Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 799: what is a big relative

Just after taking a few bites, Tiantian looked up and saw that the fireworks guy started to wink at him again.

Tian Tian was scooping a spoonful of Hu spicy soup to cool it down, and when he saw her appearance, he couldn't help staring at her and asked, "What are you doing? Just say something and see what you look like!"

Seeing Tian Tian being so fierce, Hua Huo immediately twitched his neck, stuck out his pink tongue, and made a face, "It's nothing, nothing, Aunt Tian Tian, ​​continue!"


Hearing that Hua Huo actually called her auntie, Tian Tian was suddenly angry, but she was still a yellow flower girl, is she so old?

However, seeing that Matekai and Xiao Li were present, it was difficult for him to have a seizure every day. He just held back his anger and said, "Hua Huo, you are so naughty, does your father know?"

Originally, Tian Tian thought that as long as he moved out of the signboard of Hyuga Hizu, Hana Huo would admit to his counsel.

But who knows, Hua Huo said proudly: "Of course my father knows!"

"Isn't your Rixiang family very strict about tutoring? Your dad allowed you to be so naughty?" Tian Tian asked suspiciously.

"A little bit!" Hua Huo stuck out his tongue, "I'm the little princess of our family, and it's too late for my father to hurt me!"

day by day:"……"

You are right, I am speechless!

Sure enough, what kind of parents will have what kind of children!

Thinking about it too, Hinata's talent is not good, and he is not favored by Hyuga Hizu. Instead, because of his extraordinary talent and hard work, he is naturally regarded as the jewel in the palm of his hand, and as the successor of the future patriarch.

No wonder Hana is so naughty!

In front of Hyuga and Hizu, of course, Hua Huo was a man with his tail tucked into his head, and he did not dare to show his side of the great devil in the world, but since he came to Yang Ming's store, Hua Huo completely unraveled his nature and exposed it all.

After arguing for boredom every day, he stopped caring about her and turned his attention to Xiao Li.

"Little Li, did you participate in the world's No. 1 martial arts tournament held recently?"

"Ah?" Xiao Li raised his head blankly, with a dough stick in his mouth, "The world's first martial arts tournament, what is that?"

"I got you!" Tian Tian put his hand on his forehead and sighed, "You don't know about this, do you? The whole village knows it!"

Suck, suck, suck! Suck, suck, suck!

Xiao Li sucked hard in his mouth, mixed fried dough sticks and Hu spicy soup, and drank his stomach with a snort.

Afterwards, Xiao Li touched his nose awkwardly.

"I really don't know about this!"

"I really lost to you!" Tian Tian was speechless.

Xiao Li smiled awkwardly, "Tian Tian, ​​what's the point of that competition, is it more interesting than physical exercise?"

"Stupid you! In this world's No. 1 martial arts tournament, you can fight against the powerhouses in the world, and even people from other worlds participate, even if you can't get the top three, as long as you can compete in the sky arena If you reach the 200th floor and become the landlord there, you can get a luxurious room and enjoy the delicious food cooked by Boss Yang Ming for free!"


Xiao Li was taken aback, "You said, can you eat the food cooked by Boss Yang Ming for free?"

"That's really great, I must go to a competition like this!"

"Cough cough cough!" Seeing Xiao Li so passionate, Matekai coughed, "Xiao Li, as we are invincible youth, how can we fight for free food!"

Xiao Li was instantly moved, with tears in his eyes, clenching his fists, and said enthusiastically, "Hey! Teacher Akai, you are so right!"

A pair of masters and apprentices hugged and cried while everyone looked at the wonderful flower, shedding hot tears.

"I said you..." Tian Tian twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely, and sighed while holding his forehead: "Can you not be ashamed in public! I really don't want others to know that I know you!"


For Tian Tian's voice, Master Li and apprentice suddenly ignored it.

"Alas!" Tian Tian sighed, "Sure enough, I shouldn't be looking for a fool like Xiao Li!"

"When it comes to falling in love or something, I still need to find a Prince Charming like Sasuke who is my favorite!"

After a few words from the bottom of his heart, Xiao Li swept away the breakfast in the wind, and his pupils seemed to be burning with raging fire.

"Teacher Akai, every day, please come and witness how I shed my youth!"

After saying that, Xiao Li raised a thumb and grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing two rows of shiny white teeth.

Tian Tian only felt that he had blinded his kryptonite dog eyes for a moment, and even sighed while holding his forehead, turned his face away, and didn't dare to look at him at all.

It's so embarrassing!

Xiao Li, you can be a single dog all your life!

Tian Tian took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm himself down, took a deep breath, and forced a smile on his face.

"Mr. Akai, Xiao Li, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do. I'm really sorry that I can't accompany you to the Sky Arena."

"Ah?" Xiao Li blinked blankly, "Tiantian, but didn't you say that just now?"

Just now, now is now!

Kui Lao Niang wanted to find you as her boyfriend just now, but I didn't expect you to be a martial idiot with no fun at all. You are really stupid!

These words just flashed through Tiantian's mind, but did not say it.

The corners of Tiantian's mouth twitched fiercely, he stood up hastily, and said in an apologetic tone:

"I'm so sorry, but I think I'm leaving right now to go to work."

After that, Tian Tian waved his hand to stop Xiao Li from opening his mouth to speak, and turned around in a dashing stride, as if escaping from the **** of plague, and walked towards Yang Ming's shop.

Every day I walk in a hurry, for fear that if I go one step later, I will lose face and be thrown home!

Seeing Tian Tian's slender figure go farther and farther, Xiao Li's heart suddenly felt lost, as if something very important had left him forever, he felt sad and heavy.

Xiao Li looked at Matekai with a puzzled expression and asked:

"Teacher What's the matter, every day, you're in such a hurry?"

"Hmm..." Metkay touched his smooth chin with one hand, and a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes, then he put his palm up, made the expression of someone who came over, and suddenly realized: "Tian Tian, ​​this should be every girl. A big relative who comes several times a month has arrived, so we have to rush back to deal with it."

"Ah?" Xiao Li looked bewildered and bewildered, tilted his head to look at Matekai, and asked inexplicably, "Mr. Akai, what kind of big relative is so powerful that it can make every girl feel Like an enemy?"

As he spoke, Xiao Li's eyes seemed to light up.

"Mr. Akai, can I find this big relative? I want to fight him twice!"

Matekai put one hand on Xiao Li's shoulder and said earnestly: "I need to explain this!"


The two super single dogs whispered.

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