Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 284: God Turning (15 Plus)

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(third more)

When Yanyin Village, under the leadership of Hei Tu, was about to leave the battlefield, Orochimaru, who had been watching all the time, smiled gloomily.

"Want to go?"

"Leave them all and make sacrifices!"

Saying that, Orochimaru took off the face that had been disguised, and his hands actually moved.

Seeing this, a trace of panic flashed in Danzo's eyes, "Orochimaru, how can your hand be fine!"

"Ha ha!"

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly, with a stern look on his face, "If you don't, how could you be hooked?"

He used Immortal Reincarnation in advance and changed his body!

Orochimaru had a seal in his hand, and a huge psychic seal appeared on the ground.

"In order to invite you to enter the urn, I have endured for a long time!"

"Come out, my darlings!"

With a loud shout, a hundred huge pythons appeared in the battlefield, and the leader was ten thousand snakes!

Ten Thousand Snake's huge lantern-like vertical pupil glanced down.

"Orochimaru, you did a good job, you deserve to be the person Long Xianren likes."

At this moment, Wan She is completely different from the original book, not at all arrogant and domineering, on the contrary, it means to please Orochimaru.

Orochimaru smiled coldly, "Go, kill all these people!"

With the order of Orochimaru, a hundred behemoths about the size of Wanshen twisted their mountain-like bodies and rolled towards the battlefield!

They are completely indistinguishable from enemy and foe, even if it is an experimental product of Orochimaru, it can still be killed!

With the advantage of their size, they can swing their tails casually, and they can swept thousands of troops with extraordinary power, turning the entire battlefield into a purgatory.

Seeing this, Heitu's eyes were split open, and when he looked at Orochimaru, his eyes were about to burst into flames!

"Orochimaru, you actually betrayed us!"

Facing Heitu's accusation, Orochimaru smiled coldly, his face full of evil, "Betrayal?"

"Hehe, that's ridiculous!"

"From the beginning to the end, you are all just a part of my plan!"

At this time, Orochimaru doesn't care about showing his position, because he now has an absolute advantage!

Moreover, if the ninja noticed, the spilled blood was constantly flowing into the ground, and looming curse marks appeared underneath, forming a huge encirclement, including everyone on the battlefield!


Hei Tu watched his subordinates die one by one, and his silver teeth were about to shatter!

Although under their counterattack, the overwhelming ninjutsu slammed into the giant snake and killed four or five of them, but the loss was too great, and the exchange was the death of dozens of ninjas from Iwayin Village.

Heitu looked at Danzo, a firmness flashed in his eyes.

"Danzo, let's form an alliance for the time being!"

"Otherwise, even if we both escaped back, the loss would be too great!"

Danzang's face was as gloomy as an inkstone, and ink was almost dripping out. He never imagined that this crusade against Orochimaru would be twists and turns, resulting in so many changes.

Originally a weak Orochimaru, not only is it not a prey, but a beast that eats people without spitting out bones!

Danzo nodded, "Okay, let's work together!"

With the support of the two leaders, Konoha Village and Yanyin Village temporarily formed an alliance to fight against Orochimaru's giant snake army.

It's really ironic to say that, the two sides who had been beaten to death before, but now they are united together, and the ninja below felt awkward for a while.

However, at the moment of the enemy, they can't help but think too much.

As for Yang Ming and his party, they were dumbfounded.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other, and both could see shock and confusion in each other's eyes.

As contractors who signed the psychic scroll, they did not understand why Orochimaru could summon a hundred giant pythons with strength equivalent to ten thousand snakes!

This is not scientific at all!

Even the future Naruto, when dealing with Payne, summoned three giant toads in one breath!

Of course they didn't know that this was a forbidden technique that Orochimaru learned from the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave. Using the blood of hundreds of people as an introduction, he summoned an additional number of Orochi.

However, this ninjutsu also has a big flaw, that is, it needs to continuously draw a lot of blood to maintain it, otherwise the psychic beast will go back again.

However, even with huge flaws, the power of this ninjutsu cannot be denied!

At this time, nearly a hundred gigantic snakes were like no one else, rampant in the battlefield, invincible, crushed all the way, causing huge casualties to the ninja coalition.

"Humph!" Tuanzang exuded a cold aura all over his body, and opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, which was covered by the bandage, and aimed it at Wanshe's eyes.

"Illusion! Don't be a god!"

In the process of looking at each other for just one second, Danzo sent his command to Wan Snake's brain.


Ten thousand snakes roared in the sky, swayed their waists, and their long and strong snake tails crossed a sharp arc in the air, like a heavy hammer, smashing the giant snake next to them!


A deafening muffled sound sounded, and the huge python, like a hill, was slammed by the tail of the ten thousand snakes. It flew out like a cannonball and hit it hard in the distance. Traces, I don't know how many innocent ninjas have been crushed to death!


With one hit, Wan Snake went crazy, his vertical pupils were filled with blood, and he turned his gaze on his fellow clan again, and bullied him once again!

But this time, this giant snake had a lesson from the past, how could it be polite to Wan She, directly entangle it, and open its sharp fangs to bite.

The two giant snakes coiled around each other and bit each other.

For a time, the blood rained down, and large pieces of snake meat splashed out, exuding a thick stench, which made people feel sick.

But when the Ninja Allied Forces met, their morale was boosted and they began to perform joint ninjutsu.

For a time, the crimson and high-temperature fire, the lightning and thunder, and the blade-like wind, formed a torrent of ninjutsu, and swept away with a bang!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another huge fireworks erupted, shining in the sky and deafening.

Under tremendous pressure, people will burst into unprecedented potential, and it is even more so with these ninjas!

Without taking into account the loss of chakra, the ninja coalition achieved a gratifying result.

Under this round of bombardment, even if the giant snake's skin was rough and fleshy, it couldn't stand the beating.

There are also more than 30 giant snakes, most of the scales on their bodies have been beaten off and bleeding, and they look like they are bathed in blood, and they are very embarrassed.

But the strange thing is that Orochimaru has been watching this with a cold eye, a look of ignorance.

In this regard, Danzang frowned tightly, not knowing what medicine was sold in the Orochimaru gourd.

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