Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 599: The Book of Ten Thousand Blood (Part 1)

The battle of the top, due to the indiscriminate entry of Yang Ming and the red-haired Shanks, ended with the defeat of the navy side.

In addition, the Sengoku Marshal, who was deeply loved by the entire navy, was also killed by Senju Hashirama in this battle.

However, when they heard about Yang Ming's upcoming Resurrection Cuisine auction, the navy swept away their previous depression, and everyone held out hope that they could bid on Resurrection Cuisine and resurrect their beloved Warring States Marshal.

Just as the navy was busy cleaning the battlefield, a sharp alarm bell suddenly came from the navy headquarters!

That is, the alarm bell of the naval headquarters being attacked!


With a loud roar, a giant as tall as a hill smashed a corner of the navy headquarters with one punch, took Blackbeard's group and put them on his shoulders, and then ran away in a panic.

It can be seen that Blackbeard's group has a large bag and a small bag. It seems that their plan to rob the Navy Headquarters treasury is going well.

Seeing this, a group of admirals, represented by Akainu, immediately became furious and chased after them like mad.


Holy Land Mary Joa.

Originally, as the high-ranking Tianlong people, they didn't pay much attention to the result of the battle at the top.

However, when Yang Ming announced the news of the resurrection cooking auction, all the Tianlong people went crazy!

These people usually disdain to breathe with the untouchables, think they are superior, and even claim to be gods, and they wear oxygen masks and quarrel in a circle.

"These navies are all trash, and that Warring States Marshal is also trash among trash. There are so many of them that they didn't leave Yang Ming behind!"

"That is to say, as long as Yang Ming is left, there is no need to wait for the auction to start. Just lock him in a cage and cook us resurrection dishes every day!"

"In that case, we will be immortal and immortal in the future, and we can rule this world forever and ever!"

Thinking of such a bright prospect, these fat-headed arrogances suddenly fell into infinite reverie.

The old saying is that meat eaters are just like the ancient emperors who saw that the common people could not afford to eat, and actually asked the ministers, why they didn't eat meat.

These Tianlong people have been eroded to the core, exuding a rotten smell from the inside out.

In addition to being happy, these Tianlong people have not forgotten their business.

Soon, more than a dozen royal families joined forces to put pressure on the Five Old Stars to take any action to win Yang Ming's resurrection food!

The Five Old Stars communicated this news to the Navy Headquarters, but they did not expect that this action immediately ignited the powder keg, and the entire Navy Headquarters would be turned upside down!

Navy meeting room.

As a phone bug to contact the Navy Headquarters and the World Government, Barabara finished talking a lot, and after explaining the matter, the entire conference room was dead silent.


This silence was finally broken by the grumpy naval hero Garp, who clenched his fists and slammed heavily on the table, but the force was well controlled and he did not smash the table.

Garp's whole body is like a volcanic eruption, with silver hair standing upside down, anger rushing to the crown, tiger eyes widening, like a wild lion, exuding a terrifying aura!

"Damn it!"

Garp roared angrily, "The Warring States period is the navy, and the world government has worked hard to die. You five old stars, how come you have never thought of resurrecting the Warring States period, but you want us to die for a group of Tianlong people?"

"Fuck you, sir, I'm quitting!"

Saying that, Garp took off his navy robe and fell heavily to the ground!

"Kapp..." From the phone bug, came the low and murderous voice of a five old star, "Do you want to rebel?"

Take it up!

Akainu, who has always regarded himself as a loyal dog of the World Government, stood up abruptly under the surprised eyes of others.

He raised the only remaining arm, poked his chest heavily with his fingers, and his eyes were full of tears.

Akainu's blue veins burst out, his breathing was rapid, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he hadn't slept for a few days, he stared at the phone bug and roared:

"If you want to rebel, count me in!"

Akainu stood up to support Garp, much beyond the expectations of the five old stars.

In their opinion, even if Karp is against it alone, it is nothing, as long as there is a navy headed by Akainu, everything will be on the right track.

After all, in the past, no matter what the World Government asked Akainu to do, he was able to complete the task perfectly with a heart of stone.

Unfortunately, this time, the five old stars were wrong, and they were wrong!

Although in the past, the world government asked Akainu to slaughter innocent people, he would still do it because he believed in absolute justice and needed absolute power to **** him!

But now, the bones of the Warring States Marshal are not yet cold, and the whole navy hopes to bid for the moment when the Warring States Marshal will be resurrected.

Akainu couldn't even imagine what would happen if he worked hard for the world government, would he become the Marshal of the Warring States and no one cares about him now?

It's scary to think about!

Because of his own broken feet in order to break free from the Hailou stone cuffs, with Qingzhi's help, Kizaru stood up tremblingly, and together with Qingzhi, threw the shirt on the ground, and said in unison:

"It's one of us!"

With their lead, whether it was Admiral Fujitora, the Admiral of the Navy, or Vice Admiral Tsuru, the think tank, and other admirals of all sizes, they stood up silently as if they were practicing, and invariably threw their general attire on the ground, Express your position!

With his death, the Warring States Marshal awakened justice in the hearts of all navies!

Although each of them had a different purpose in joining the navy, there may be some flaws among them, but they have a common belief:

"Justice, Victory!"

This is not just a slogan, it is a belief they have practiced throughout their lives!

Like a night day by day, night by night, silently guarding the world.

They absolutely do not allow it. In order to satisfy the ridiculous greed of the Tianlong people, the world government ignores the only chance for the Warring States Marshal to be resurrected!

The phone bug, representing the Five Old Stars, has wide eyes, full of disbelief.

"Reverse, reverse, you are all reversed!"

The voice full of killing intent came out, but it could not shake the determination of the admirals present.

Seeing this, this time it's Wu Laoxing's turn to have a headache!

It is impossible to lay off all the admirals of the navy, right?

Then who else will be cannon fodder for them?

For a time, the five old stars looked at each other in dismay, and felt extremely difficult.

If you are not careful, it may cause a catastrophe!

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