Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 959: The apprentice's favor can't help but help

A bright light appeared on the edge of the blade, as if there was a life-like jump, which made the heart throb.

For a long time, I threw the prawns at random. In his hands, if the water suddenly became spiritual, it flew up and down around the prawns, and the paper-thin shrimp shells fell like snowflakes and piled on the plate. . In the end, after a long time, Teruki only had bare shrimps left in his hands.

Yang Ming's eyes became brighter and brighter as he followed the rules for a long time. He looked at the young man in front of him with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth. Some of the characteristics of the other party were obviously inherited from China - the kind of unique Chinese people. Flexibility and full performance.

After watching it for a while, Yang Ming became more and more satisfied.

Obviously, Jiuwu Zhaoji has a solid foundation, and after losing to him, he also put in a lot of hard work.

And just as Yang Ming's impression of Jiuga Zhaoji got better and better, Jiuga Zhaoji's cooking was finally made.

Yang Ming's eyes suddenly widened after seeing Jiu I open the lid of the cooking according to discipline.

After a long time, I opened the lid as per the rules.

"This is……"

After seeing the appearance of this dish, Yang Ming was stunned - although the actions of the previous cooking time were enough to show that I have been following the rules for a long time, but after seeing this dish, he was still stunned.

The food itself is nothing special, but the prawn meat on top is exceptionally conspicuous.

Although I have been peeled for a long time, it still exudes a spirituality like vitality, as if the prawn has come to life, and it keeps beating on it, and a sea breeze-like smell floats along with it.

Erina was also surprised.

"It's amazing!"

Erina couldn't help but opened her mouth - you must know that if cooking can achieve this level, it means that cooking has entered the palace of the cooking world. It is enough to get a very high evaluation from the appearance alone, which is also high-end A must for cooking.

Therefore, Erina looked forward to it even more.

After all, the appearance is so outstanding, so what will the taste be?

Erina couldn't wait to pick up a piece of prawn with a fork and eat it. The smooth texture she just put in her mouth made her think of the girl's skin involuntarily.

The shrimp meat is fresh and tender, and it has a mellow wine aroma. When you chew it in your mouth, it can be said to be delicious...  

Erina ate more and more, and gradually became drunk. Her face was ruddy, and she stretched out her arms to embrace Yang Ming next to her, "Oh, what a rare delicacy, ah..."

She took another mouthful of Maggi drunk prawns, and then she said more and more to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming looked at Erina who was full of drunkenness, and hurriedly called his secretary, Feishazi, and a car came over quickly and took Erina home.

At the same time, Jiu I threatened according to the rules, hoping that Yang Ming would stay and help him.

Fortunately, the summer festival will be held for several days. Yang Ming is also free recently, so he agreed and left.


Yang Ming took the key and walked up to the third floor. He followed the clean white floor with kitchen smoke and went upstairs. When he got to the third floor, he found his dormitory corresponding to his number plate. He opened the door, and it was empty. Neither do people.

There was some noise outside the door, and the sound of cooking could be vaguely heard.

The dormitory is a one-person room, with standard decoration like a hotel room, a bit similar to Western-style, not Japanese-style wooden floors. I didn't see Ishiki Hui suddenly come down from the ceiling, but let Yang Ming

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