Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 781: Sky Arena, enjoy coffee

It is not enough for a person to have this life and this world, he should also have a poetic world.

Food is probably the most important role in life. It can satisfy one's stomach when hunger is unbearable, and can add to the icing on the cake when it is leisurely and comfortable. However, in Huaxia, too many people lack the awe of food. In order to relieve hunger, it is really a waste of time to cook food in a pot with soy sauce and monosodium glutamate. However, I do not know that "there are four seasons in food", and encountering the most beautiful things in the best season is a beautiful encounter.

One of the seven seas from the world of One Piece, Hawkeye Mihawk came to Yuanyue Restaurant, leaned against a floor-to-ceiling window facing the sun, and waited quietly.

It is a blessing to live alone in one place. Don't be bothered by the parents who are talking about you around you, and don't be troubled by people who don't agree with each other. A person, enjoying in a peaceful world, seems to be at the intersection of heaven and earth, and everything is prosperous and has color.

Hawkeye Mihawk likes to live alone, others seem lonely, but he enjoys it. But that doesn't mean you don't love life and don't love life.

A person's life does not need to consider whether the people around him can be clothed or starved. In the warm sun in the afternoon, I was swinging and swinging on the chairs on the balcony. A cup of coffee, a French chanson, willfully waste a lot of time.

So, there are many benefits of living alone in one place. In other words, if a person has a world in his heart, he will have an open eye wherever he goes.

In the eyes of others, Hawkeye Mihawk is the greatest swordsman in the world of One Piece, but for him, his road is still very long, he is just an ordinary swordsman who is crawling and rolling on the road.

Eagle-eyed Mihawk holds a propaganda newspaper in his hand. In order to promote the newspaper of the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the world, Yang Ming Xiaodian welcomes strong players from all over the world to sign up.

"Sky Arena? Interesting!"

The selection of the No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament in the world, because too many people participated, even in the world of One Piece, many people signed up, so Yang Ming specially built this sky arena.

That's right, the Sky Arena is the one of the full-time hunters. It has 251 floors and a height of 991 meters. The tower is full of fighting arenas. The entire Sky Arena up to the 200th floor is based on ten floors. Only people can advance to the top.

Layers 1 to 99:

All contestants must test their strength on the first floor, so the first floor is one competition after another. Judges will use the performance of the game within three minutes to decide which floor each contestant should be assigned to. Of course, the better the strength, the higher the number of layers assigned.

Layers 100 to 199:

When you pass the 100th floor, you can have a private room, and the treatment will be significantly better than the 99th floor.

200th to top level:

Soldiers who advance to the 200th floor will be assigned to deluxe rooms. However, those who came to the 200th floor were all powerful people, and it would become more and more difficult to advance to the upper levels. This level adopts the application battle system, and each person has a 10-day battle preparation period. They can choose to participate in the competition on any day during this period. For each battle, they can get a recalculated 10-day battle preparation period. However, if you do not participate in the war within the stipulated 10 days, you will be disqualified.

You only need ten wins in this tier to pass, but if you lose four games before winning ten, you will be disqualified. If you can win this floor, you can challenge the landlord to monopolize this floor to become the new landlord.

Each floor from 220 to 250 is owned by a landlord. The owner of the 251st floor on the top floor will be the champion of the world's first martial arts tournament.


Looking at the popular candidates listed on the propaganda paper, even Hawkeye Mihawk felt ready to move.

Then, he picked up a filled cup of coffee.

Everyone has their own understanding of food. Some see it as a satiety, some see it as an art of living.

A cup of mellow coffee, from coffee planting to fruit picking, from roasting and grinding to refining and brewing, each step is a unique art belonging to coffee.

Turning over the map, the entire tropical region has become a romantic arc belonging to coffee planting, with plump red berries writing happiness, wealth, and the world's passionate love for coffee.

Tracing the story of a cup of rich coffee, we can see the primitive Ethiopia and the mystery of the Middle East and Arabia. There is the noble luxury of the European royal family, but also the enthusiasm of the New World.

Ethiopia: As a coffee producer, Africa produces a variety of excellent coffee beans. The mysterious African continent has a peculiar magic for coffee. Ethiopia, with its diverse coffee flavors, has become a pilgrimage place for many coffee lovers. Here, the coffee beans have a citrus-lemony lightness due to the special altitude and soil. If the primary processing is done by the sun drying method, the body is further improved.

Faced with the dazzling coffee beans on the shelf, who should claim it? In fact, the taste of coffee is not only related to the place of origin, but also the roasting method plays a decisive role. Different roasting levels bring out every aspect of the coffee bean. Not just a purely sensory evaluation of coffee strength, but also aroma, taste and how you feel.

"Italian baking" is probably a baking method that everyone is familiar with. The chefs at Yuanyue Restaurant are no exception, choosing a cup of "extra strong" to let guests enjoy the greasy and grilled coffee after roasting.

In fact, Italian roasting will burn the coffee very dark, and the taste is not very good. However, Beacon Country is turning darker and darker roasts into a trend, making them fun, stylish and elegant.

"Brand" in Italian has now become a romantic "macchiato" in the coffee A layer of delicate and soft milk foam is spread on the rich and fragrant macchiato, which not only keeps the macchiato The original temperature of the flower prevents it from dissipating heat too quickly, and also neutralizes the overly strong espresso.

Before tasting coffee, Hawkeye Mihawk rinses his mouth with water, so as to better taste the real coffee taste.

Tasting single-origin coffee is generally divided into 4 steps.

1 is to smell.

Eagle-eyed Mihawk naturally understands this truth and feels the aroma brought by the coffee variety by smelling it.

2 is to **** vigorously. Eagle-eyed Mihawk skips the tongue coating and feels the taste of the coffee. If there is more saliva on both sides of the mouth, it means that the acidity is higher and the roasting degree is lower.

3 is to taste, and now you can start to really taste the taste. The unique rich aroma of coffee will bring people into that wonderful world.

Hawkeye Mihawk was happy in his heart, took a sip, and only felt a fragrance mixed with the aroma of Ethiopian coffee beans, which, along with a burst of swallowing, melted into his stomach like a long roar.

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