Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 750: Baihe Dingji's bridal chamber flower candle night

When Dingji returned to camp with the plump gar, a flowery smile appeared on his face.

"Dingci, you are amazing, you actually caught such a big fish!"

Ding Ci was originally very tired from fishing, but when he heard Bai's praise, he felt even sweeter than eating peaches. Suddenly, his waist and legs were no longer sore. He straightened his waist and straightened his chest. Come.

"Everywhere, it's just luck."

Ding Ci said honestly, and handed the gar into Bai's hands. He accidentally touched Bai's tender, fat lamb-like hands, as if electrocuted, and even his soul trembled slightly.

This feeling is really amazing!

For Dingji, who is still a little virgin, this kind of touching the hand of the girl he loves is really exciting!

Seeing that Ding Ci was dumbfounded, with a strange expression on his face, Bai moved forward with concern.

"Ding, are you alright?"

Because the two sides were too close, Bai Lanfang's breath made Ding Ci's heart flutter for a while, as if he was in a dream.

If only the two of us would be like this for the rest of our lives!

Dingci thought so extravagantly in his heart, and said honestly:

"It's alright, maybe you're tired just now!"

"Dingci, don't push yourself too hard!" Bai looked at Dingci with concern, "If you really can't stand it, go and rest with me."


Don't force yourself?

Going to rest with Bai?

Dingci's throat moved up and down, grunted, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Ding Ci looked at Bai's blushing face, and in the rippling eyes like spring water, there seemed to be a mist of water, there was a trace of emotion in the blur, and there was a trace of desire in the smoke.

All right.

In fact, it was Ding Ci's thinking that was crooked. Bai just stayed by the bonfire for a long time, his face was slightly red due to the flames, and his eyes were a little tearful because of the smoke.

But under these circumstances, Dingci felt that Cupid's arrow must have hit the two of them, so he deliberately created such a good occasion for them!

Dingci felt that he was in love, and successfully captured Bai's heart!

Where should I go? Still not going?

At the critical moment, Ding Ci is also someone who can make up his mind, silently clenching his fists and encouraging himself in his heart, I can do it, I will do it!

So Dingci said honestly:

"Then I'd better go back to the tent and rest."

"Wait a minute then!"

Bai hurriedly handed the gar to Yang Ming, then took Dingci's arm with one hand and said:

"I'll help you over there."

It seems that Bai really fell in love with me!

Seeing this, Ding Ci's misunderstanding deepened, and he thought that Bai had already recognized him in his heart and regarded him as his boyfriend.

At this moment, Dingci recalled what Bai said just now.

What, you really can't stand it, so go to rest with him, so that's what it means!

Just think about it, it's all good chicken!

Seeing that Dingci came back, he and Bai Chengshuang walked into the tent in pairs, and Ningci sat beside the bonfire with a confused look on his face.

Holy shit!

This is how the same thing!

This is developing so fast!

Neji only felt so downhearted, and even eating barbecued meat suddenly became dull.

"If I knew it now, why bother in the first place!"

Neji looked remorseful and silently smashed the ground with his fist.

"If I had known, I wouldn't encourage Dingci to go fishing, then he wouldn't go back to the tent with Bai and do those things!"

That regret in Neji's heart!

As for the protagonist of Ningci's incomparable remorse, Dingci had already returned to the tent with Bai's support.

Bai looked at Ding Ci's clothes, and a lot of mud was splashed on it. It was all during the fishing process. The gar struggled to beat the waves. The splashed water was filled with mud. It looks dirty.

So, seeing that Ding Ci was so fat and inconvenient to move around, Bai took the initiative to propose:

"Dingji, let me undress you!"

When he heard Bai's words, Dingci's body was shocked!

If it was said that Dingci just had some conjectures in his heart, now he feels that things are a certainty and they have not run away!

I must be calm, and I can't be too impatient and let Bai despise me!

Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath!

Be sure to look masculine!

Dingci's face turned red, his ears were red, he pretended to be calm, spread his arms, and allowed Bai to loosen his clothes.

Accompanied by a rustling sound, Bai carefully and delicately, like a charming and lovely wife, patiently took off Dingci's dirty clothes, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Dingci, your clothes are so dirty, I'll wash them for you later!"

Seeing that Bai was close at hand, like his wife, Dingci's heart was filled with unparalleled feelings.

"Bai, we don't have to be busy with the dirty clothes, we have a more important thing to do."

Shiro blinked his big bright and moving eyes, not understanding what Dingji meant.

Bai Yang raised Ding Ci's clothes, puzzled, "But your clothes are so dirty, you should wash them!"

Bai must be testing me!

Bai must be trying to see if I'm manly enough and if I'm responsible!

Yes, girls are generally very shy in this regard!

Ding Ci made up for this in his mind, stepped on his feet, and moved closer to Bai.

Seeing this, Bai's eyes flickered for a while, and he took a step back silently.

"Dingci, what are you doing, your eyes are so strange!"

After a long time, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face, and the appearance of wanting to refuse and greet him is the most able to rouse the hearts of boys.

At this moment, seeing Bai's appearance like this, Ding Ci's emotions were instantly lifted up a lot, and he could no longer suppress the feelings in his heart.

"Huh? What are you doing!"

Seeing this, Bai's heart seemed to rush into a deer, thumping and thumping, and said hurriedly.

Dingci looked at Bai with a serious face, and his eyes revealed an infinite tenderness, as if the tenderness and sweetness that could melt everything in the world, to melt the icy mountain of Bai, and said very gently:

"Bai, I love you!"

Saying that, Dingci is just like the hero of all TV dramas. After a confession, he put his lips together and printed it on the white lips, so that the sky and the earth will witness their love, and the sun and the moon will be the witnesses of their love. their best man and bridesmaids.


Just when Ding Ci was full of thinking that he was the hero of the romance and was about to embrace the beauty, he was suddenly pushed away in vain!

"Dingji, you are really tired, rest early!"

Leaving such a sentence, Bai hurriedly ran out of the tent, leaving only Dingci messed up in the wind.

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