Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 290: Uchiha Madara's helplessness

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When Yang Ming took Zaibuzhan and giant panda Yuanyuan onto the battlefield, they were greeted by Susanoo with a heavy punch!

The fist was as huge as a meteor, and it fell from the sky. The extremely fast speed made it violently rub against the air, making a crackling sound. At the same time, a layer of flaming flames was attached to the fist.

Looking at the past, it is as if the gods are angry and want to purify the world with one punch!

As far as the fist reached, even the surrounding space seemed to vibrate slightly, as if it would be shattered in the next moment.

Seeing this, some of the escaping ninjas were timid and even fell to the ground with their feet weak, with expressions of despair on their faces.

"This time, will Yang Ming and the others survive?"

Everyone is looking forward to it, looking at the battlefield with complex eyes.

What makes them strange is that, from the beginning to the end, Yang Ming's face was still indifferent, and he ignored all this.

A Konoha ninja rubbed his eyes and realized that he was not mistaken, Yang Ming actually didn't move.

He couldn't help sighing, "It's over, shouldn't Boss Yang Ming be frightened?"

Not long after he spoke, Susanoo was already punched!


With the fist falling as the center, a huge shock wave spread out around, and even the dark clouds in the sky were blown away by the violent astral wind, revealing the blue sky below.

The whole earth vibrated violently, and cobweb-like cracks covered the ground, and then, blocks of solid rock suddenly stood up, forming a strangely shaped stone forest.


The Konoha ninja moved his throat up and down, ignoring the gravel blowing into his eyes, widening his pupils, trying to find the trace of Yang Ming and his party on the battlefield.

But no matter how he looked, he could only see stones all over the ground, not even a single piece of Yang Ming was found.

"Could it be that……"

His eyes revealed infinite panic, "Boss Yang Ming was crushed into meat sauce?"

The ninja was startled by this thought, and shivered all over his body.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Dude, it's dangerous here, you go farther."

When the ninja turned his head, he was pleasantly surprised to see that Yang Ming and his party appeared behind him intact.

He rubbed his eyes hard, looking in disbelief.

"Boss Yang Ming, are you all still alive?"

"It's not nonsense, you don't even think about it, who is the boss!" Zai Bu Zhan said in a rough voice.

"Great!" The ninja cried with joy. He didn't know why he was crying, but he was so happy!

After Yang Ming and his party passed him by, he cried while crying, "You must win!"

Yang Ming didn't answer, just turned his back to him and raised his right hand high.

The ninja wiped his tears and looked carefully.

That is clearly the V of victory.

A feeling of emotion flooded the ninja's heart, making his eyes burst into tears again.

As Yang Ming's right and left hand, he would naturally see this sign even if he didn't cut it. He hesitated and said, "Boss, are we really going to be tough with Madara Uchiha?"

At the beginning, I saw with my own eyes that Yang Ming's dirty soil was reincarnated into Uchiha Madara, and he did a great job in the Chunin exam, and he could not find the direction of the first and second eyes.

If he really wants to deal with Uchiha Madara, he will have a shadow in his heart!

Yang Ming's mouth twitched, "When did I say this?"

No longer pointed at the sign he made, "Didn't you make a sure-win gesture?"

Yang Ming twitched the corners of his mouth and said lightly, "Oh, I just think that showing my **** will make me look too tasteless."

Do not cut again: "..."

He really wanted to say something, idiot!

The meaning of these two gestures is very different!

Seeing Zaizan so frustrated, Yang Ming patted him on the shoulder, "We have to calm down."

Calm down?

Calm down you big bastard!

Do you know that it is Madara Uchiha, the pinnacle ninja of the ninja world!

How can I be calm?

Not to mention the complaints in his heart, Yang Ming looked at Madara Uchiha attentively at this time.

Ever since Madara Uchiha summoned the complete Susanoo, Yang Ming felt a little abnormal.

At this time, after a punch was thrown, Madara Uchiha actually stopped in the same place, and the whole body began to tremble slightly.

Orochimaru was the one who felt the deepest change in Madara Uchiha.

He felt that the curse mark in Uchiha Madara's body began to become unstable, and his face changed greatly.

"No, Madara Uchiha wants to get out of my control!"

Orochimaru has imagined Uchiha Madara strong enough, and even inserted a spell into it to control it.

He didn't understand why Madara Uchiha was still capable of struggling!

Speaking of which, it's not that Orochimaru is careless, but the actions of Black and White Jue are too secretive.

Black and white took advantage of Uchiha Madara standing still, from under his feet, he split Bai Jue's cells into Uchiha Madara's body, eroding away the Orochimaru's spell little by little.

At this time, it is time to see the poor picture!

Orochimaru is also a resolute person. Seeing things happen suddenly, he wants to get out of his control.

Fortunately, at this time, Madara Uchiha had not yet completely broken free from control, and at the moment when his soul was out of his body, he took a deep look at Orochimaru.

"Young man, I remember you!"

Although Madara Uchiha said indifferently, it could be heard in Orochimaru's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt from the blue, causing him to sweat violently, and his back was soaked in an instant.

But at this time, one wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen!

Just when Orochimaru was fortunate enough to send the plague **** away, from under his feet, a palm turned into a claw and grabbed Orochimaru's ankle violently!

"Tu Dun! The technique of beheading in the heart!"

Orochimaru was startled, but fortunately, he was suspicious by nature and never released the immortal mode.

At this time, he didn't even think about it, he directly took off a layer of snake skin and broke free from the opponent's claws.

Then, he stepped on his feet, and a white snake flew out and drilled into the ground.


A dirt bag suddenly rose, and then a masked figure jumped out of it.

Orochimaru looked at each other with interest The corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

"It's better to be famous than to see it, our Mr. Madara Uchiha."

Orochimaru specially focused on the four words Uchiha Madara, and in this scene, it is full of endless mockery.

Seeing Ah Fei appear, different scorpions have been standing like sculptures, but they stepped forward.

"Your Xiao organization has deceived us from the beginning!"

Scorpion's tone is very flat, but everyone present can feel the suppressed anger under this flatness!

For Scorpion, it doesn't matter what he does, the pursuit of art is his pursuit.

However, Scorpion hopes that Akatsuki's plan to organize the eyes of the moon will be realized.

Because that means that his parents can appear in front of him again, instead of two cold puppets!

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