not long after he left, the ground collapsed in the place where he used to be, and the desert kept spinning, like a wild beast opening its mouth and swallowing everything!

If he didn't cut his feet and trembled, even the big tree he was standing on could not withstand the pulling force of the desert, and slowly fell down.

Zaibuzhan's face changed greatly: "Is this still a human? How can there be such a huge chakra!"

Although the Hidden Mist technique he uses has a wide consumes a lot of chakra, but after all, it is only an auxiliary ninjutsu, and it has no power at all.

But right now, Gaara obviously didn't use common sense. This kind of ninjutsu is like a natural disaster. Just look at the big trees caught in the desert, and you know that if you accidentally hit it, you will definitely die without a corpse!

This is beyond the scope of a Jōnin that can be used!

However, it is not without a chance!

Zaibu Zhan secretly lurked behind a big tree, held his breath, and abandoned all his sense of existence. Like a hunter, he patiently waited for the chance that his prey would get tired.

That's right, Gaara's ultimate move is very strong, but even if he is a man, it can't last under this kind of consumption regardless of the cost!

When the vibrations below became less and less severe, he clenched the beheading sword tightly, calculating in his heart how long it would take.




When the death vortex swirling in the desert came to a complete stop, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes!

"Blinking technique!"

Without slashing his feet and jumping again, in the blink of an eye, the figure instantly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Zabu Zhan followed a ghostly pace and quietly appeared behind Gaara!

At this moment, when Gaara's old power is gone and the new force is not born, it is when Gaara is at its most empty!

Zai Bu Zhan's face was extremely calm, and he did not reveal the slightest killing intent.

He understands that the closer to success, the easier it is to get overwhelmed!

The man-height beheading sword in his hand, like a poisonous snake jumping out of the grass, slashed at Gaara from a tricky angle!

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