Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 693: Raikage and Kazekage

Hearing Yang Ming's explanation, a group of people didn't realize it!

When Yang Ming was entertaining a group of people, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, the cafeteria on the second floor of the store fell into a cold embarrassment.

I saw Raikage and Kazekage Gaara standing in front of the ice dragon carving, looking at each other, neither letting anyone else.

Lei Ying was disdainful and snorted coldly, "The little devil who is lucky to sit on the throne of Feng Ying, don't even think about grabbing this piece of venison with me."

I love Luo, and I am **** for tat, "Do you know how to roast venison? If you don't, just leave it to me!"

Today, the cafeteria on the second floor is different, adding a self-service barbecue service.

At this moment, the two of them are just for the last venison, and no one looks down on the other.

Gaara glanced at Raiying's table, there was a plate of mutton on it, it was all messed up, and he couldn't help but sneer:

"Hey, do you know anything about barbecue?"

"Then you will?" Rai Ying raised his eyebrows.

Seeing them arguing, Kankuro was naturally on Gaara's side.

Kankuro pointed to Raikage and provocatively said: "I love Luo, look, I'll just say, this barbarian is indeed a man who has never seen the world before, I'm afraid he has never seen barbecued meat, and it's no wonder that he put so much mutton on it just now. Make it look like this."

Temari followed and saw that Lei Ying's table was playing with mutton that looked like square bricks, and he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

This barbecue should be thin and transparent, so that it is fragrant but not greasy, soft and easy to eat, but I have never seen a barbecue anywhere that looks like a brick.

Rai Ying's face turned black, even though he was already very dark.

Seeing Raikage's frustration, Kirabi looked unhappy and threw the knife at the mutton, and the knife went in with a puff.

"Then tell me, what should I do?!"

Looking at Kirabi, who had a cold expression with a smile on his face, and the knife that was still shaking, the corner of Temaru's mouth froze with a smile, and it took a long time to say, "What do you mean by that?"

Lei Ying put his arms around his chest, raised his eyes, and said lightly: "Kirabi said, that's what I want to say, if you have the ability, you can roast the meat for me to see!"

"You are clearly trying to scare us!" Temari pointed at the knife with a displeased expression.

"Don't dare, I just want to see if Feng Ying has this ability."

"I love Luo, don't listen to his nonsense, she doesn't want to watch the barbecue, she is clearly trying to scare us." Temari said angrily.

Kiraby gave Temari a sidelong glance, and drew the knife again.

"It's fine, you can brag about it." Kirabi wiped the knife with a cloth, and wiped the knife with a cold light. "If you want to pretend to be in front of my elder brother, you have to show us your hands first, right?"

"Since that's the case..." Gaara raised his brows with a hint of anger on his face, "Then I'll let you barbarians see what is called barbecue!"

"Really?" Rai Ying became interested and stood still.

Seeing that there was so much movement here, other people on the second floor leaned over.

This group of people are all delicious and fun. I heard that I love Luo Fang talk to make delicious barbecue, and I know that he is the apprentice of Boss Yang Ming, which one is not interested.

Seeing a lot of people, Raikage didn't stop her, and sneered at Gaara.

Xindao waited for him to make a fool of himself, let's see how he ends up.

Lei Ying didn't know that Gaara was the apprentice of Boss Yang Ming, otherwise he would never think so.

The more people there are, the more noisy it is.

Gaara glanced at the scene helplessly, returned to his table, and concentrated on handling the mutton in his hands.

Although Gaara prefers to cook dark dishes, he still knows the basics.

I saw that Gaara repeatedly patted the whole piece of mutton loose with a knife, and picked up a chopstick to pierce dozens of small holes in the mutton.

More and more people gathered around, confused, wondering why Gaara did this.

Most of the people here, when they eat the buffet, just roast the mutton on the oven, there is no so much trouble at all.

"Temari, get me some honey and eggs." Gaara said to Temari who was standing beside him.

"Good." Temari rolled up his sleeves and said.

These things are always available in the cafeteria on the second floor, but honey and eggs are still used for barbecue?

Many people have doubts in their hearts, and some simply share their experiences.

When the honey and eggs came, Gaara beat the egg whites and soaked the mutton pieces for a while before taking them out and roasting them on the fire.

Gaara brushed with seasonings such as salt while flipping the grill.

In this way, it is no different from other barbecues.

Zizizi! Zizizi!

The lamb was on the grill, making a seductive sound, accompanied by a strong roasting aroma.

Gaara kept turning the mutton, and the heat was excellent. When it was time, he immediately brushed it with honey.

After a while, the whole piece of mutton turns golden brown and exudes an attractive sweetness.

"Bring a plate." Gaara instructed to the hand-mari.

Temari put the plate on the table, Gaara has already roasted the lamb, and carefully placed the whole piece on the plate.

"This is it?" Many people asked curiously.

It smells really good, but such a big piece, is it really delicious?

Gaara smiled, didn't speak, and took out a new knife that was fast and bright. With the knife in his hand, he cut the whole piece of mutton into countless large slices in a moment.

Pieces of mutton are poured onto the plate, each piece is slightly burnt on the surface and honey-colored golden inside, and there are dozens of small holes on it.

"Okay, Raikage, try it and see how my craft is?" Gaara put down his knife and cleaned his hands.

Lei Ying's face turned even darker, and he coughed: "I don't believe it anymore, what kind of delicious things can you bake out of a hairy boy?"

Hearing this, many people present laughed.

"That's right, I also want to taste what this barbecue tastes like." Someone teased.

When he picked up the barbecue and put it in his mouth, Raikage suddenly fell silent.

Gaara chose the fat and thin hind leg and made many small holes. The seasoning and honey have already been integrated into the interior through the small holes, so every piece of roast meat is crispy, tender and fragrant. , with a touch of honey sweetness, without the slightest smell of fishy mutton.

"Hahaha, Raikage, how is it, are you satisfied with the meat that Gaara grilled, or are you surprised?" Seeing Raikage eating his stomach, Kankuro said in a strange yin and yang, thinking that he wanted to stimulate the other party.

"Uh..." Lei Ying had an embarrassed look on his face, so he had to pretend to be calm, and said bravely, "I think it's just normal!"

But at this time, some onlookers were amazed by Temari being assigned the meat roasted by Gaara:

"As expected of Boss Yang Ming's apprentice, Gaara's barbecue is really delicious now!"

Hearing this, Raiying suddenly pulled his entire face down, gloomy.

Holy shit!

It turns out that this guy is actually the apprentice of Boss Yang Ming!

I'm so screwed!

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