Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 665: explosion is art

When a slice of beef fillet with green onion entered his stomach, Deidara couldn't help sticking out his tongue and swallowing the remaining juice from his mouth, with an unfinished look on his face.

"Ah, it's so delicious."

Deidara covered her bulging stomach, "Unfortunately, it's just a little bit less."

As soon as the voice fell, a fiery energy erupted in Deidara!


The beef fillet with green onion is like a primer, igniting Deidara's body, and for a while, the huge chakra forms a flaming blue flame outside his body!

At this time, Deidara only felt an unprecedented joy, and there seemed to be endless power surging in his body.

"This is……"

Feeling the surging flow of Chakra in the body, Deidara was a little scared!

If the original chakra in his body was a swamp, now with the help of Yang Ming's cooking, it suddenly turned into a lake!

In the past, Deidara had always lacked Chakra, because the clay bombs he used were not easy to manufacture, and when they were frequently used in battle, they would consume a lot of Chakra.

But now he suddenly discovered that it seems to be no problem now!


Seeing Deidara's surprised expression, Uchiha Itachi still had no expression, as if he had been surprised.

Deidara smacked his mouth and said with a hint of emotion:

"I finally know now why even Orochimaru likes to go to Yang Ming's shop!"

I feel like I missed a million!

In this regard, Deidara's heart hurts a lot. If he had eaten Yang Ming's cooking earlier, he would have developed more bomb ideas in advance!

Well, this guy is another research maniac.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi promptly took out the takeaway list and handed it to Deidara.

"If you think there is no problem, just pay for the takeaway."

"Hmmmm!" Deidara nodded indifferently, until he saw the takeaway money.


"120,000? It's so expensive, why don't you grab it!"

Deidara shouted, expressing her dissatisfaction, as if being deceived.

In this regard, Uchiha Itachi had long expected, pointing to those takeaways and said:

"The total cost of these dishes is 110,000 yuan, which is very cheap."

"Originally, the starting price for take-out is 1,000 yuan, and an additional take-out fee of 250 yuan is required. Considering that it is far away from Konoha Village, and the premise of ensuring the temperature and deliciousness of the take-out, if you come here in a short time, you will be charged 1 The 10,000 yuan takeaway fee is not excessive at all.”

Anyone who has ordered takeout knows that generally takeaways are reluctant to deliver to places 2,000 meters away.

First, if there is a traffic jam in the middle of the takeaway brother's transportation, it will take a long time. After the orderer's meal time, the cucumber dishes are cold.

Second, Uchiha Itachi drove the Batmobile and came here from Yangming's small shop. It only took less than five minutes before and after. The dishes were still hot and kept fresh and delicious. In addition, driving the Batmobile is so luxurious. It's reasonable to charge such an expensive car to deliver food.


Deidara took a deep breath, and his chest returned to normal from the violent heave.

If it weren't for Uchiha Itachi, Deidara would have turned his face and didn't recognize anyone!

Unfortunately, he couldn't beat him, so he had to admit defeat.

He took out the money reluctantly, looked like Uchiha Itachi owed him money, and handed the money to Uchiha Itachi.

"Here, take it away quickly!"

Uchiha Itachi did not express dissatisfaction because of Deidara's bad attitude.

After all, as a delivery boy, you will always encounter many arrogant and unreasonable customers. If you go to war every time, won't you be mad at yourself?

Uchiha Itachi put away all the takeaways, then walked out of the hotel, drove the Batmobile, accompanied by a roar of engine noise, a burst of smoke billowed, and headed back to Yang Ming's shop.

"Cut! Annoying guy!"

After Uchiha Itachi left, Deidara said disdainfully, and then set his sights on the takeout.

"I don't know what Brother Scorpion ordered for me?"

Deidara rubbed his palms and opened a takeaway box again.

I saw that there was a pork chop inside.

This is a pork chop in tomato sauce.

So the pork chop looks very "clean", revealing the slightly scorched skin, moist red tomato sauce, draw a three-figure on it, divide the pork chop into several parts, a mellow aroma of pork chop, with tomato sauce The sweet and sour taste overflows, making the taste buds secrete faster, and I can't wait to eat a big meal.

Even a research madman like Deidara is not iron-clad, but a living person, and there are times when he can't take his eyes off the food.

Deidara leaned closer, couldn't help but move his nose slightly, and took a deep breath of the aroma.

Suddenly, the aroma went straight down the throat into the body, as if the entire chest was bursting, and it was full of aroma.

"It smells so good!"

"The aroma is like exploding in the chest! Ah!!! The explosion is art!!!"

Deidara is worthy of being a bomb maniac, even at this time, he still does not forget his line of work.

Deidara's eyes were like electricity. When he saw the inside of the takeaway box, he also thoughtfully equipped with knives and forks, to provide the most considerate service to customers in need, and to take care of those customers who did not have knives and forks around.

"I'm going to start!"

Deidara habitually said a prayer before eating.

Afterwards, Deidara had no image, grabbed the knife and fork directly, and rudely cut the pork chop with the knife.

When the knife touched the surface of the pork chop, Deidara felt a trace of resistance, as tough as rubber.

However, Deidara raised his arm and used a little force to cut the pork chop in half like tofu, revealing the tender side of the middle section.

From the cut section of the pork chop, we can see that from the outside to the inside, the color gradually changes from brown to pink.

From this alone, Deidara can see that this pork chop has a good heat, it is a perfect seven-ripeness, and it can best taste the deliciousness of the pork without the mouth full of fishy smell .

Deidara slashed his knife and cut out a pork chop the size of an eraser. The green smoke curled up and smelled unusually good. Then he rudely forked it, and in the splatter of juice, it was sent into the mouth without image.


Eat it in one bite, and your mouth is full of fragrance!


It was as if a bomb exploded in the tongue!

Deidara's teeth were unusually sharp, like knives, and after a while, they smashed the pork chops into pieces.

Pork chops are chewy, chewy and chewy.

The thick juice concentrated in the pork chops, accompanied by chewing, burst out like a grenade explosion, setting off a sweet torrent that drowned the entire tongue!

For a time, even Deidara was immersed in the ocean of delicious food, unable to extricate himself!

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