Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 683: Not a doctor but a butcher

Unconditionally leave the store?

so good?

For a time, Deidara and Ah Fei were a little tempted!

The two of them have only joined for a short time, and they don't have a strong sense of belonging to Yang Ming's store. With such a good opportunity, of course they want to fight for it!

Especially Ah Fei, he was used to being behind the scenes and manipulating the fate of others. How could he be willing to live under others?

Suddenly, the flame of hope burned in their hearts!

After this afternoon's slapstick, except for Deidara, who was a little unhappy, the other employees had enough eye addiction, as if they had watched a wonderful movie, and the whole person suddenly had the energy to work again.

Deidara was of course very upset. He complained in a low voice, then turned around and left, not staying to communicate with other employees.

The time is very close to the opening hours of the store at night, and many employees have returned to their posts and are ready to welcome work.

Not long after Ah Fei returned to the kitchen, he was bored and looked around.

After that, Ah Fei's eyes narrowed, and his eyes were fixed on Luo.

Ah Fei didn't forget that it was Luo who used his unpredictable knife to cut him apart from his almost perfect and invincible divine might.

After joining Yang Ming's store, Ah Fei learned from other store employees that Luo has a very mysterious ability, which can separate the parts of the target's body like an operation, and at the same time preserve the life of the target.

This is really eye-opening for Fei!

At this moment, Ah Fei saw that Luo Zheng was standing in front of a whole pig.

At this moment, Luo Zheng was about to peel off the ribs inside the pig and provide Boss Yang Ming with the materials for making ribs.

Generally speaking, whenever we refer to pork ribs, we refer to pork ribs, that is, the ribs and vertebrae left after the pork is removed, with a small amount of meat attached to it, which can be eaten.

Pork ribs are delicious and not too greasy. It is a favorite dish of many diners.

However, you can't underestimate this spare ribs, there are university questions in it.

There are several types of ribs.

Short ribs: refers to the ribs of the pig's abdominal cavity near the belly. It is surrounded by ribs and sub-ribs. The meat layer of the small ribs is thicker and has white cartilage.

Small ribs are suitable for steaming, frying, and roasting, but should be chopped into small pieces.

Sub row: refers to the part where the abdominal cavity connects to the back. Below it is the pork belly, and the ribs under the slice are in the shape of triangular oblique slices.

The meat layer of the sub-steak is very thick, and there is a piece of pork belly connected by a thin layer of oil. The fat is rich and the meat is the most tender of all pork ribs. It is suitable for a variety of cooking methods and flavors, but the taste is slightly greasy.

The sub-steak is suitable for frying, roasting, braised, and suitable for cutting into small pieces.

Large rib: It is the part where the tenderloin and the loin are connected, also known as steak. It is mostly used for frying, mainly sliced ​​meat, but with ribs, in addition to increasing the weight to make the area of ​​the sliced ​​meat appear larger, it will also be fried during frying. Adds the characteristic aroma of big bones, which is also characteristic of schnitzel.

In addition to frying, you can also marinate large ribs, but before marinating, you must go through the process of frying or quick frying, which is to seal the blood of the big bones, so as not to flow out during the cooking process, which will affect the color of the meat slices and soup.

Large steaks are suitable for frying and marinating. If you are deep-frying, you should cut them thinner, and if you are marinating, you should cut them a little thicker.

Rib: It is the flaky ribs of the rib cage. The meat layer is thinner, the meat is thinner, and the taste is relatively tender, but because there is one side connected to the back, the bones will be thicker.

Because the rib is relatively large, it can be divided into cavity bones, sub-ribs, etc. For example, the flaky grilled rib is the rib in the middle section.

After the ribs are chopped into small pieces, the thicker part of the meat layer can be picked out for steaming, frying, and braised. Large pieces are suitable for roasting.

If Yang Ming did it himself, it would take a lot of time.

But in the hands of Luo, a new butcher, this is nothing at all!

"ROOM! Slaughterhouse!"

In the eyes of Ah Fei's close attention, a light circle appeared in Luo's hand, and it flew out at an extremely fast speed, and then expanded in mid-air, turning into a light curtain, covering Luo himself and the whole pig in front of him. shrouded.

"Is this Luo's ability? It's amazing!"

Seeing this, Ah Fei sighed in his heart for a while, and he didn't dare to be careless. He held his breath and wanted to see the details.

Luo put one hand on the whole pig, and there was a glint in his eyes.

"Come out! Sub-pai!"

When Luo's voice fell, Ah Fei suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep breath!

I saw that Luo had no effort at all, just pulled his hand out gently, and the part where the pig's abdominal cavity connected to the back was suddenly pulled out by Luo!

In the world of One Piece, Luo went to be a doctor and chose the wrong profession!

Only being a butcher can reflect Luo's value to the greatest extent!

What surprised Ah Fei was that Luo was like a cook who unraveled a cow. The sub-paws dissected were perfect, just like textbooks. One point was too much, and one point was too little. It was just right.

The most amazing thing is that when Luo is doing these, he doesn't need a knife at all, and he doesn't need to work hard. He only needs to turn on his ability, and he can easily dissect and combine the ingredients of the golden ratio. Dispose of it for Boss Yang Ming to cook.

you can say it this way.

After Luo used this ability, even if Yang Ming came to the autopsy himself, he might not be able to do better than him!

"If Luo uses this ability on people, what will happen?"

As soon as Ah Fei saw Luo's ability is so unbelievable, he couldn't help thinking of his last experience. After he was cut by Luo, he was left with only one head to lead a wonderful life, and suddenly shivered, his eyes showed panic look.

"this is too scary!"

"I don't know, where did Boss Yang Ming recruit his to have such a strange ability!"

As for Luo's origin, it came from the world of One Piece, up to Yang Ming, down to the store employees, all of which were not disclosed to others, it was considered a collective secret.

After all, the news that Yang Ming can go to other worlds is too shocking, and it must make many careerists go crazy.

A new world means infinite resources and places to thrive.

Why did the ninja world often fight in the past, not to fight for more living space and more resources to survive!

If the outside world knows that Yang Ming can go to other worlds, it means that Yang Ming will be the enemy of the entire ninja world, and only fools will say it.

When the employees of the small shop are busy day by day, time seems to pass between the fingers and passes quickly.

The news that Yang Ming Xiaodian is about to hold the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament in the city of gourmet food is like a shock to the sky, and it instantly stirs up huge changes in the entire ninja world.

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