Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 974: Did you see your father-in-law?

"Come on, Erina, how long do you want me to wait?" The man crossed his legs and put his hands on his knees with ease.


"This gentleman, can I trouble you to let me go? This is the seat I reserved." Yang Ming walked over and said.

"Heh..." The man looked at Yang Ming with unpleasant eyes, "Is what he said true? Erina?"

"That's right!" Hishako Shinto said hurriedly, "This is the place reserved by Erina-sama's friend!"

"So...what are you doing while I'm away..." The man looked at Yang Ming with pity, "Friend? You don't need that kind of thing."

"Look at these guys in the restaurant, you have to remember, Erina, your dishes are not for this kind of guy! You have to choose your diners carefully."

"But don't, let them bring down your taste..."

Hey... this guy... Yang Ming is getting more and more unhappy the more he listens, is he really tired of living? Running here to fire a map cannon?

Don't you even look at who these people are in Erina's restaurant? Those are all prominent figures in the Dongying food industry! There are several judges in the autumn selection!

You are not afraid of them taking you...

"Something's wrong..." Yang Ming suddenly realized that something was wrong.

After the man said that, the restaurant was eerily silent, and no one spoke to rebuke him.

And looking at the expressions of those people, although it is not as obvious as Nakiri Erina's face, it is indeed scary!

Who is this man?

"These guys, how can anyone know what "real food" is? "

That contemptuous tone really made Yang Ming couldn't help but say: "We don't know, you know what "real food" is? "

"Of course, you stinky brat..."

Before Yang Ming could get angry, he continued, ""Real food" is similar to quite beautiful paintings, sculptures, and music. "

"The real value of all first-class art can only be understood by properly educated people with character and taste."

"Ordinary people can't understand these values ​​at all, it's just pure fun."

""Real food" is such a thing, it is the existence that very few people can reach a consensus on value, and this can be called "dish", and other things are not "dish", just "feed". "

"Guys like you who think that you can call it "gourmet" using high-quality ingredients, can't understand what I'm saying? "

It was still silent, and it really couldn't be refuted, these mortals...

Just as he was thinking this way, Yang Ming, who was beside him, suddenly spoke up.

"I never thought that "food" could be made with high-quality ingredients..."

"In the end, whether it's ingredients or kitchen utensils, it's just a tool. Only people use tools, and no tools use people."

"But I can't agree with the "food" you mentioned! "

The man listened, noncommittal: "Then you can talk about what you think is called "food". "

Everyone's eyes turned to Yang Ming, he didn't seem flustered at all, and said seriously, word by word:

"Cooking is an art, I don't deny it. "

Hearing this, the man raised his eyebrows and said, "Keep talking."

"But unlike painting, sculpture, and music, what 'cooking' produces is a necessity for people's survival. "

"We can live a day without the pleasure of painting or music, but we can't live without the satisfaction of "food". "

"A chef is not like a painter, a musician, or a sculptor! For a chef, the purpose of cooking is not a desire for self-gratification, or an exciting sense of accomplishment!"

"As chefs, our purpose is to bring happiness to people with the dishes we make!"

The man was still smiling freely when he heard the front, but frowned when he heard the back, and reprimanded: "What nonsense!"

"I thought you could come up with some brilliant insights... Didn't I just say it? It's just to satisfy daily needs, that kind of thing is not "food" at all, just "feed"! "

"Only dishes that are carefully crafted and look like works of art can be considered "food"! "

"I don't think so!" Yang Ming retorted fearlessly.

"Let me ask you, the rice **** made by my mother that I took out of my backpack when I was away from home and tired from the journey. Although the color is simple and the taste is dull, is it really not a good food?"

"On the night of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the shabby but joyful and warm banquet shared with family members is not considered delicious food?"

"When my friend was sick, I thoughtfully cooked a bowl of steaming white porridge without any seasoning for him, and ate it with some simple pickles. Compared with the delicacies you mentioned, I think it is ten thousand more delicious. times!"

"What you said is inconspicuous..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Ming quickly That's right! It is these seemingly inconspicuous, insignificant happiness, if we can pass it on, it is the greatest happiness for us as chefs! "

"Because 'food' is something that can make people feel happy! "


The man stood up unhappy, looked directly at Erina, and said, "Erina, you really found some good friends..."

"What a disappointment..." He shook his head and walked out of the open door.

No one stopped him from going out, just as no one stopped him from coming in.

"So... Who the **** is this person?" Yang Ming asked Xinto Feishazi with his hands folded, watching the man's retreating back.

"That's Nakiri Thistle, Erina-san's...father..."

"Huh?" Yang Ming turned around with a more surprised expression than when he heard that the national football team qualified for the World Cup. "That's Erina's father? I thought he was the one who found fault!"

But that scene just now didn't seem like a touching father-daughter reunion...

"I'm sorry Erina... I seem to have messed up something..." Yang Ming scratched his head embarrassedly, but saw Nakiri Erina approaching him step by step.

Then, hugged him tightly.

"Thank you... thank you... Yang Ming."

An inaudible thank you that can only be heard when you get close.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yang Ming took Nakiri Erina into his arms.

He was right just now.

Erina is really shaking.

"I don't know what happened, but it's all over~"

Yang Ming said lightly, but Nakiri Erina's expression did not improve at all.

Because he knew that since that man came back, it meant that...

Everything is just beginning.

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