Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 418: Susa vs Susa

But Madara Uchiha's eyes seemed to have a flame burning, full of unruly and fierce fighting intent!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

It seems that the infinite chakra poured out from Uchiha Madara, and Susanoo, who was not inferior to Indra at all, ripped apart the sky and came to this ancient era!

Originally, Indra had already looked at Madara Uchiha a lot, but when he saw Susanoo appearing, no matter how arrogant he was, he couldn’t help but exclaimed:

"You too?"

No wonder Indra was so frightened, because even in their family, who could awaken this power, the younger generation before that was only Indra!

But now, there are more characters like Madara Uchiha!

This is for Indra, a man who worships power, how can he bear it!

Crazy thoughts exploded in Indra's mind. Only by killing this hateful guy in front of him can he quell his anger!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

As if feeling the killing intent in the master's heart, the purple giant with a height of thousands of meters moved!

As if the legs of Optimus Prime moved, the whole earth suddenly vibrated violently, and the flat ground was like a tender woman being ravaged and smashed by Susanoo's foot, and a small pit dented down.

It's too late, it's too soon!

Under the control of Indra, the purple giant waved his huge fist expressionlessly, like a sky falling, a huge black shadow shrouded Uchiha Madara, like a world-destroying blow that brought unparalleled pressure, The strong pressure even uprooted the surrounding trees and collapsed with a bang, startling the birds in a radius of ten miles, and fled away in a panic.

Facing this unstoppable punch, Madara Uchiha's brows jumped up fiercely, and he could see the blue veins on his forehead, showing the anger in his heart!

He was the only one who smashed people to death with one punch, when was he treated like this!

Since you're going to do it, I'll be tough and see who's afraid of who!


Madara Uchiha's Susanoo roared up to the sky, and the deafening sound waves rippled toward the sky in a fan shape. In an instant, a large white cloud was removed, revealing a large blank blue sky.

In Uchiha Madara's concept, there has never been the word "shrinking head turtle"!

No matter what kind of enemy, you can't let him bow his head!

Madara Uchiha's Susanoo suddenly clenched his fists and struck with a bang!

It is impressively, facing the opponent's fist and fighting back fiercely!

If you respect me one foot, I will respect you ten feet. If you deceive me by one inch, I'm sorry, I will destroy you all over!

Madara Uchiha is so stubborn, he is a real man!

The two giant **** soldiers, like mythical stories, brazenly launched the most tragic collision between this vast expanse of heaven and earth!


Two incomparably huge fists, carrying the monstrous anger of their respective masters, punched heavily!

In an instant, with them as the center, a strong air current rippled, and the unparalleled wind blades flew around. If they hit the wood and stone, the wood and stone would be torn apart. It has been plowed countless times, showing tragic and criss-crossing cracks, as if bitten by a mad dog.

Indra always stood in the hands of Susanoo, without any intention of evading.

Facing the strong wind blowing in front of him, blowing towards his face like a blade, Indra just narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was no shyness in his eyes, instead, a flaming anger swelled up!

He is the number one genius in the world!

How can this kind of powerful power that is above all others still be mastered by other young people, how is this possible!

The black hair that danced wildly in the back of his head was incomparably publicized, like a group of demons dancing wildly, reflecting that he was like a demon who came into the world, and he looked down on him!

A trace of blood-colored light burst out from his eyes, as if a lion had been invaded by someone, showing a hideous and crazy look!

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!

At this moment, in Indra's mind, there is only one sentence left!

Underneath, Ashura and Yang Ming had long avoided the fight between the two giants and came to a secluded distance.

While seeing the eldest brother showing such a crazy side, Asura shook his head, "Elder brother is very wrong, even if he is a little arrogant at ordinary times, it is impossible for him to become like this!"

Hearing this, Yang Ming's eyes moved, and his nerves suddenly tightened.

If it is as Asura said, it means that it is clear that Indra was secretly influenced by people at this time!

And being able to assassinate a character like Indra, in ancient times, only Hei Jue had this ability!

Obviously, Hei Jue must have been lurking around Indra all the time. He originally wanted to provoke a war between him and Asura, but he didn't expect to accidentally hit and collide, diverting Indra's hatred and targeting Uchi. Wave spots.

It can be said that Madara Uchiha was also shot while lying down, and was pitted by Heijue again!

Just as the two were talking, the situation changed After realizing that it was impossible to win by relying solely on Susanoo's brute force, Indra was worthy of being the most gifted genius. For a time, the distance from Uchiha Madara was widened.

Afterwards, the purple giant opened its wings that covered the sky and the sun, and a simple, mysterious and domineering longbow appeared in its hands.

The corners of Indra's mouth twitched, cracking a cruel smile.

"Give me death!"

Under his control, the purple giant bent a bow and an arrow, and then loosened his hand, and the sharp sword made of Chakra flew out like an electric current, and the speed was so amazing that others could only observe a purple ribbon across the sky, It's as if the sky and the earth are divided.

But the power of this arrow cannot be ignored at all!

Because, this is an arrow shot from the ancient bow of the divine artifact Tenno Maka!

The arrow has not yet arrived, but Madara Uchiha has already felt a sharp force that has never been seen before, stabbing his forehead sharply!

Madara Uchiha is also a ninja with extremely rich combat experience. In addition, his Susanoo has no special defense artifact. He can't do anything when he sees things, and he can't care about his face. He controls Susanoo to jump to the side. And ran away dangerously.

The arrow that lost its target continued to move towards the established track, and finally shot into the dense forest with a bang.


An extreme explosion blew up, and in an instant, all the trees in a radius of several kilometers were completely empty, and the countless creatures living inside exploded instantly, falling down like a raindrop of swirling flesh.

In the core of the arrow, a bottomless pit was exposed, and the rocks on the edge were melted by the high temperature, emitting steaming heat.

One can imagine how terrifying the end would be if he was shot by this sharp arrow!

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