Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 770: Yang Ming's small shop closed for good... just to play with you

Leaf Village.

I don't know when it started, but opposite Yang Ming's small store, a new store was opened suddenly, called Yuanyue Restaurant, and the people inside called themselves chefs from the spirit of eating halberds.

Today, Hongdou clipped her forehead hair on top of her head and draped her long hair over her shoulders. She looked very heroic in a spirited outfit.

She often comes to Yang Ming's shop for dinner, and today is no exception.

However, they found that a group of people were already sitting on the side of the road, crowding the already crowded road even more.

It was only after seeing that there were too many people queuing in front of Yang Ming's store, Hongdou noticed that there was a newly opened Yuanyue Restaurant here.

From the outside, this Yuanyue restaurant is decorated like a classical castle, with a high-end atmosphere and a mysterious appearance.

Aspiring to become the most luxurious restaurant in Konoha Village, thus defeating the Yang Ming shop opposite, Yuanyue Restaurant is located on a bustling road, with dazzling neon signs, live bands, and the most expensive sofas and tableware.

For a time, it was as if he had discovered a new world, and Hongdou was so excited that he was looking forward to go in and taste it, just like he was looking forward to the Chinese New Year when he was a child.

Although the heat outside was unbearable, the red beans were sweating profusely, but none of this could stop the enthusiasm of the red beans.

Hongdou leaned forward, looked up, and saw the sign of Yuanyue Restaurant. She looked around and saw that the decoration of the restaurant was youthful and stylish, yet elegant. Even the dishes and chopsticks are based on European and American styles, and the red beans can experience the artistic conception of aristocratic elegance and high taste everywhere.

The interior design of Yuanyue Restaurant not only preserves traditional factors but also expresses a modern sense. The two harmoniously integrate and complement each other. The simplicity, cleanliness, and clear and tidy lines make the whole restaurant present the unique temperament and atmosphere of Europe and the United States.

The mahogany floor, high wooden beams and wooden columns, and the unique circular window groove shape, blackened oak, stone, leather goods, water, cups, lamps and other orderly furnishings, just match the original atmosphere of the space .

In the selection of table and chair furniture, Yuanyue Restaurant attempts to add some modern elements to the classic space, creating a modern European and American style restaurant bred in a traditional building with a sense of history, such as the restaurant on the wall. Abstract art creation is to create abstract geometric patterns on the original old wall. The quiet dialogue between black, white and gray makes the space seem to be able to transform into a modern part of the space, like rejuvenation.

Yuanyue Restaurant’s dining table is unique, often the chairs have slender legs like cranes, and the most eye-catching is the series of lamps that can be rotated, which can often be elevated into works of art in design. The design of this series of table lamps for Yuanyue Restaurant seems to bring them back to the European and American era of the last century. Behind the concept of this tableware design series, it just reflects the innovation of European and American traditional design and the interaction of Naruto world style. Contrast and foil.

In addition to the impeccable, low-key and luxurious decoration, hidden in the bones of this quaint castle-like Yuanyue Restaurant, it has a more low-key and luxurious space temperament. The door building made of 250-year-old warehouse wood is faintly visible, but It is not old, like a charming woman staring at the blue sky by the pier.

When the red beans come here, one can be attracted by the quiet and heavenly scene at a glance. Here, the leisurely life atmosphere unique to Yuanyue Restaurant is presented, and it really exists.

All of this is so bizarre, it makes Hongdou overwhelmed and dazzled!

Since there are still few people, Hongdou chose to sit on a seat near the window. This is also a good sightseeing window. From the window, you can see the carved heads of the Hokage of the past dynasties. a sense of anticipation.

"Dear guest." At this time, a sweet-looking waiter in a suit came up with a menu, "What do you want?"

Taking the menu from the other party, the attentive Red Bean also found that this young waiter was embroidered with a golden rose on the collar and cuffs of the apron.

"Ding ding ding" sounded a few wind chimes, and it was officially open for business. Some impatient customers who were waiting at the entrance of Yang Ming's store were also attracted by this restaurant.

Hongdou made a visual inspection. Now there are at least twenty tables on this floor. Although it is very small, I don’t know how many floors are upstairs. It is estimated that it can accommodate all the guests queuing at the entrance of Yang Ming’s small shop. .

"If this Yuanyue restaurant, in addition to the decoration style, the food here is also delicious, then Yang Ming's small shop will be out of luck."

Red Bean thought so.

People go to high places and water flows to low places. This is an unchanging truth since ancient times. Everyone is yearning for better. If this is the case, we cannot blame these guests.

Red Bean flipped through the menu for a while, and was attracted by the dishes in it that were different from Yang Ming's shop.

"This one looks delicious...that one looks good too...Gosh, what is this?"

At first glance, Hongdou made a difficult choice.

After a while, the waiter came again.

"This is the Assam black tea shrimp you ordered, please take it slow."

The red beans stretched their necks and looked in. Is this really an Assam black tea shrimp dish?


What is this mist floating on the disk?

Well, it's the dry ice under the saucer, and the hot water was poured before serving, so it was cloudy.

The red beans are sniffed attentively, and in addition to Assam black tea, sweet-scented osmanthus is also added.

This dish not only has the aroma of Assam black, but also has the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus. A mood of watching flowers, drinking tea and eating shrimps rises from this dish.

This is a dish with all the flavors and flavors.

Red Bean asked curiously, "How did you do this?"

As soon as the words came out, Hongdou felt very sorry, after all, it was a secret.

It is a common thing to teach an apprentice and starve the master to death, so Hongdou touches the core interests of the other party in disguise.

Just when Hongdou thought that the waiter would not tell her, she heard the other person say:

"This is Nakiri Erina sizing the river prawns and putting them in a low-temperature oil pan to cook them; put the brewed Assam black tea into the pan, add the prawns and fry them until the juice is tight. Put the prawns on a plate and sprinkle with the fried fragrant aroma. Sam black tea. After the river shrimp is marinated, change the knife with flying water, pour balsamic vinegar and Assam black tea, add osmanthus, add fish film. Everything is ready, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it into Assam black tea shrimp jelly, take it out when eating, change it Cut the knife into a square shape, put it on a plate, get out the fog, and serve it on the table."

After listening to the other party's words, Hongdou's face was stern!

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