The Hokage sent Anko to lead Shino, Uchiha Makoto and Ino on this mission.

After leaving the Hokage’s office, Anko was still relatively silent.

“Teacher Hongdou, are you feeling unwell?”Ino observed the situation of Anko-sensei the most keenly.

Anko looked at his student and smiled, and shook his head,”It’s nothing. I just want to take you to carry out the mission. I’m thinking about it. What needs to be prepared?”

With that said, the few of them dispersed on the street, and each went back to their homes, preparing what they needed to bring with them for this trip.

However, in the Hokage’s office, the Hokage had already stood up from his position. , came to the window, and she also saw Hongdou standing on the roadside.

“Red beans! I’m thinking that maybe this mission can evoke some of your memories. One day you will remember something that happened to you and tell us what it was.”

It wasn’t until the Hokage could no longer see Anko that he turned around and ordered his men to do other things.

Anko was still thinking about some of the abnormal situations she had experienced the day before, and those things that remained in her memory. Some things always linger

“What happened?”Anko looked at the sky and asked such a question that may never be answered.

Everyone came to the village entrance to gather.

Uchiha Makoto laughed, and the most noisy

“It has been prepared for a long time, let’s set off, this time we are going to see the majestic waves of the sea!”

Uchiha Makoto walked at the front with his head held high, which actually made the two ladies following him laugh.

Shino didn’t have any expression. He just walked along and saw what they would encounter along the way.

Waiting for Uchiha During this period of time, Haimai had already looked at the map and some information about the Kingdom of the Sea and the Kingdom of Water.

In addition, he even did a little research on the situation of the Sea Demon.

After Ino walked a certain distance with them, Then I started asking about Teacher Hongdou

“What happened to the Sea Demon? Is it a monster in the sea?”

“According to the information we have now, she should be a mermaid who comes specifically to rob passing merchant ships. She has become more frequent in recent times.”Anko told the few people in front of her what she knew.

Uchiha Makoto asked:”Does there really exist such creatures as mermaids in this world? Could it be a deception, or some psychic animal controlled by others?”

“This is also possible! After all, all the crew members who were robbed by him did not remember much about the scene at that time.”Hongdou responded slowly.

It’s like I myself can’t remember a memory from time to time. Maybe we are all subject to the same restrictions.

Hongdou continued to walk forward, leading his students to prepare to go to Wang Haizhi. In the direction of the country.

When they reached a dense forest, several black figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

Hongdou saw that they were two wandering ninjas.

Such ninjas no longer have fixed villages. They can Said to be specifically for robbing families and homes.

Hongdou was the first to use the fireball technique, spraying it on the two ninjas in front of him.

The two ninjas dodged the fireball technique on the left and the right, and aimed their attacks at Uchi Haimai and Ino.

Since they were at the edge, they responded relatively quickly.

At this time, Shino also let his flying insects fly out and wrap up one of them. _See the ununderlined version Please download Feilu for the novel

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