Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 711: Stir-fried Bullfrog

Yang Ming's shop, in the kitchen.

While Payne was enjoying his meal, Yang Ming was not idle either, and was preparing the next dish called Stir-Fried Bullfrog.

Cleaning up the bullfrog is a very troublesome thing, it is not what ordinary people think, it just needs to be washed with clean water.

Because bullfrog is a food material, it is easy to have a large number of parasites in its body, so it needs to be very focused during the cleaning process, peel off the abdomen of the bullfrog, and clean it thoroughly.

At the same time, Yang Ming has a silver needle ready in his hand at any time, and his eyes have opened three hook jade writing wheel eyes. With his unique dynamic vision, as soon as he finds a parasite, he will start his hand and drop it, and the silver light will flash by. , it provokes a parasite that is hard to see with the naked eye.

Most of the parasites are the size of a grain of rice, and some are even smaller.

This work depends on eyesight and craftsmanship, and it is impossible to be slow, otherwise the parasite will easily be lost and it will re-enter the bullfrog.

Of course, not picking out parasites is actually nothing, it will not affect the taste, but it will leave a lot of trouble for the guests.

Nowadays, some bullfrog shops that deliver food, if they are only small businesses, are generally difficult to completely remove the parasites in the bullfrogs. There are also many such news reports, but unfortunately there has been no standardized management.

After cleaning up, Yang Ming took out a clean dry cloth to absorb the water from these bullfrogs, then put them in a large plate, immersed them in high-concentration alcohol wine for disinfection, and put in seasonings by the way. pickled.

After doing all this, the bullfrog is cut into small pieces.

Of course, many chefs don't cut them, and just come in whole, because this allows guests to see a whole bullfrog, the size of a slap, and makes guests feel that they have earned it.

But in fact, the bullfrog fried in this way is often not really tasty, mostly the taste of monosodium glutamate and chicken essence.

I saw that the kitchen knife in Yang Ming's hand, like a meteor butterfly sword, danced and fluttered in the air, traversing mysterious tracks, cutting the bullfrogs into small pieces.

Yang Ming's expression was extremely focused, and there was no distraction at all. In his eyes, there were only the knife and the bullfrog in his hand.

At this moment, the kitchen knife in his hand had already extended into his hands, and every knife, like a stroke of magic, cut just right on the bullfrog.

For a time, the bullfrog the size of a palm was cut into small pieces, and like a fairy scattered flowers, they fell from the air one after another and fell on the cutting board.

pat! pat!

When all the bullfrogs fell like raindrops, a look of satisfaction flashed in Yang Ming's eyes.

It's not easy!

After a long period of training, his knife skills have finally advanced to the level of advanced knife skills!

On the chopping board, all the bullfrogs were cut into nearly equal lengths, neatly arranged, and the lines criss-crossed for a spectacular look.


Later, Yang Ming took out the lush garlic sprouts and bright red peppers from the kitchen.

Yang Ming's kitchen knife seemed to have magic power. It gently stroked the garlic sprouts, like slicing on tofu, without any resistance at all. The garlic sprouts' skins were pulled out of filaments and fell to the ground one by one.

When it comes to cutting peppers, Yang Ming's knife is as nimble as a cunning rabbit, his hand shadows fly, and sections of rosy peppers are all cut open.

When the ingredients were ready, Yang Ming lifted the Shenglong pot and put it on the stove.

Yang Ming didn't start cooking right away.

He first scooped up some cold water, poured it into the Shenglong pot, and looked extremely focused, like the most devout believer on a pilgrimage, wiping the Shenglong pot clean.

After draining the dirty water and drying the Shenglong pot, he turned on the stove and began to heat the pot.

At this moment, the whole kitchen was terribly silent.

At this time, Yang Ming's Shenglong pot was already hot, and the black bottom of the pot was lit up with a dark red color.

Without further delay, he poured the oil in.

It's sizzling!

A thorn sounded, and a scent of oil filled the air.

After Yang Ming had scalded the edge of the Shenglong pot with oil, he poured in the bullfrog that had been cut into small pieces.

Zizizi! Sha La Sha!

When the bullfrog with a little blood and water fell into the boiling oil pan, it hit the earth like a spark in an instant, and a violent conflict broke out!


A muffled sound sounded, and the Shenglong pot ignited spontaneously. A flame was like a fire snake, licking many bullfrogs angrily and clinging to it.

But Yang Ming didn't panic at all, as he lifted the dragon pot in his hand, he suddenly exerted force.

For a time, the bullfrog was swayed up, throwing beautiful and attractive arcs in the air, landing on the bottom of the pot one by one.

The whole action, like walking with clouds and flowing water, is pleasing to the eye, as if this is not cooking, but dancing a ballet, elegant and beautiful.

In Yang Ming's hands, the Shenglong Pot seems to have a soul!

As the cooking progressed, a strong aroma, like a volcanic eruption, erupted suddenly.

For a time, the aroma is fragrant and overflowing, just like the nectar of nectar, which makes people unforgettable!

Gollum! Gollum!

The employees working in the kitchen immediately looked at each other and said in unison:

"The boss is tempting us again!"

A gust of breeze blew, and bursts of meaty fragrance came to the nostrils, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

This unique bullfrog's fleshy fragrance permeates the air, and after inhaling it, it seems that every cell in the body is groaning, which makes people feel very comfortable.

There is a poem that can express the mood of these employees at this time.

I would rather die with the fragrance on the branches, and never blow into the flowers.

At this moment, in the ocean of fragrance, Neji and the others really wanted to be immersed in it for the rest of their lives, and they didn't even want to come out.

A Fei secretly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, no, I can't stand it!"

"Today's staff meal, I want to taste how this dish is like!"

Maybe A Fei can be Only staff meals are free, and they are allowed to order whatever they want!

When the oil pan was over, Yang Ming picked up the bullfrog, and every piece of bullfrog seemed to be revived, like an old tree in spring, emitting a tempting fragrance.


Yang Ming cleaned the pot again and poured in the oil again.

The fire started again, this time, the Shenglong pot welcomed garlic sprouts, bullfrogs, and chili peppers.

Coincidentally, they are exactly the same length and are almost indistinguishable.

Yang Ming's face was focused, and in his world, it seemed that only he and the black cauldron in his hands were left.

The flames licked, the fire cooked, the intense heat, and even a little light twist in the air.

In Yang Ming's hands, apart from the bullfrog, other materials that were originally ordinary, like the desolate courtiers in the folk, met the Mingjun who appreciated them, and suddenly glowed with a different kind of splendor, exuding an incomparably seductive fragrance.

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