Illusion-the fox's heart!

This is an illusion that makes people walk into a maze. But when it is applied to multiple people at the same time, the schemer will wander around unconsciously, just like being deceived by a fox. A lot of physical energy had been consumed before the middle operation was discovered.

Xiao Ming performed illusion on the little Sakura, and the little Sakura who was hit still stayed at the moment when he was blown up by his own ninjutsu.


When the smoke cleared, little Sakura realized that Xiao Ming was missing, thinking that Xiao Ming was hiding in hiding and preparing to attack him.

Little Sakura guarded the surroundings, and at the same time looked for the location of Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming used illusion skills to fix little Sakura, and used Wood Style to make a recliner, just put it aside and rested.

Half an hour later, little Sakura still didn't find Xiao Ming's trace, and finally found something wrong.


Little Sakura disrupted Chakra, unlocked Xiao Ming's illusion, and watched Xiao Ming not far away, lying leisurely on a recliner reading a book, knowing that he had lost.

Little Sakura walked to Xiao Ming's side and said frustratedly: "Teacher, I lost!"

Xiao Ming packed up the intimate heaven and said: "It's okay little Sakura, you are still young. One failure does not mean failure forever, as long as you find your own shortcomings, and then make up for it, this is growth."

"Understood, teacher!"

"Go and tidy up! Starting tomorrow, I will guide you in your new practice."

"is teacher!"

Xiao Ming looked at the little Sakura who left, still very satisfied. It's just that Sakura's lack of combat experience, this can only be improved through a lot of actual combat.


The flying segment is here, and Deidara brought it back.

Although the two came back together, they were both straight-faced.

Xiao Ming asked why, and Deidara said: "This flying segment actually mocks me, saying that my art is plagiarized from clay figurines!"

Dedala's words made Xiao Ming feel familiar. It seems that in the original book, A Fei (also Obito) mocked it.

The situation in the original book is like this.

Deidara and ALFY went to catch Three Tails and passed by a meatball shop. There is a white pig pottery in the shop. ALFY mocked Dedala's clay modeling as plagiarism, but an angry Deidara blew ALFY off.

The current situation turned out to be ridiculed by Fei Duan, which is incredible.

Xiao Ming asked: "Fei Duan, how do you ridicule?"

Feiduan said, "When Dedara and I were on our way, we were hungry. We happened to encounter a meatball shop, so we thought we should go to eat to fill our stomachs first."

Xiao Ming curiously said: "It's not that there is a pig's pottery in the meatball shop, you just mocked Dedala for plagiarism, right?"(Read more @

Deidara and Feiduan looked at Xiao Ming at the same time. The expression is like seeing a ghost. The two said at the same time: "You know this too!"

Xiao Ming scolded Gu "I rely on"! I thought to myself: It really is the meatball shop!

Xiao Ming pretended to be an expert and said, "That must be! In this world, there is nothing that Xiao Ming doesn't know about!"

Deidara and Fei Duan protected important parts of the body at the same time, and said at the same time: "You don't even know what underwear we wear, right?"

"Damn~! Is this uncle so perverted?"

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "Yes!"

"Asshole~! Uncle let you see what is the real abnormality!"

Konoha Ultimate Body Art Profound Meaning-Weird Power Thousand Years of Death Continuous Bomb!



On a new day, Xiao Ming brought Sakura to one place. The training ground established yesterday and asked: "What do you think of yesterday's battle?"

Little Sakura thought for a while and said, "In the battle between ninjas, you must use everything that is beneficial to you so that you can win the final victory."

Xiao Ming smiled and said, "What you said is only part of it."

"Part of?"

"Yes, part." Xiao Ming paused, and continued: "The battle between ninjas, I compare it to falling in love!"

"Ah... why is it falling in love?" Little Sakura was puzzled by Xiao Ming's metaphor.

"A ninja fight is to collect the intelligence of the opponent, and then make corresponding responses to defeat the opponent. This is the same as falling in love."

"Teacher, how can this be the same as falling in love?"

"When you fall in love, you must first understand the other person, and then start pursuing to win the other person's love. This is the same as the battle between ninjas!"

Little Sakura muttered, "Ms. Mingming doesn't have a girlfriend."

Xiao Ming coughed awkwardly, and said: "In other words, through observation, analysis, formulation, and action. Fighting through these four steps."

"Yesterday’s battle, from the very beginning, you directly chose to attack. There was no comparison with the gap between us. This was a fatal mistake. And yesterday’s battle, you didn’t use your strengths to attack at all. It was also a fatal mistake. Mistakes."

"My strengths?"

"Yes, my strengths!"

"Teacher, what is my strength?"

"Good question!" Xiao Ming replied: "What you are good at is medical ninjutsu and physique. Medical ninjutsu is not suitable for combat. Your physique is very powerful, but you are afraid to come into close contact with me and choose Long-range attack."

Xiao Ming continued to explain some combat experience, and Sakura also listened very carefully.

After Xiao Ming explained the combat experience, he said to the little Sakura: "Today I am going to teach you illusion. Do you know what illusion is?"

"As a kind of mental attack, illusion is the three necessary skills (ninjutsu, physique, and illusion). Illusion is to disturb the opponent's mental thoughts, causing the five senses (five senses) to feel abnormal and fall into the world of illusion. Chakra is usually used to interfere with the opponent's five senses, disturb the opponent's Chakra, and make them fall into hallucinations." Little Sakura replied.

Xiao Ming nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, Sakura's theoretical knowledge is very solid, and Xiao Ming is very satisfied.

Xiao Ming said: "Illusions are specifically divided into two categories, non-pupil illusion and pupil illusion!"

Xiao Ming taught little Sakura to popularize science and review the knowledge of illusion, and also explained how to crack the two illusions. Little Sakura listened very carefully.

When practicing, time often passes quickly, and one day passes like this.

At the end of the day's practice, Xiao Ming gave little Sakura a scroll to record illusions, and put the child back in stock.


Kirabi decides to run away from home and pursue his musical journey.

The Xiao organization was disbanded by Xiao Ming. No one was going to arrest Eight Tails, and Kirabi had no cover, so this time Kirabi escaped quietly.

Fortunately, as the most perfect Jinchūriki in the Naruto World, it is easy to escape from hunting and escape from the village. It's just that the news of the disappearance will not be concealed for long. So Kirabi is still fast on the road.

After Jiao Du left Rain Shinobi Village, he continued to be a bounty hunter. The target of the mission received this time is the Land of Thunder.

Just arrived at the corner of the border of Thunder Country, and just met Kirabi.

In the eyes of Jiaodu, the sudden appearance of Kirabi is like a moving golden mountain. How could he not be tempted?

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking collection! Ask for a reward!

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