Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1408:

Yang Ming said: "There are so many awesome people in this world, and I'm not one of them."

Wang Xiaoming shook his head: "There are indeed many awesome people in this world, but you have a share of awesome people like you."

Yang Ming stretched out his hand and pulled him: "Why do you think so much, so eager to let me go back?"

Wang Xiaoming said, "You don't want to go back that much?"

"It's still early, what's more, I'm fine here." Yang Ming said.

Wang Xiaoming despised him: "You are reluctant to think about Shu."

Yang Ming raised his head and sighed: "There are not so many intrigues here, which is good."

Wang Xiaoming understands and does not understand, oh

Yang Ming raised the corner of his mouth and smiled and took his hand: "Then let's go back to our own territory."

As soon as they reached the entrance of the stairs, they encountered someone coming up from below. She was still an acquaintance, Ms. Li Xintian, the lobby manager of Yingxu. Li Xintian smiled professionally: "Boss Wang, Master Yang Ming."

Wang Xiaoming nodded to her: "Manager Li."

Yang Ming didn't say anything, just nodded and went downstairs. Wang Xiaoming quickly followed.

Since it has been confirmed that the spring cakes will be made in Haibawang, Wang Xiaoming naturally has no pressure, and the game in the afternoon was completed very smoothly. I don’t know if the referee is biased, or the strength is just like this. In seven individual competitions, Wang Xiaoming won six first, only A kueh loses to a century-old shop specializing in peach kueh. That shop has a wide variety of beautiful molds. The pastry chef has been doing it for decades, and he can also carve by hand. Wang Xiaoming, who was temporarily sharpening guns, would definitely not be able to keep up, so It is also convincing to lose.

The grand prize of the final comprehensive evaluation naturally went to the Haibawang family, and the grand prize of 50,000 yuan was taken away by Zhong Yanhong before Wang Xiaoming's hands were warm: "You have earned enough today, this grand prize belongs to me. ."

Wang Xiaoming smiled, but instead of protesting, he asked, "Is Sister Yu still there?"

Zhong Yanhong said, "I'm still there. I was talking with Teacher Zhao just now. Do you have anything to do with her?"

Wang Xiaoming said, "Well, I'll go and ask her something."

Zhong Yanhong said, "Oh, you go. I'll go deliver snacks to Officer Xiao Liu."

Wang Xiaoming nodded: "Okay."

Wang Xiaoming went to Mei Ruyu's office. She happened to be in there alone. Wang Xiaoming knocked on the door: "Sister Yu, excuse me."

Mei Ruyu raised her head and smiled happily: "Xiao Ming, come in and sit down and have a cup of tea. You've worked hard for you today." Mei Ruyu boiled water and began to make tea.

Wang Xiaoming waved his hand: "It's okay, you're welcome, Sister Yu. I have something I want to ask you about."

Mei Ruyu put down the tweezers holding the tea leaves: "What's the matter, just say it."

Wang Xiaoming said, "I heard from Teacher Zhao today that Yang Ming is the son of some kind of **** in Dongying. Is it true?"

Mei Ruyu nodded: "Yes."

"Is he really that famous? What kind of person is he?" Wang Xiaoming crossed his hands and couldn't hide his nervousness.

Mei Ruyu said: "He is a student of Dongying Yuanyue Academy. He is not only a well-known chef in Dongying, but also has a reputation in the world of chefs. I heard that his family also opened a small shop."

Wang Xiaoming's fingers dug into the flesh: "Do you know more specifics?"

Mei Ruyu nodded: "Yang Ming opened a small shop called Yang Ming, which is very famous in the upper floors of Dongying, but the strange thing is that ordinary people don't know about it, only a few people know about it, and I only knew about it when Teacher Zhao told me."

"Are you familiar with Yuanyue College? Do you have their contact information?" Wang Xiaoming continued to ask.

Mei Ruyu shook her head and said, "How is it possible, I'm just the boss of a small place, and I'm very familiar with top schools like Yuanyue Academy. However, the contact information is available on the Internet, I have to look for it."

Wang Xiaoming nodded: "That's fine, thank you Sister Yu."

Mei Ruyu looked at Wang Xiaoming: "Xiao Ming, what are you asking about?"

Wang Xiaoming pulled the corner of his mouth and forced a smile: "It's nothing, I'm just curious, Yang Ming is so good at cooking, I want to ask about his background. Thank you Sister Yu for telling me so much, it's alright, I'm leaving, thank you Sister Yu for the tea , very fragrant."

Mei Ruyu said, "You're welcome. When Teacher Zhao contacts you to record the show, be sure to let me know."

"Okay, Sister Yu." Wang Xiaoming nodded, got up and left.

The first thing Wang Xiaoming did when he returned to the store was to go to the office to surf the Internet. He searched Yuanyue Academy and found a lot of relevant information, including the official website, encyclopedia entries, map information, and related news.

Wang Xiaoming opened the Encyclopedia entry and looked at the background information of Yuanyue Academy. This is a top school, founded in the last century, headquartered in Tokyo, East Ying, with middle and high departments, 3-year system, but advanced Graduation is very difficult, and the graduation rate is under 10%. The commander-in-chief said that "99% of the people are abandoned sons to hone the 1%".

Of the 812 first-year students last year, only 76 advanced to second-year. There are only a handful of students who can advance to the third grade and graduate. Compared to Hinamizawa Campus, where you can go to school without taking any exams as long as you keep your attendance, it's heaven and hell. And Yuanyue's brand effect also comes from this, as long as you can survive until graduation, you can enjoy the glory of the popular star in the cooking industry for the rest of your life.

In addition to various expansion business. In the entry, there is also information about Totsuki Academy's general manager Nakiri Ji, a middle-aged man over forty years old, with his photo on it. The middle-aged man has black hair and looks very young.

Looking at the photo of Nakiri Ji, Wang Xiaoming immediately felt a gloomy and gloomy feeling, obviously not a good person.

Wang Xiaoming's eyelids jumped so I didn't expect Yang Ming to have such an amazing background. No wonder when I first saw him, I thought he was not an ordinary person.

Wang Xiaoming seemed to have discovered some great secret. He hurriedly closed the entire webpage, and the palm of his hand holding the mouse couldn't help sweating. What should I do?

Yang Ming is so famous, there must be a lot of important things waiting for him to go back to deal with, can he really let him stay at home with peace of mind?

Wang Xiaoming fell into deep contradictions and panic. It can be seen from the data that Yang Ming and himself are not from the same world at all. If he goes back, there will be no intersection between them. As expected, Yang Ming was an angel as Ergou said, and then he would leave without a trace and walk out of their lives.

But how selfish would it be to keep him here?

He is so famous, and the memory loss is so strange, I am afraid there is something hidden in it...

In Wang Xiaoming's mind, if a level 12 typhoon passed through, everything was blown to pieces, and it was a mess. He slumped weakly in the chair, his mind completely empty, and he didn't know what to think.

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