Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 962: The right way to eat sushi

Even a fishmonger who has dealt with tuna all year round is difficult to achieve such a precise one-shot kill, but Saito Somei did it.

The samurai and Rongguang cheered, and when he heard the cheers of the guests, Saito Somei was unmoved on the surface, but he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.

Because, at this very moment, in this place, he is the **** of sushi!

"Huh... If it was me a few years ago, I wouldn't have imagined that I could handle seafood so well, right?" Saito Somei rushed the **** blade, gently wiped off the residue on it, and returned to the chopping board. .

The tuna with the head removed is still huge, and if it is filmed, it cannot even be included in the footage.

The dark-blue body seemed to be made of steel, while the bright red flesh on the cross-section was indestructible marble, reflecting an unusually cold reflection in the light.

Just looking at such a gesture, it seems reserved and inhumane, but in the next moment, like incredible magic, they will be turned into delicious delicacies on the dinner plate in the hands of the cook.

The tuna, which swam slowly in the deep sea according to the established trajectory, reciprocated day and night among the shoals of aquatic plants and fish.

Thousands of years of evolution have allowed it to have all the hunting conditions that are conducive to predators - a crescent-shaped tail stalk, a streamlined body, and a vigorous ridge.

It can fall to the level where the prey is located like a cannonball, and then swallow it in one bite with lightning speed, which is called a cheetah in the sea.

And the firm muscles that it has worked so hard to evolve from are also a first-class delicacy on the human dinner plate.

After concentrating his mind in front of his eyes, Saito Somei focused all his senses on the tuna at hand, ignoring everything that was happening around him.

He pulled a knife with all his might, and the blade penetrated vertically and horizontally in the flesh of the fish until it turned into almost identical sides along the spine, and then put down the long knife that made it a little laborious, and replaced it with the cold and clean knife that he brought. .

The next action is a lot more freehand. The blade that flips up and down at the speed of light continuously slices the lower layers of pink and white fish fillets from the huge fish. Each knife is accurate and steady, without any hesitation. In the sound of chopping, it was completed in a blink of an eye.

Yang Ming's eyes were inseparable, he opened the three-hooked jade writing wheel to steal the teacher, and brought all this back to his eyes. The pieces of fish were spread out into perfect arcs, and the thicknesses of the pieces were exactly the same. Miracles that can be created by hand.

Yang Ming had already seen similar knife craftsmanship, so he was not surprised, but the other guests stared at them and took a deep breath.


Saito Sooming has always been ruthless, and put a small plate of prepared sushi in front of Yang Ming.

Seeing Saito Sooming putting the dishes on the table in front of him, Yang Ming's attention was also drawn to the past.

The bright red tuna meat is tender and juicy, like layers of snow superimposed together, making people feel a kind of inner peace.

Dongying sushi is the most famous Dongying food in foreign countries, and it is also one of the traditional foods in Dongying cuisine. The main material is cold rice seasoned with vinegar (referred to as vinegar rice), plus fish, seafood, vegetables or eggs. When used as ingredients, it tastes delicious and is very popular among the people of East Ying.

Even so familiar, eating sushi requires a lot of attention, and many people may not know it.

Yang Ming took a sip of green tea before eating sushi.

Drinking green tea is a tradition in Dongying. Eating sushi with green tea can get a better Japanese food experience. Of course, compared with ordinary tea bags on the market, Saito Somei, a sushi restaurant that uses matcha powder, makes Yang Ming even more. You can feel the taste of authentic Toyo sushi.

If you want to eat delicious sushi, you must be "jealous".

Don't underestimate the role of vinegar, vinegar can make the taste of rice more delicious, it can keep sushi fresh, and it can also enhance the umami of sashimi.

Each sushi specialty store uses different vinegars, but Somei Saito's sushi restaurant creates unique sushi vinegar to provide customers with the best taste and texture.

This is worthy of praise.

At the same time, the rice for making sushi should be moderately soft and firm.

Yang Ming noticed that Saito Zongming chose Dongying pearl rice for his sushi.

The stickiness of this pearl rice ball is between Thai basmati rice and glutinous rice. It is more suitable for hand-held sushi. If the rice is cooked too soft or too hard, it will affect the taste of the sushi.

Use chopsticks to eat, this is something that children know.

But the authentic way to eat sushi is to grab it with your hands, which may sound a little weird.

Because, in the Edo period, the production method of sushi has entered a mature stage, and it is still used today. In Toyoung sushi is kneaded with your hands, and you eat it with your But if you absolutely want a pair of chopsticks to eat sushi, be careful that the chef will think you don't Know the rules of eating sushi.

on the other hand.

Wasabi is sushi's best friend.

Mustard can not only sterilize and disinfect, but also increase the irritation when eating. If someone is not used to the strong sashimi flavor, mustard can also play a role in masking this odor.

Of course, there are no hard and fast rules in this regard, it is up to your own tastes and preferences.

How is the sushi made by Saito Somei?

With this doubt, Yang Ming stretched out his hand and gently grabbed a piece of tuna sushi.

I ordered some vinegar and mustard with the tuna part, and Yang Ming took a small bite.

After the tuna meat is eaten, it quickly spreads in the mouth.

A sharp kitchen knife cuts the incision, so that the tuna fillets still retain the fresh taste. Saito Somei handles it very well, which not only ensures the deliciousness of the fish, but also gives the fish a good appearance and color.

The tuna meat in this dish has a moderate thickness, and the delicious aroma of the tuna is fully displayed, allowing Yang Ming to clearly feel the breath of the sea.

Running barefoot on the cool sandy beach, the clear sea water washes the soles of the feet, a kind of coldness from the heart welled up in my heart, my body trembled, and my whole body seemed to be numb.

Snow-white seagulls flying in the sky, crabs walking on the beach, shrimps in shallow water, and the sea breeze blowing on the body...

"Huh..." Yang Ming opened his eyes and looked at Saito Sooming in front of him, "Yes, very good dishes."

"Thank you." Saito Somei bowed slightly, "I'm glad you like it."

"I know a little bit about fish fillets, but I want to say that in this dish, the thickness of the fish fillets is really just right."

Yang Ming grabbed a piece of fish, and the tender meat was even more delicate under the light, like a piece of rough jade.

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