Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 791: Hinata arrives

Among all kinds of breakfasts, the one that can best be called "national breakfast" is definitely fried dough sticks. Set up a large pot, golden and crisp fritters float one after another in the boiling oil, take a bite while it is hot, and pair it with mellow soy milk, it is absolutely satisfying.

The early morning in Muye Village is the beginning of the day for every household. As time goes by, more and more villagers notice that Yangming Store has opened breakfast service.

Hinata, Inuzuka Ya, and oil girl Shino got up early this morning and were about to do a training camp to improve their strength. By chance, they passed by Yang Ming's small shop and smelled the smell of fried oil wafting out of it, and all of them suddenly stopped. look at each other.

"It smells so good!" Inuzuka Ya took a deep breath, touched Akamaru in his arms, and said, "Are you saying that, Akamaru?"

"Ow! Oo! Oo!"

Akamaru barked for a while, and outsiders couldn't understand it at all, but from the humanized expression on its face, it could be seen that it also agreed very much.

Oil Girl Shino stretched out her **** and pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, resisting the flow of saliva, and said, "Then let's go in and have a taste."

"This...that..." Hinata looked embarrassed and said in a low voice, "Will I be late, what should Teacher Yuhika blame?"

Inuzuka Ya waved his hand indifferently, and said with an optimistic face: "Anlaan, I won't be late!"

Saying that, along with Akamaru's excited howls, Inuzuka Ya walked into Yang Ming's shop first.

Seeing this, Hinata and Oil Girl Shino had no choice but to shake their heads and go in together.

"Bai, give each of us a piece of fried dough sticks and soy milk!"

Inuzuka Ya looked at the menu, and then greeted Shiro and said, but unexpectedly, Akamaru looked unhappy after hearing it, and bit him on the wrist.

"Hey! Akamaru, what are you doing, hurry up and let me go!"

"Ooooooooo!" Akamaru let go of his mouth reluctantly, his tail swayed left and right as if to please, and his eyes were fixed on the menu.

Inuzuka Tou looked embarrassed.

"Akamaru, don't you want to have one too?"

"Ow! Ow!" A dog barked for unknown reasons.

But I don't know why, Inuzuka Ya just understood it, so he had to say: "Okay, okay, Shiro, give me another copy!"

Bai didn't show any strangeness, just nodded and said, "Okay, please wait."

Yang Ming had already fried the fried dough sticks and was taken out by Bai.

"It's been a long time, this is the fried dough sticks and soy milk you want."

With the sound of Bai falling, the three people and one dog turned their eyes.

I saw that the fried dough sticks cooked by Yang Ming are indeed extremely large, and it can even give people a shock when they are presented on the table. One piece of fried dough sticks is cut into four sections, enough for 4 people to eat, if you try it with a taste and see attitude , this fritter is more than enough for even 8 people.

Yang Ming is very particular about his fried dough sticks. First, the fried dough sticks are large and crisp, but between the elasticity of the gluten and the crispy skin, a relatively more elastic gluten taste is still chosen. Therefore, the skin of the fried dough sticks is chosen to be more extreme and crispy, which combines the pursuit of refinement. , the art of the original ordinary civilian cooking.

next moment.

When the three of Hinata took a bite, they really felt that the fried dough sticks were extremely crispy. The skin of the newly baked dough sticks collapsed immediately after being pressed by the lips and teeth.

"Delicious!" Hinata opened her mouth cutely with a look of disbelief!

"My God, it's so much better than the breakfast my mother made!" Inuzuka Toa said in surprise, and Akamaru yelped in approval.

Oil girl Shino didn't talk to her, she just ate faster

As a big foodie, Miss Hinata has eaten countless delicacies, and she couldn't help showing a shocked look, commenting:

"This fritters are delicious!"

"In the fried dough sticks, the inner hollows are intertwined, giving the second wave a very tense and elastic taste. The fragrance of oil and noodles is intertwined, and it is very layered. It is unbelievable that someone can cook a breakfast so carefully and so deliciously. !"

Good fritters are always hot, the meridians at the two ends are tangled, and a bit tough and chewy; A piece of cold fried dough sticks is like a dead snake all over the body, which makes it hard to lift.

What makes Hinata most proud is that she just ate one fried dough stick, and she found out that the best thing about dough sticks is two pointed ends, probably taking the crispness of the pointed ends before they are toughened, and eating them just right.

Of course, Miss Hinata did not forget, and soy milk.

It is said that soy milk is related to Liu An. The King of Huainan was good at alchemy, and accidentally made soy milk. Many ancient Chinese people had similar harvests. It is said that gunpowder made by alchemists is one of the four great inventions. In fact, how many civilians can gunpowder benefit? It's soy milk. For thousands of years, there have been countless people living in Haohao Tangtang. Of course, soy milk cannot become the four great inventions. Although soy milk feeds people and gunpowder kills people, the countless living people are not as famous as those who kill people. It is also said that soy milk comes from Bagong Mountain, which is the place in Feishui five hundred years later. Therefore, it is said that Chinese food is invincible. If you want to find out about street food and drink in another country, you dare to trace it all the way back to the few who loved it before the BC.

The soy milk color is amazing. After all, it was pale yellow and white, and she was lying there quietly as if she was a lady, exuding a faint fragrance.

Soymilk is light and neutral, without sugar, and has a bit of bean fragrance, and it tastes delicious with sugar. Soy milk has always been less thick and closer to a drink. It is hot and thirsty when you get up early in early summer.

Drinking soy milk bowls, everyone is holding hands and sipping, the rhythm is very slow, take a sip and take a breather to chat and so on.

What's more worth mentioning is that is accompanied by the soymilk specially made by Yang Ming that Bai had just taken out. Hinata poured the soymilk down a bit.

The fried dough sticks soaked in soy milk were washed with oil, half-soft and half-crisp when chewed, and the heat was just right. Of course, after soaking for a long time, it will be soft and sloppy.

The holes of the fried dough sticks quickly inhaled a large amount of delicious soy milk, and the original crispy skin and elastic inner core immediately softened.

The fried dough sticks soaked in soy milk were washed with oil, half-soft and half-crisp when chewed, and the heat was just right. Of course, after soaking for a long time, it will be soft and sloppy.

As soon as Hinata put it in his mouth, the soy milk juice overflowed in his mouth instantly, very delicious!

It can be said that only when the noodles are large enough and expanded to the maximum extent, can the crispy feeling of the skin be displayed and diners can experience such a feeling. Therefore, the size of the fried dough sticks is not the result of an unprovoked pursuit.

Fried dough sticks and soy milk are a match made in heaven, probably the most well-known diet pairing in human history. No matter the number or history, it is enough to kill the British heirloom fish and chips.

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