Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 366: Building a food capital

Madara Uchiha touched his lips with his fingers, and he could even feel the residual temperature, and there was a thunderous anger in his eyes!

"Yang Ming, I must kill you!!!!"

That being said, Madara Uchiha didn't see any movement.

Without him, everything just now was too weird for Madara Uchiha.

Magically deciphering all the means of ninjutsu, the inexplicable restraint ability, and even as Yang Ming's voice fell, Madara Uchiha put on a policewoman uniform.

All of this is terrifying!

Madara Uchiha is a hero of a generation, although his heart is now filled with anger, he still remains rational.

"It seems that I need to find out about the situation!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone's puzzled eyes, Madara Uchiha didn't say more and left.

In this regard, those who wanted to kill Madara Uchiha kept silent and did not dare to intercept.

They knew very well that Madara Uchiha left because of Yang Ming's deterrent power.

Seeing this, Payne sighed in his heart, knowing that the plan fell through this time, so he had to leave with Xiao Nan and others.

Then, the others came back to their senses one after another, saying goodbye to Yang Ming and leaving.

And just like that, this world-class auction came to an end.

Yang Ming went back to his room alone and began to count his gains.

The roast duck was jointly auctioned by Daimyo of the Land of Earth and Daimyo of the Land of Thunder at a high price of 1.5 billion.

With the help of the system, the products mortgaged by the two of them were all collected by the system, and then sold into currency, and the nearly 300 million debts owed to the system were paid off.

However, Yang Ming withheld the inheritance of the Six Path Immortals mortgaged by the ape demon, instead of converting it into currency, he used it for other purposes.

The things that were auctioned this time were actually robbed in front of so many people, and Yang Ming's face was not bright.

Although it is said that the person who took the **** is very powerful, it also exposes Yang Ming's problems.

"It seems necessary to recruit some stronger staff!"

Yang Ming has always placed himself in a very correct position. He is a chef, and he is also the boss. As for fighting and killing, of course, it is left to the younger brothers to do it.

Yang Ming put this idea aside and turned his attention to the system column.

When the main task 3 is triggered, the system column will be updated.

City of Food (1% completion)

Host: Yang Ming

Architecture: Integrated skyscrapers.

In this building column, there are many building lists, so I won't go into details here.

Obviously, in order to complete the main task three, the completion degree must reach 100%.

Among them, the completion of all these buildings is the indicator of completion.

Yang Ming first focused his attention on a building.

Bread City Wall: A city wall composed of bread, which never deteriorates, repairs and cleans automatically, and is edible.

Construction conditions: cost 1,000 yuan per cubic meter.

It should be said that it is indeed the capital of gourmet food!

Even a city wall is made of bread!

However, this one is a bit expensive.

Yang Ming plans to build four city walls, each of which is 5,000 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 5 meters high. The bread city wall made in this way will cost 500 million yuan!

Yang Ming was ruthless, and in order to complete the task, he gritted his teeth and paid the money.

Then, Yang Ming turned his attention to another building.

Chocolate Moat: A moat composed of mellow chocolate, which never deteriorates, repairs and cleans automatically, and is edible.

Construction conditions: cost 10,000 yuan per cubic meter.

Well, chocolate is more expensive than bread!

The corner of Yang Ming's mouth twitched fiercely, thinking that after this auction, he would become a millionaire.

This is good. With such a money-loving system, Yang Ming is also drunk!

Qi to Qi, what should be done still has to be done.

This moat is slightly longer than the city wall. Each section is 5,100 meters long, 1 meter wide, and 3 meters deep. The cost is 612 million!

It's a crazy price!

In just a moment, Yang Ming hadn't warmed up his pockets, and the 1.5 billion yuan from the roast duck auction was almost depleted.

Looking at the few tens of millions, Yang Ming almost fainted from crying.

So poor!

Of course, Yang Ming couldn't keep these tens of millions.

As mentioned earlier, the system built this skyscraper in order to take care of Yang Ming, but there are still many imperfections in it. This is another bottomless pit!

Yang Ming poured the remaining money into the construction of the skyscraper with tears in his eyes. In order not to let himself continue to struggle, Yang Ming decided to go out to relax.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he found that Terumi Mei was standing at the door in a panic.

Yang Ming frowned slightly, still thinking about how Terumi Mei appeared here, and the other party spoke first.

"Yang Ming, the big thing is bad. I don't know what's going on outside. Suddenly, a wall appeared and surrounded us!"

No wonder Terumi Mei was so flustered. Anyone who blinked, the surrounding environment changed drastically, and there would be an inexplicable panic in his heart.

Yang Ming patted Mei Ming's shoulder to show his consolation, with a calm expression on his face, "It's okay, I made it!"

"Really?" Terumi Mei fluttered her big eyes, although she was suspicious, her face showed a look of admiration.

Terumi Mei pulled Yang Ming's arm over, a hint of slyness flashed in her beautiful eyes, "How about you take me to see?"

Without waiting for Yang Ming to reply, Terumi Mei forced Yang Ming to leave.

Unexpectedly, when the two of them came to the elevator entrance, they accidentally met Tsunade.

When Tsunade saw the intimacy between the two of them, his heart suddenly became angry, he pulled Yang Ming's other arm and looked at Terumi Mei coldly, "Why are you here?"

The corner of Terumi Mei's mouth twitched coldly, "Yang Ming is my boyfriend, why can't I be here?"

"It's you, what are you doing here!"

Yang Ming suddenly felt a headache when he saw that the two of them were about to quarrel again, and comforted: "I will take Terumi Mei to see the newly built city wall and Since you are here, Tsunade, everyone will go together."

Tsunade readily accepted this.

Out of the skyscrapers, as far as you can see, it is full of desolate scenery.

However, now there are tall city walls standing on all sides, which can be seen from a distance.

As they got closer, Terumi Mei and Tsunade's eyes were about to pop out!

This is actually a city wall made of bread!

What an incredible thing!

Even if the two of them, one as Hokage and one as Mizukage, are both knowledgeable, they have never been as surprised as they are today!

I saw that the bread of this city wall is not a whole, but made up of countless loaves of bread, highlighting the beautiful texture.

Between the bread and the bread, there is a layer of white cream smeared, exuding bursts of tempting sweet fragrance, attracting guests to taste it.

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