Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 636: Fierce competition

The originally clear sky had become cloudy and thunderous.

Everyone curiously looked in the direction Yang Ming pointed, and saw a shark with a length of 100 meters, sticking out a head from the dense cloudy China, surrounded by lightning snakes and thunder, slowing down the entire huge body. Relax.

Afterwards, everyone was horrified to see that this huge shark did not care about being hit by the thunder, but instead had the physique to attract thunder.

"Shark... shark... shark?"

Kebi looked up, the huge shark landed in his pupils, occupying most of the space, and his jaw dropped in surprise!

Oh my gosh, I read that right, sharks are so big they can fly!

Not only Kebi, but even the many well-informed guests present here were stunned and dumbfounded!

It turns out that this is Resurrection Cuisine!

Gollum! Gollum! Gollum!

It can be clearly heard that the sound of swallowing saliva sounded one after another at the scene.

Facing the pair of fiery eyes, Yang Ming waved his hand violently and said loudly:

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, have you seen it, this is the resurrection dish you most desire!"

"As long as you touch the Resurrection Cuisine and recite the object you need to resurrect in your heart, you can summon it back from the world of death!"

"And, the person who is summoned back will be young again, and their strength will be at their peak!"


As soon as the word came out, the audience was sensational!

Yang Ming could feel that the eyes of everyone present became more fiery.

He did not make everyone wait unduly, and immediately said:

"The base price of Resurrection Cuisine is 3 billion, and each increase shall not be less than 10 million, and the two bidding time shall not exceed ten minutes!"

"Now, I announce that the Resurrection Cuisine is officially auctioned!"

As soon as Yang Ming finished speaking, the short and fat Tianlong man immediately stood up excitedly!

It can be seen that even his whole body is shaking with excitement, as if a wave is rising and swaying.

"I will give 5 billion!"

The chunky Tianlongren couldn't help but raise the price of the resurrection dishes by several steps!

Previously, the aunt Charlotte Lingling, who was very uncomfortable with the short and fat Tianlong people, saw this, and immediately said:

"We paid 5.1 billion!"

It's just an extra 100 million, and it's deliberately uncomfortable for the short and fat Tianlong people, making him uncomfortable!

"These low-level scumbags!" The short and fat Tianlongren clenched his fists, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, obviously on the verge of running away.

Fortunately, at this moment, the Tianlong man beside him suddenly pressed him and said coldly, "It's important!"

The chunky Dragon Man gave a jerk, and glanced at the Dragon Man beside him in awe.

Don't look at the appearance of the short and fat Tianlong person jumping up and down now, but in fact he is not the principal. The one who really has the right to speak is the Tianlong person who doesn't speak much.

As the Tianlong people who rule the world, where are all the fools?

Just like the deceased Yuan Qiwuhai, Tianyasha Don Quixote Doflamingo, he is a Tianlong person, but he is not stupid at all, he is smart!

It's just that those smart Tianlong people are more cunning than Don Quixote, hiding their merits and fame, hiding behind the scenes.

The short and fat Tianlong person swallowed his saliva, and said loudly with his neck stuck:

"I give 10 billion!"

As he said that, he glanced fiercely at Aunt Charlotte Lingling's subordinates, motioning them not to cause trouble for him.

It's a pity that facing the temptation of resurrection cooking is no better than the previous auction of aunt Charlotte Lingling.

Those god-level local tyrants who had not taken action before had already secretly formed an alliance in the process of tasting the banquet.

Led by the revolutionary leader Long, who secretly connected with the big men of the dark world, Xu made many promises and struggled to pull up this alliance that should not be underestimated.

For Long, once he gets the resurrection food, the revolutionaries will usher in unprecedented development, which must not be missed!

At this time, these people came out with a representative, and it was a green pepper who had conflicted with the short and fat Tianlong people.

Qingjiao is a burly and burly old man with a kind-hearted appearance and 12 characters engraved on his forehead. He is from the New World and was once a big pirate with a reward of 500 million.

But even if he was a big pirate in the past, his strength was very strong, but in front of this secret alliance, he was only as weak as an oyster and a tree, and he could only act as a spokesperson obediently.

"Old man, pay 15 billion!"

The strong and vigorous voice of the green pepper came out, and it reverberated in the auction venue, making the short and fat Tianlong people humiliated in public, and their expressions changed and changed!

The short and fat Tianlong man stared at the green pepper, as if to imprint his appearance in his mind so that he could retaliate later.

The chubby celestial dragon gritted his teeth and spat out word by word.

"I will give 20 billion!"


Seeing this, Kebi swallowed a mouthful of saliva suddenly, his face was stunned, and he felt that his three views were about to collapse!

"20 billion!"

"Oh my god!"

Kirby raised his fingers, finger by finger, to figure out how much money it had.

But the more he counted, the more horror on Kebi's face.

You must know that although the world of One Piece is vast and the products are very rich, the taxation of each island town is obviously very small.

Kebi calculated carefully, if the Tianlong people did not use the money to buy resurrection dishes, but to benefit the people, this alone would be enough for his hometown in the East China Sea to be tax-free for 50 years!

It is conceivable how ruthless these Tianlong people usually search for people's fat!

No matter what world you are in, it is so unfair. You work hard all your life, and the money you earn is probably not as much as the money earned by the privileged class to smoke a cigarette or drink a bottle of wine.

The short and fat Tianlong person glanced at the green pepper, as if to say, if you have the ability, you can continue to increase the price!

But he completely underestimated people's determination to get the resurrection cooking!

Green Pepper returned to the group of people who had secretly formed an alliance, and after being muttered by a group of people for a while, he stood up again.

"The old man gave 30 billion!"

The green pepper asked for another price, as if a slap slapped the short and fat Tianlong Ren in the face, but it still crackled, and the face was swollen!

For a time, Chunky Tianlong was so popular that he was about to vomit blood!

But seeing that the price is so high now, Kebi's whole heart twitched.

Just because the money he got from crowdfunding was only a fraction of them!

Kirby looked helplessly at Garp and the other senior generals, but found that they were still there with the old gods, and they looked indifferent, and suddenly felt suspicious.

What are they sure about?

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